North Dakota House of Representatives passes MassResistance’s resolution on “gay marriage.”

Calls on US Supreme Court to overturn outrageous 2015 Obergefell ruling.

“Gay” State Rep spoke out against it, but normalcy carried the day!

Goes to the Senate in early March.

February 26, 2025
ALT TEXT The lead sponsor, Rep. Bill Tveit (standing at right), gives a powerful pro-marriage speech before the full House of Representatives prior to the vote.

This week the North Dakota House of Representatives became the second state legislative body to go on record demanding the reversal of the Obergefell US Supreme Court ruling. On Monday, February 24, the resolution passed by 52-40. It followed a near-unanimous Judiciary committee vote,

Last month, the Idaho House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved its resolution by 46-24.

MassResistance’s push for state legislatures across the country to pass our resolutions urging the US Supreme Court to overturn the infamous 2015 Obergefell “gay marriage” ruling is gaining momentum! The ruling was a move by the activist SCOTUS Justices at the time to take away the rights of the states on this contentious issue and simply imposed false marriage on the entire nation. Justices Thomas and Alito have stated that this deeply flawed ruling – similar to Roe v Wade –should be revisited.

These resolutions are not legally binding. They simply urge the Supreme Court to revisit the Obergefell ruling. But they’re a powerful message coming from a state legislature.

Speeches from both sides during House debate

The North Dakota resolution is sponsored by seven state representatives and four state senators, so it already had some momentum. Two members spoke during the House debate, and both sides were heard. But the relative strengths of their arguments were clearly lopsided.

The lead sponsor, Rep. Bill Tveit, spoke first and covered all the bases. He began: “This is based on the laws of nature. It’s that simple.” He read from the Book of Genesis. He discussed Blackstone’s English law commentaries, the Declaration of Independence (“the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God”), and the Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution. He reminded the members that both the North Dakota Constitution and the North Dakota statutes specifically define marriage as consisting of one man and one woman.

He outlined how the Obergefell ruling was deeply flawed on constitutional grounds, and that the 5-4 decision included two Justices (Ginsburg and Kagan) who legally should have recused themselves because they had previously officiated at “gay weddings.” He concluded, “Marriage as a union has never been, is not, and never should be that of a same-sex couple.” It was a very compelling speech.

Next, Rep. Austin Foss, an “out” homosexual who is “married” to a man, stood up and spoke in opposition. He basically regurgitated several well-worn (and easily debunked) emotional mantras and LGBT “marriage” talking points.

He began: “I did not think that less than a year after I made my vows to the man I love that I would have to stand up in front of this body and fight for my rights to exist and be happy.” He talked about spousal benefits, hospital rights, end-of-life rights, and other “rights” being taken away by overturning “marriage equality.”

Then he got into religion. “I don't go into your church or your home and force you to relabel your relationship just because I don't agree with it. … You have every single right to believe that your Creator does not want me to be happy, that your Creator does not want me to love who I love. … But my God loves me for who I am. It’s a message that I’m not welcome here. It’s not Christian-like.”

In the end, it wasn’t a very effective speech for a group who are mostly Christians who had listened to similar LGBT whining for years.

ALT TEXT "Gay" State Rep tries to persuade the House members that same-sex "marriage" is normal and necessary. But it didn't fly with this crowd.

Next stop: the North Dakota Senate

The resolution will go to the Senate sometime in early March. We’re told that the Senate is more conservative (with fewer RINOs) than the House, so the margin of victory is expected to be even greater!

Moving forward across the country

Legislators in ten states are in the process of filing or moving forward similar MassResistance resolutions. We hope to have more exciting news soon. Not surprisingly, the liberal media (and particularly the LGBT media) is not taking it well.

There was one setback this week. On Monday, the resolution fell short of passing in the South Dakota House Judiciary Committee, its initial stop, so it’s done there for this year. It was a combination of having very little time to prepare and lobby, and cowardly Republicans who even ignored the fact that South Dakota had voted for a constitutional amendment preserving traditional marriage. But the sponsor is already preparing for next year.

Final thoughts

Another great victory!

We’ve been pleasantly surprised at the high level of enthusiasm we’re finding among conservative legislators on this issue. They get it – and they’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this fight back against this outrageous injustice perpetrated on society.

As we’ve said before, too many conservative groups focus on “soft” activism or “informing” people – and shy away from bold action. MassResistance is definitely different.

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