UK MassResistance activists confronting the aggressive anti-family government agenda in Britain
Three battles being fought in one city
Fearless activists not backing down; braver than many Americans!
September 23, 2024

Unlike many pro-family groups, MassResistance goes to where the fight is hardest! Right now, the United Kingdom – where there is no First Amendment protecting freedom of speech – has become one of the most oppressive societies in the world, especially against traditional pro-family citizens. In particular, the abortion and LGBT agendas are being aggressively championed by the government, and its wrath falls on anyone who disagrees.

The city of Bournemouth is on the southern coast of England. One of our best UK activists, David Skinner, lives there, and for years has led MassResistance activity in that area. In 2017, MassResistance president Brian Camenker visited David in Bournemouth along with other MassResistance activists across the country.

Three battles in Bournemouth
The three fights described below may seem relatively minor at first glance, but are in fact important moves against the city’s oppression of pro-family citizens.
1. Standing with Adam Smith-Connor who is being prosecuted for silent prayers!
In October 2022, the Bournemouth city council instituted a massive “buffer zone” – approximately 1600 x 800 feet – around the city’s abortion clinic. Within that area, the city prohibits “any act of approval/disapproval with respect to issues related to abortion services.” This includes discussion, literature distribution, sign holding, counseling, making the sign of the cross, or vocally praying about abortion or pregnancy.

This prohibition (labeled a “Public Spaces Protection Order”) even includes the residents in the over 100 private dwellings located within that “buffer zone” area! People we’ve talked to tell us the government has used “spies” and informants to make sure the speech ban is being enforced.

Ironically, David told us, “I have it on good authority that those living next to the clinic often hear mothers immediately after having had an abortion wailing and sobbing. A few even vomit on the sidewalk.” Because of that, he added, some of those families have moved away. But crying by a mother victimized by abortion is not an “activity” that’s considered illegal by the authorities.
Adam Smith-Connor prays silently
Adam Smith-Connor is a UK military veteran. Twenty-four years ago, he paid to have his son aborted. Since becoming a Christian in 2017, he has been grieving for all aborted babies and praying for them outside abortion clinics.
On November 17, 2022, a month after the buffer zone was created, Smith-Connor was silently praying in front of the abortion clinic. Nevertheless, the two police came over and questioned him. But since his praying was not audible, the police allowed him to continue.

However, the police apparently changed their minds about that. A week later, on November 24, Smith-Connor was silently praying there again. He was simply standing behind a tree facing away from the clinic with his head bowed. But the police officers confronted him again. This time they issued him a ticket for a fine of £100 (100 British pounds), which was sent to his house on December 13.
He refuses to pay the fine
Smith-Connor refused to pay the fine, insisting that he had not broken any laws. David Skinner and others publicly stood by him and supported him. So, the Crown (the local prosecutor) summoned him to court where he pled “not guilty.”
The preliminary court hearings for this case continued until last week, with the local prosecutors delaying the case, hoping to intimidate him into paying. He continued to stand his ground. The UK office of the US pro-bono firm Alliance Defending Freedom began representing him.
In its zealous push to oppress pro-family people, the Crown insisted on spending considerable money to prosecute a weak case for a £100 fine. The problem for the Crown, of course, is that Smith-Connor did not break any law, even the outrageous “protection order.” But they would not relent.
The trial
Smith-Connor’s three-day trial finally took place this past week, Sept. 17-19. David Skinner was in the courtroom accompanying him all three days. A local Alliance Defending Freedom lawyer was there to defend him.

The Crown originally claimed that since silent prayer is not specifically “permitted” in the statute, it is therefore prohibited. But that goes against all English common law. During the trial, the Crown’s argument was that since Smith-Connor had his head bowed, that was considered a prayer gesture of disapproval of abortions. Had he not bowed his head, the Crown told the judge, his activity would have been legal. That reasoning is, at best, an extreme interpretation of the ordinance.
At the end of the trial the judge could not come to a decision. A decision is now expected in early October.
Smith-Connor should win if the law is followed. UK MassResistance is at his side to keep him strong! But David added, “If he is found guilty, he will become the first person to become convicted for silently grieving not only for his own son but all the mothers whose children have been murdered in the abortion clinic. And many of those mothers were loudly sobbing as they left."
2. Stopping “Progress Pride Flag” on Bournemouth public buildings
The City of Bournemouth has aggressively promoted (with taxpayer money) all things LGBT, including the hideous annual Bournemouth Gay Pride Parade.

But that’s not all. The push to promote the LGBT agenda has included flying the ugly “progress pride flag” continuously on the city’s public buildings.

UK MassResistance activists in Bournemouth have had enough. They are pressuring their city council to remove those flags because, it turns out, the city is breaking the law by flying them!
The UK’s Local Government Acts of 1986 state that a local authority may not “promote or oppose a point of view on a question of political controversy which is identifiable as the view of one political party and not of another.” Notably, the British Labour party supports the LGBT agenda, and the Christian People’s Alliance party opposes it.
One of the Bournemouth city councilors defended flying the flag, claiming they are not pushing a contentious agenda, but “are celebrating the exuberance and diversity of the LGBT community.”
David Skinner countered that argument with a powerful letter sent to all the city councilors describing the aggressively anti-family goals of the LGBT agenda and how the “progress pride flag” serves to represent that attack on citizens.
MassResistance activists are rallying pro-family citizens in Bournemouth to demand that the city council follow the law. They are also working with former local political candidates who support our position, and connecting them with legal counsel.
3. David Skinner is being prosecuted – for sending an email!
David Skinner, though elderly, is unafraid. A few months after Adam Smith-Connor was visited by the police for silently praying, David was standing in front of the abortion clinic taking photos of friends who were also there. Some police officers began harassing and threatening him. David stood his ground and the officers relented. He then filed a complaint.
A few days later, a police inspector contacted David and apologized for the incident! She said David should contact her if he had any other concerns.
As David thought about it, he realized that there’s definitely another concern that needs to be addressed. The “elephant in the room” here is the fact that horrible abortions are taking place in that building.
A few months later, in April 2023, David emailed a carefully prepared letter to that police inspector. He sent copies of it to the Chief Inspector, the Chief Constable, and the Police Commissioner. In the letter, he said that there were mass murders of babies taking place in the abortion clinic, and urged the police to investigate. He also included photos of aborted babies.
Also in the letter, David called the police the “Gaystapo,” and criticized them for “dancing and prancing in uniform” in the Gay Pride parades and generally “marching to the tune of the LGBTQ+ lobby.”

That seems to have hit a nerve. As David later found out, the Police Inspector and the Police Commissioner’s assistant didn’t like the letter at all. So, they arranged a “lawfare” retaliation. The police department charged David with “malicious communications.” In November 2023, he was brought into court where he pled “not guilty.”
The trial was delayed a few times by the prosecutor. Then in April 2024, the charge of “malicious communications” was dropped, and the police came up with a new charge: violating the Electronic Communications Act of 2003. That statute prohibits “persistently making use of a public communications network for the purpose of causing annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to another person.”
It’s an absurd charge. David sent one email to four public officials, not “persistent” emails to the same person. David’s trial is scheduled to take place next month. He has a great lawyer, and is confident that he will prevail. We talked to David yesterday, and he is more invigorated than ever to win these fights!
(Interestingly, at one point David happened to run into the Police Commissioner, whose assistant was so outraged at the email. The Commissioner himself didn’t seem upset about it. He simply said to David, “So, you’re trying to change the law, aren’t you?” David replied, “Yes.”)
Final thoughts
Oppressive governments in the US and abroad count on the citizens being timid, fearful, and unwilling to confront the tyranny.
MassResistance helps people around the world stand up to that – and beat it!
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