In Chula Vista, CA: Officials lied to public about Drag Queen background checks, MassResistance FOIA request reveals
Another chapter in the sordid story of pro-LGBT politicians pushing a depraved agenda
MassResistance parents fighting back every step of the way!
February 17, 2020
A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by MassResistance has revealed that the Mayor and a City Councilman in Chula Vista, CA, blatantly lied to the public about criminal background checks being done on the “Drag Queens” reading to children in the city’s public library.
Since last September, a growing group of MassResistance parents in Chula Vista, CA has been battling with the Mayor and City Council over the depraved “Drag Queen Story Hour” event held on Sept. 10, 2019 in the public library. The parents are adamant that the Council never allow it back.
But the Mayor and a “gay” City Councilman continue to vigorously defend it and refuse to rule out having it again. The two officials have outrageously referred to the parents “haters” and “bigots” for their concerns – which angers people in town even more!

Parents are irate because, as MassResistance uncovered last year, two Drag Queens in Texas had been convicted of child molestation, and another one was a convicted prostitute. Moreover, the Drag Queens invariably have a history of activities steeped in lurid homosexual and transgender perversion – as their own social media posts often advertise.
Lying to the citizens
Thus, the Chula Vista parents also demanded to know if the two “Drag Queens” at their library had had background checks. And so the two officials arrogantly announced during City Council meetings that these Drag Queens had certainly been properly checked out. (See the video above.)

During the October 1, 2019 Chula Vista City Council meeting, after listening to the complaints from parents, Mayor Mary Salas turned to them and said the following:
I really feel badly for some of the people that came here and spoke because I think that they weren’t there at the story hour, they didn’t see the content, they didn’t understand that the stories were vetted by our librarian, they didn’t understand that the performers were vetted out and there were background checks on these people.

During the January 14, 2020 City Council meeting, Councilman Steve Padilla, an out homosexual who has been particularly vicious towards critics of the event, turned to the parents in the room and lectured them:
The program in Chula Vista was fully vetted by our professional staff and library staff to include complete background checks on the individuals that were participating.
These were both clearly said in a matter-of-fact way to “shut up” the parents about background checks.
The FOIA request
But their statements just didn’t seem to ring true. So on February 4, 2020, Arthur Schaper of MassResistance filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the City of Chula Vista. It simply stated:
“I would like a pdf copy of the record which shows that the city of Chula Vista (whether through the library, the police department, or another agency) completed a background check on the two drag queens who read to the children at the September 10, 2019.”
A week later, on Feb. 11, 2020, Arthur received this interesting answer from Tamisha Woods, Sr. Records Specialist in the Office of the City Clerk:
I have been informed by staff that there are no responsive records to your request, however the City does not require background checks for any of its performers as they only work with staff for less than twenty hours and the city has a standing policy that they are considered episodic volunteers and do not require a background check.
The letter went on to say:
The performers, "Raquelita" and "Barbie Q" have been fully vetted via the same process as all other one-time library performers, which is: Staff booking the program has checked their references, previous history of events and relevant professional affiliations.
In other words, there were no “complete background checks” at all. The library’s “vetting” process was not really much more than just checking any “references” the Drag Queens offered.
Read the entire reply from the Office of the City Clerk.
How depraved was the Chula Vista “Drag Queen” event?
The “Drag Queens” and their reading event at the Chula Vista library – that the library staff and the politicians continue to support so strongly – was in fact more bizarre and debased than most people realized.

Here’s what the local San Diego Reader newspaper reported about the event:
On September 10, Francisco Soto and Xaime Aceves Equihua (stage names “Barbie-Q” and “Raquelita”) presented Drag Queen Story Time to a reported 300 adults and children at the Civic Center Chula Vista Public Library on F Street.
Dressed in drag, they were introduced to the children as “performers.” Illustrations were displayed on a screen as Soto and Aceves read "Julian is a Mermaid," a story about a young boy who decides to take on a female persona. They also read "It’s Ok To Be Different."
[Soto and Aceves] call themselves “The Hottest Exxxotics” in “DL Bros,” a music video they produced about gay bar hookups. As the group name suggests, their songs contain sexually explicit lyrics, including, “Don’t go chasing DL bros. Just stick to the queers and the twinks that you’re used to. I know you’ll use your dildo or just your palm. If you’re lucky put your fist up his a--.” [NOTE: “DL” refers to “down low” – slang for a man who has homosexual sex but keeps it hidden from family and friends.]
When not reading to kids at libraries, Xaime Aceves Esquihua and Francisco Soto have been known to rap on YouTube about dildos, fisting, and gay-bar hook ups with “twinks” and “DL bros.” … They posted the video to their YouTube channel “Queer Novela” six months ago.
The Cambridge Dictionary defines “twink” as a “gay man who is young, slim and looks like a boy.” … Five months ago they posted a video on YouTube with a scene from a strip club that shows nudity. Mayor Salas did not respond to a question about whether people who publicly post such content are appropriate public library storytellers for children.
Illustrations from "Julian is a Mermaid" that were shown to children at the library included multiple pages of Julian undressing to his underwear; before he turns into a mermaid, again when he takes a bath, and before he finds a sheet to wrap around his waist. (In the most-liked comment about the book on, Carol said it “makes me uncomfortable... every time you turn around Julian is stripping down to his skivvies and putting on makeup.”)

If the library staff actually vetted this, and if, as Mayor Mary Salas claims, they also approved that particular book, then the library staff clearly needs to be replaced. Perverted people like these have no business deciding anything regarding children.
And if Mary Salas actually attended this event, as she told the public, and still defends it so glowingly, that tells us all that citizens need to know about her. Both Salas and Padilla need to be thrown out of office as soon as the voters can do it.

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