Transgender “Rights”
A sampling of our reports and commentary.
Massachusetts led the way…
Massachusetts voters overwhelmingly say “yes” to transgender “bathroom” law
What happened? Question 3 (protecting transgenders in public accommodations) passes by lopsided 68-32 margin, keeping this horrible law in place. Big changes needed – or this will keep happening. 11/9/18
(Transgender protections in public accommodations were added to Massachusetts law in October 2016. Massachusetts Family Institute tried and failed to repeal this law in a 2018 referndum.)
Trans Females in Men’s Spaces
The other side of the Bathroom Wars: It’s time to address the issue of trans females in male locker rooms and restrooms. Fall 2018
It’s time to STRONGLY oppose the Transgender Movement
The transgender war on cultural norms is not just about restrooms and pronouns. It's about denying biological fact and quotidian reality. It's about an epidemic of irrationality, a cultural contagion, a mass delusion claiming more victims every day. It's about silencing free thinkers who refuse to bow to the radical "gender" ideology. 7/4/18

MassResistance testifies at “transgender non-discrimination bill” hearing in Mass. Legislature
Confronting politicians’ acceptance of absurd concept. “Moderate” pro-family groups avoid the real issue. 10/14/15
History of Mass. “transgender rights” law passage
The Mass. Transgender Rights law passed Nov. 2011. (Public accommodations were added in 2016.) Massachusetts schools implementing "transgender non-discrimination" policies -- fueled by the 2011 law. How the radical "transgender rights" law finally passed in Massachusetts (on its 3rd try). Flawed pro-family strategy led to fatal "compromise." 12/11/12
Homosexual and transgender activists celebrate "transgender rights law" with Mass. Governor and top politicians
The Massachusetts State House event from hell on Jan. 19, 2012. Vocal anger & hostility toward pro-family citizens. Photos & videos. (Posted 2/25/13.)

Mass. Dept. of Elementary & Secondary Education, “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity,” 2/15/13.
MassResistance addresses State Board of Education and Education Commissioner over forcing transgenderism in schools
Photos & video. 3/1/13
State Board of Education used radical transgender group's document to draft their directive for state's schools
A document dated November 2012 -- just three months earlier -- was published by the radical Mass. Transgender Political Coalition(MTPC). It's titled "Best Practices for Serving Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students in Schools." 3/1/13
Mass. state education officials release directive to force transgenderism into all schools
"Transgender" boys playing on girls' sports teams, using girls' locker rooms, name & pronoun changes, etc. 2/19/13
How the trans movement lobbies your state legislators
Pushing transgender bill through the Mass. State House: How the homosexual-transgender movement uses activists to lobby your legislators. 12/14/12
Transgender Lobby Day at Mass. State House: Chairman of Judiciary Committee calls opponents of transgender bill "ignorant"
Says "Get over it" if transgenderism makes you uncomfortable. (Photos and videos.) 1/29/10
"Transgender summer camp" for kids celebrated in Boston media
Disturbing descriptions of body mutilations. "If you disagree, you're supporting suicide," say gay activists. 9/11/12
Boston Globe celebrates sex-changes for children by major hospital on front page of Sunday edition.
Article about a 14-year-old boy (one of identical twins) who has "become" a girl. For the past three years his parents have had him undergo powerful puberty-blocking drug treatments. As a result, the boy is now five inches shorter than his brother and has some female-like features. This will be followed by series of female hormone injections and ultimately operations to remove male body parts and "create" female-imitating body parts. The effects of the opposite-sex hormone treatments are irreversible and will leave the boy sterile as an adult male. 12/12/11

On Kevin Jennings, “1993 Education Report to the Massachusetts Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth” –
As early as 1993, GLSEN founder Kevin Jennings floated protections for “transgender” students in the schools. See our analysis (published 2011).

Elementary school teaching cross-dressing and transgenderism in 3rd grade in Newton, Mass. schools. (2006)
Gender, Restroom, & Pronoun Confusion
Dr. Norman Spack of Boston Children's Hospital defends "transgender child" expressing "identity" in Mass. public school in 4th grade. (2005)

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