In North Dakota Legislature: MassResistance “gay marriage” resolution passed by House Judiciary Committee after public hearing.

Another victory for common sense and normalcy over radical LGBT agenda.

Powerful backing: Resolution is sponsored by 7 state representatives and 4 state senators!

Conservatives dominate public hearing testimony. LGBT movement presents usual illogical arguments.

On to the full House vote this week!

February 19, 2025
ALT TEXT State Representative Bill Tveit, a key sponsor of the resolution, tells the House Judicial Committee why it should be passed. It sailed through by 11-1.

Common sense is marching forward!

North Dakota has become the second state to move our MassResistance “gay marriage” resolution forward in its legislature. Two weeks ago, the Idaho House of Representatives passed it overwhelmingly.

The North Dakota resolution is sponsored by 7 state representatives and 4 state senators. On Monday, February 17 the North Dakota House Judiciary Committee held a public hearing then overwhelmingly voted in favor by 11-1.

Conservatives across the state are enthusiastic. Not surprisingly, LGBT groups approached it with their usual deranged logic.

Part of a growing momentum

MassResistance is pushing for state legislatures across the country to pass our resolutions urging the US Supreme Court to overturn its 2015 Obergefell “gay marriage” ruling. The ruling was a move by the activist SCOTUS Justices at the time to take away the rights of the states on this contentious issue.

The 5-4 Obergefell ruling stated that the 14th Amendment required that same-sex “marriage” be allowed by the states. The ruling was deeply flawed on constitutional grounds, and Justice Thomas has stated that – similar to Roe v Wade – it should be revisited. Moreover, two of the Justices (Ginsburg and Kagan) legally should have recused themselves because they had previously officiated at “gay weddings.”

Legislators in ten states are in the process of filing similar MassResistance resolutions.

These resolutions are not legally binding. They simply urge the Supreme Court to revisit the Obergefell ruling. But it’s a powerful message coming from a state legislature.

Big support in Judiciary Committee public hearing

Introduction by the sponsor. Before the committee’s public hearing testimony began, Rep. Bill Tveit, the main sponsor of the bill and a member of the committee, gave an extensive defense of the resolution. He talked about how for thousands of years humanity has recognized a clear definition of marriage between one man and one woman. He quoted Genesis in the Bible. He referenced the Blackstone legal foundation of America’s laws. He talked about protecting children. He finally described how America’s laws have protected marriage, and how the Supreme Court has taken away our right to keep its definition intact.

The public testimony during the hearing was overwhelmingly in favor of the resolution. The LGBT activists were not able to outnumber proponents. There was a time limit of 30 minutes for the entire public testimony, and nine people spoke. Among those, major North Dakota organizations on both sides were represented:

The North Dakota LGBT group that represented the opposing side had no coherent argument against the resolution, so they served up a word salad of absurd leftist talking points:

To the average person this sounds like a bizarre way to persuade people. But it’s the victim rhetoric that LGBT activists are using to keep forcing “gay marriage” on America by court order.

More written testimony comes in. Seeing that they were outnumbered at the actual hearing, the LGBT activists generated a wave of written testimony that they sent in to be included. It was basically more illogical, emotional, and unhinged arguments. MassResistance also submitted testimony to rebut much of what the Left said. You can see all the written testimony here.

The committee votes – to pass overwhelmingly

After the hearing, the main sponsor talked about how this is a multi-state effort that makes an important statement for the entire country.

The House Judiciary Committee then voted 11-1 to move the resolution forward to the House floor. It was an overwhelming victory!

The full North Dakota House of Representatives is expected to vote on the resolution this week.

Final thoughts

We’re not unwilling to say it: Too many other pro-family groups either “inform” people of what’s happening, or take small, incremental (and unfortunately ineffective) steps towards meaningful change. MassResistance believes in taking bold steps. These important (and long overdue!) resolutions are catching fire and pushing the pendulum back. Much more to come.

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