Same-Sex “Marriage” – MassResistance Reports & Activism
Massachusetts & U.S.
Other States
The Brett Kavanaugh circus vs. Elena Kagan’s kid-glove treatment in 2010 .
Republicans refused to fight when a true radical – Elena Kagan – was elevated to the US Supreme Court. 10/9/18
[Kagan’s elevation to the Supreme Court guaranteed the 2015 Obergefell “gay marriage” ruling. Our MassResistance report (2010, updated 2015) on her sexual-radical bias was ignored by Republicans in the Senate (and mainstream “conservative” groups and media). And Republicans refused to demand Kagan recuse herself in the Obergefell case.]

“The Big Evil” – How very bad things (transgenderism, “gay marriage,” X-rated sex ed) can happen.
The progressives’ mass-subjugation tactic for silencing people and destroying their will. 11/22/16
The Kim Davis standoff: Religious freedom argument is not enough. Can there be religious freedom without a cultural counter-revolution? 9/20/15
Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis jailed – as the post-“gay marriage” revolution ratchets up.
Article in pro-“gay” magazine outlines what’s in store for America. 9/4/15
A last-ditch effort to stop “gay marriage” – File for re-hearing? 7/9/15. Also: The Republican cave-in. 7/16/15
The Turning Point: Lawless “Gay Marriage.”
The rule of law was killed in Massachusetts in 2004. The judges and Governor got away with its murder. 7/7/15
US Supreme Court marriage ruling: How we got to this & what to do now. A candid analysis from the trenches. 7/1/15

Pro-family arguments at Supreme Court “gay marriage” hearing very frustrating, non-aggressive.
Playing to “conventional wisdom” that has not worked so far. Entire case lacks legal legitimacy. 5/1/15

Ten things you need to know about the US Supreme Court “gay marriage” case being heard April 28, 2015.
What was once a fringe, unthinkable idea could be imposed on the entire nation. 4/26/15
MassResistance Special Report: Why Justice Elena Kagan must disqualify herself from Supreme Court “gay marriage” case.
Kagan’s outrageous record as Dean of Harvard Law School: aggressively pushed the LGBT agenda over period of years. MassResistance tried to keep Kagan off the Court with this proof of her bias. (This information was ignored by Republicans, along with other conservative groups and media.) Updated 4/20/15; original 2010.
Four states file bills to circumvent “gay marriage” rulings by federal courts. Stopping the juggernaut of madness. MassResistance working with activists and key legislators. OK, TX, SC, MO. Updated 3/17/15
How activists can stop the “gay marriage” steamroller. Lesson from Maryland (2010-2011). 10/22/14
How the pro-family movement helped spread “gay marriage” across America. Analysis of the Oct. 2014 Supreme Court announcement that it would not review any of the seven appeals from five states where federal judges had “struck down” the states’ bans on “gay marriage.” A major blow. 10/10/14
Answering the lie of “gay marriage and the wrong side of history.” Includes great Boston Globe column by Jeff Jacoby. 6/14/14
MassResistance and the marriage fight around the world
Spain, Finland, Hong Kong, even noted in Al-Jazeera. 5/28/14
MassResistance creates powerful 28-minute video on what “gay marriage” did to Massachusetts. 10/9/13
Analysis of DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) and Prop 8 Supreme Court rulings: What happened and why – and what’s next. How the pro-family movement botched these cases. 6/27/13

Analysis of the Prop 8 and DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) “gay marriage” cases before the US Supreme Court. What’s going on and what could happen. 4/8/13
How “gay marriage” won in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, and Washington. 11/13/12

MassResistance releases updated version of booklet: “What same-sex ‘marriage’ has done to Massachusetts”…
It’s far worse than people realize. 8/2/12
US Appeals Court “strikes down” Defense of Marriage Act provisions regarding federal benefits, tax filing.
Legal strategy is first step toward forcing “gay marriage” on entire country. 6/1/12
Gays threaten & harass Catholic church over marriage sign.
Threaten to burn down local Catholic church & profane attacks after pro-traditional marriage sign is posted on church property. 5/22/12

After Obama’s “gay marriage” announcement – will the GOP start to cave in? With links to other conservative commentaries. 5/15/12
BOOK: Mitt Romney’s Deception: His Stealth Promotion of “Gay Rights” and “Gay Marriage” in Massachusetts
& eBook excerpt:
How “Gay Marriage” Came to Massachusetts: Gov. Mitt Romney’s Failure in a Constitutional Crisis.
The only documentary history of what really happened in Massachusetts. Published July 2011.

Analysis of July 8 Defense of Marriage (DOMA) ruling. Federal judge in Boston strikes down DOMA after lawsuits by Mass. AG and homosexual legal group GLAD. Absurd legal reasoning by activist judge. 7/21/10; updated 10/22/10
Mass. homosexual lobby endorses “Republican” Dan Winslow – Gov. Mitt Romney’s Chief Legal Counsel - for State Rep over Democrat candidate.
They thank Winslow for his support of the “gay marriage” ruling. 9/28/10
Homosexual lobby’s lawsuit to strike down federal Defense of Marriage Act heard in US District Court in Boston.
Going back to most reliable method of deconstructing society. 5/12/10
Mass. GOP Lt. Governor candidate Tisei gives interview to homosexual magazine.
Pushing for Transgender Rights Bill, fighting the marriage amendment. 5/10/10
Massachusetts man fired from job over Christian belief in traditional marriage.
Now revealed: How Senator Ted Kennedy stopped the Marriage Amendment in Massachusetts.
Mass. Atty. General Martha Coakley sues federal government to overturn Defense of Marriage Act.
Major politicians, media, join celebration of 5-year anniversary of “gay marriage” in Massachusetts.
Massachusetts had important role in marriage ballot questions across America (California, Florida, Arizona, Arkansas) & Homosexual activists threaten violence in California over results.
Special Report: What same-sex “marriage” has done to Massachusetts.
It’s far worse than most people realize. 10/20/08
MassResistance files papers for Referendum Petition
To force statewide vote on Legislature’s repeal of “1913 Law” – to prevent exporting “gay marriage” across America. 8/19/08
Mass. Governor Deval Patrick signs “1913 Law” repeal in gala State House ceremony.
Arrogantly celebrates spread of same-sex “marriage” across America. 7/31/08
House repeals “1913 Law” by 119-36 vote. Opens door to exporting “gay marriage” across America.
National homosexual groups pouring money into state to lobby Massachusetts legislature to export “gay marriage.” 7/14/08
VoteOnMarriage Failed the People.
MassResistance predicted the failure of Massachusetts Family Institute’s compromising amendment. 6/14/07
Massachusetts Governor, Lt. Governor, Speaker of House publicly congratulate homosexual activists.
Video; minutes after defeat of Marriage Amendment on State House steps. 6/14/07
Defeat of Mass. VoteOnMarriage Amendment: Photos inside & outside State House on June 14, 2007.
Hundreds demonstrate at State House during Constitutional Convention on marriage amendment. Homosexual activists celebrate and gloat after Legislature kills amendment. Gov. Patrick, Speaker of House, Senate President, and others publicly congratulate homosexual activists. Roll call of the vote. 6/14/07
Letter from 44 conservative leaders across America challenged Romney on claim he “defended” marriage and the constitution.
Urged Romney to act before leaving office. Letter was ignored. MassResistance press release. 1/12/07
Letter to Governor Romney from 44 conservative leaders imploring him to reverse his Executive orders implementing “gay marriage” before he left office. Dec. 20, 2006 letter with list of signers.12/20/06

Homosexual activists disrupt peaceful pro-marriage rally held by VoteOnMarriage
At Worcester City Hall, Massachusetts. Catholic activist Larry Cirignano targeted with phony charges of assault & battery, civil rights violations. Dec. 2006
Timeline Documents Romney’s Role in Creating Same-Sex “Marriages.”
FAQs: Is same-sex “marriage” legal in Massachusetts? What happened in Goodridge ruling? Unconstitutional actions by Mass. Supreme Judicial Court; Gov. Romney violates his oath to uphold laws; etc.
“Gay Marriage” is NOT legal in Massachusetts.
Letter to Tony Perkins, Family Research Council (who was supporting Romney).“No argument for the legality of homosexual marriage in Massachusetts can survive an examination either of the state constitution or of the Supreme Judicial Court’s own case law.” 9/8/06

Protesting Gov. Romney at Republican event in New Hampshire. Informing our neighbors: Romney is the “Father of Gay Marriage.” Sept. 2006.
Massachusetts Marriage License and Certificate. No longer “husband and wife.” Governor Romney implemented unconstitutional “gay marriage” ruling, changed documents to read “Party A” and “Party B.” Documents used starting in 2004.
Anti-Prop 8 "Nuremberg-style Rally" in Boston on California vote. Rage and anger against people of faith who didn't vote the way they wanted. 11/20/08
Homosexuals begin campaign of terror and violence against churches in California and across US because of Prop 8 election loss. 11/13/08
California Supreme Court “strikes down” normal marriage – continues constitutional crisis throughout America. Citizens need to come to grips with legal role of courts. 5/15/08
Defeat in Connecticut on same-sex “marriage.”
Strangely, pro-family groups in Conn. claimed a victory because they were able to get religious exemptions against prosecution for discrimination written into the new law. 4/27/09
Delaware Legislature votes on “gay marriage” this Tuesday. It’s down to one vote in Senate.
Pro-family forces fighting hard. 5/3/13
Lessons learned from the Hawaii “gay marriage” fight.
Hawaiian citizens confront legislators on gay marriage in State House hearing. Are ignored & insulted.
House committee, and full House, ignore five days of powerful testimony against bill from across Hawaii. 11/12/13
Ten thousand Hawaii citizens rally against “gay marriage” outside of State House.
Senate cuts off public hearing to pass bill. Battle moves to the House. 10/31/13
Hawaii governor calling special session of legislature on Oct. 28 to pass “gay marriage.”
Churches mobilizing to stop it. 9/17/13

Pro-family forces stop “gay marriage” in Illinois legislature as session ends.
Defeated homosexual lobby despite overwhelming odds. 6/2/13. See also here, here, and here.
Iowa voters remove three Iowa Supreme Court justices who imposed same-sex “marriage” on state.
Iowa Supreme Court hears arguments on same-sex “marriage.” MassResistance article making the rounds.
More judicial madness. 12/12/08
How “gay marriage” won in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, and Washington
Maine pro-family leader gets death threat, Catholic church harassed, in wake of same-sex “marriage” vote.
11/11/09 See also here.
Counterfeit Marriage Rejected in Maine.
Liberty Counsel press release. 11/4/09
Homosexual movement begins massive propaganda campaign to win “gay marriage” vote in Maine in November. Also: Could Maine be the first state that loses a marriage vote?
Enormous public hearing on same-sex “marriage.”
Citizen outrage. 4/27/09
How “gay marriage” won in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, and Washington.
Top 10 reasons Maryland lost “gay marriage” battle -- after winning last year.
“Gay Marriage” bill passes Senate in Maryland by thin margin after tepid pro-family fight.
See also here and here. 2/29/12
Maryland pro-family activists stop “gay marriage” bill in Legislature.
See also here, here, and here. Feb.-March 2011
How “gay marriage” won in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, and Washington
In liberal Minnesota, traditional marriage still leading in polls as referendum nears.
New Hampshire
MassResistance in New Hampshire “gay marriage” fight as Legislature holds public hearing but delays bill.
“Moderate” Republicans cave in. 3/4/11
NH Judiciary Committee stops “same-sex marriage” and “transgender” bills.
NH same-sex “marriage” hearing draws crowd - but not transgender bill hearing.
New York
MassResistance interviewed in Bloomberg News on New York’s “gay marriage” law.
Media propaganda pushes “economic benefits” of “gay marriage.” 7/8/11
How “gay marriage” passed in Republican-controlled NY Senate: Pressure, payoffs, political cowardice, selling out of principles. Also: How MassResistance battled in NY State House against “gay marriage” bill.
New York Orthodox rabbis fighting hard for traditional marriage.
NY State Senate rejects “gay marriage” bill, shocks homosexual lobby.
North Carolina
Lessons from the defeat of “gay marriage” in North Carolina. Also: Media bias: Coverage in Boston newspapers.
Rhode Island
What really happened -- how the marriage battle in Rhode Island was lost. Also: Two “pro-family” Senators cave.
Hispanic pro-family rally overwhelms Rhode Island State House at “gay marriage” hearing.

Gay marriage bill stalling in RI Senate after pro-family pressure.
MassResistance booklet cited in State House debate. 2/1/13
Powerful Rhode Island marriage rally at State House public hearing
With MassResistance speaker. 1/22/13. Also: First public hearing. Pro-family rally & press conference by religious coalition with MassResistance. 1/15/13

South Carolina
MassResistance addresses defiant rally for marriage at South Carolina State House.
Legislators, pastors, doctors, and others ignite the crowd for bill to bypass federal court ruling forcing “gay marriage” on state. 3/8/15
Utah fighting federal judge’s ruling overturning state’s Marriage Amendment.
MassResistance working closely with activists. 1/14/14
Vermont Legislature overrides Governor’s veto, passes same-sex “marriage.”
Vermont files same-sex “marriage” bill.
Another “gay marriage” battle looming in Australia. MassResistance helping educate pro-family citizens there.
It has failed to pass numerous times in the National Parliament. But another fight is on the horizon. 10/23/16
Catholic Archbishop in Australia facing fines, punishment over pro-marriage pamphlet in Catholic schools.
LGBT movement claims pamphlet is “insulting.” Demanding “gay” diversity training in Catholic schools. 12/5/15
Australia facing same-sex “marriage” legislative threat this month.
Threat returns after being stopped last year. MassResistance helping activists. 10/9/13
“Gay marriage” bill overwhelmingly defeated in Australian Parliament. Despite huge effort by homosexual lobby, pro-family groups successful in educating lawmakers. 9/25/12. Also: Defeated in Australian state of Tasmania. 9/28/12
Australian Parliament still waiting to take “gay marriage” vote. Reaction from their politicians to our “same-sex marriage” booklet. Australian National Parliament to vote on “gay marriage.” August 2012.

Croatia votes overwhelmingly to ban “gay marriage” despite intimidation tactics.
Voters ignore pressure from government, media, activists (and even US State Dept). 12/9/13
Movement in Finland to repeal “gay marriage” law ignites across country – using MassResistance materials.
With a new pro-family government elected this year, the battle is gearing up across Finland with more energy than ever. 8/21/15
Homosexual lobby pushes “gay marriage” law through final votes in Finnish Parliament at lightning speed.
Opponents vow to overturn it next year after national elections with new Parliament. 12/17/14
Finnish Parliament narrowly votes for “gay marriage.” But still more hurdles before final passage. Big push to stop it.
12,000 Finns resign from Lutheran Church after pro-gay marriage remarks by Archbishop. 12/8/14
Finnish Parliament is about to begin debating a “gay marriage” bill. May 2014. Also: MassResistance video translated into Finnish by religious leaders. March 2014
Hong Kong
Hong Kong MassResistance: Taking on the “gay marriage” fight.
Also: how the government defines “transgender.” 8/21/17

MassResistance video posted by Hong Kong pro-family activists: See video on marriage with audio in Cantonese.
May 2014.
MassResistance helping fight “gay marriage” around the world.Battles in Hong Kong, Finland, and more. 5/6/14
What REALLY happened in Ireland’s election: Massive US-funded “gay marriage” blitzkrieg as never seen before. Nationwide vote would have surely failed otherwise.
Are other countries next? This should be a wake-up call around the world. 5/28/15
Ireland national vote on “gay marriage” on May 22. Pro-family activists used MassResistance info to warn voters of consequences.
Up against millions of US “gay” dollars and overwhelming support by politicians, media, business, and liberal elite. 5/21/15
In Jamaica: MassResistance helps citizens confront “gay” agenda.
Camenker’s speech at pro-family rally broadcast on national radio. 12/29/13
Pro-family citizens fill the streets of Mexico City. Demand end to “gay marriage,”
Homosexual couples’ adoption of children, and transgender agenda in schools. 9/26/16

Upcoming Mexico City marriage rally being attacked in media, threatened by government.
But Mexican pro-family organizers are standing strong. MassResistance asked to help by countering hostile reports by mainstream media. 9/22/16
Massive pro-marriage rallies held across Mexico. MassResistance helped.
Confronting Mexican President’s effort to impose “gay marriage” nationwide. Over a million turn out in 122 cities & towns. 9/16/16
Leader of Nigeria MassResistance publishes book on LGBT battle in Africa.
Prominent Nigerians from church, education, and business communities attend book launch event. 8/25/17

Nigeria MassResistance taking on the battle in Africa.
Confronting the international LGBT movement out to undermine the region’s culture. Our first chapter outside the US. 9/30/16
Legislature in Nigeria passes bill outlawing gay marriage, gay activism, and public gay behavior.
Taiwan rejects same-sex “marriage” in nationwide vote.
[Later overruled by Legislature in 2019.] Also votes to ban LGBT agenda in schools. MassResistance started aiding Taiwanese effort in 2016. 11/28/18
Taiwanese protesting the anticipated “gay marriage” ruling by Supreme Court.
Protests continue in Taiwan as Supreme Court prepares to announce decision. 5/22/17
MassResistance helping fight “gay marriage” in Taiwan.
Taiwan’s state-run news agency cites MassResistance helping educate people on dangers of “gay marriage” as bill passes initial hurdle in national legislature. 12/27/16
US Virgin Islands
“Gay marriage” battle brewing in US Virgin Islands. Pastors fearlessly organizing to stop it.
MassResistance called on to help. 8/11/14
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