MassResistance special message to conservatives
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The Massachusetts Legislature realizes that with mail-in voting, automatic driver’s license registering, illegal aliens receiving drivers licenses, early-voting, and drop-boxes to collect votes, the election process is sufficiently rigged in their favor. As a result, every recent ballot question they wanted – no matter how outrageous – and every statewide office as well as an unstoppable majority in both houses of the Legislature was won by the Left.
As a result, the Legislature is pulling out all the stops this year an extremely radical leftist agenda that has never been seen or contemplated before. Instead of serving the public, they are serving a cabal of far-left activist groups that have been steering the agenda on the sidelines.
Last year they passed an extreme abortion bill. In their “budget” session this year they granted in-state tuition to illegal aliens.
As they come back from their summer break, they will be moving forward to pass the a slew of ultra-radical bills into law –
- an unbelievable dismantling of Second Amendment rights
- easier access to abortion
- shutting down pro-life pregnancy centers
- forced vaccinations
- forced transgender insanity
- state-wide rent control
- a BAN on removing pornographic children’s books from public libraries
- continuing to fund housing, food, and free medicale care for thousands of illegal immigrants
- and much more.
It is truly frightening.
Plus, we have a lunatic Governor who is an angry radical lesbian (who was supported by former Gov. Charlie Baker and probably half of the Mass GOP State Committee) who will enthusiastically sign anything they pass into law.
As you know, MassResistance has been stopping bad bills in the Massachusetts Legislature for over 25 years.
We have a bold plan to derail this. We are looking good activists across Massachusetts to get involved with this effort. The time is right now. However, we need people who are committed to winning (you’d be surprised how many have mentally given up!) who can do work on this (phone calls, organizing, emailing, etc. – not just “supporting” the effort on the sidelines). These battles are won with a few good people rather than lots of “moderate” people.
If you’re up to this, please sign up HERE and we will get back to you..
Carthago delenda est!