On the horizon: Prominent state-funded “Mass. LGBTQ Youth Commission” calls for legalizing teenage prostitution, lowering the age of sexual consent, and more in its new report.

This Commission has a long record of pioneering changes in law and policy - that spread nationwide.

These are the battles that are coming up.

ALT TEXT This state-funded Commission's ghastly report is the LGBT movement's blueprint of the next steps for eventually the whole country.
July 15, 2024

The LGBT movement’s depraved obsession with children and vulnerable teenagers does not have an end point. The new issues that will come up in the legislatures and schools across the country are more obscene than ever.

If you want to know what’s on the horizon nationwide, the state-funded Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth is the place to watch.

The Commission was established in 1992 as the “Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth” by then-Governor Bill Weld (a RINO). Weld and his Dept. of Education collaborated closely with Kevin Jennings (the founder of GLSEN) and other radical “gay” and transgender activists. Through its annual “reports” outlining the “needs” of the LGBT “youth community” (now defined to include adults up to age 25) the Commission has considerable influence in the Legislature and other state agencies.

A long history of instigating horrible new legislation & policies across the country

The Commission has been the starting point for horrible LGBT legislation and policies that eventually make their way across the country. In the early 1990s, this Commission was pivotal in forcing gay clubs (GSAs) into the schools, introducing student “safety” as a ruse to pass pro-LGBT laws and mandated school policies.

First, the Legislature passed a “gay and lesbian students’ rights” law, then so-called anti-bullying laws (which are meant to punish any criticism of LGBT behavior). Then came LGBT “surveys” in schools, and then transgender “protections” for students. Virtually all of this has since been replicated across the country.

ALT TEXT Back in 1998, the Commission was already sponsoring "Youth Pride" events for "gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered youth under 22."
ALT TEXT The Commission sponsored 2005 Youth Pride: Leslie Feinberg, editor of communist Workers World and trans author/activist (holding left end of banner), was the main speaker, and Drag Queen Story Hour founder Michelle Tea was emcee.
ALT TEXT This was a scene at the Commission's Youth Pride march for "transgendered youth" back in 2007.

And the Commission has continued its long march. For example, in 2021, it complained of an “emergency” and implored the state Legislature to force foster parents to fully support the LGBT agenda or be disqualified. (They began his push in 2013!) This is now happening in Massachusetts and has since spread across the country.

In 2023, the Commission’s annual report demanded that parents who don’t support their child’s LGBT self-identification be criminalized as child abusers – and their children could possibly be taken away. This hasn’t completely passed into law yet in Massachusetts, but the idea is alive and spreading across the country.

ALT TEXT In 2007 MassResistance showed up at a Mass. LGBTQ Youth Commission meeting and took this photo of the proceedings. But the photo doesn't really reflect how weird it actually was!

This year’s report: an even bigger nightmare for the future

In this year’s 330-page report the Commission is pushing for an even more nightmarish LGBT assault on children and society. Like most LGBT “demand” pieces, much of it is rambling, hysterical, and at times incoherent. It was released as “Pride Month” began.

Here are some of the Commission’s legislative goals:

ALT TEXT From the report: A chart for teenagers on how to make prostitution "safer" by using "internal and external condoms."

A long fight that must continue

The LGBT official demands in this report are all frightening concepts that just a few years ago would have been unthinkable.

In fact, we go back a long way opposing them. In 2006 we actually convinced then-Governor Mitt Romney to disband the (then called) Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth! Unfortunately, that only lasted for about a day. The LGBT movement descended on him with fury, and Romney caved in and brought it back. (Note that Brian Camenker of MassResistance is quoted in the Boston Globe article about it.) The LGBT lobby then persuaded the Legislature to remove it from the governor’s direct control and make it a state agency with powers to “collaborate” with all other state agencies.

But all this madness can be stopped! MassResistance is dedicated to helping people across the country fight back.

Final thoughts

We keep butting heads with “pro-family” parents (and organizations) who boldly speak out against “gender” indoctrination in the schools and “transgender” counseling of children – but refuse to criticize the larger, allied LGBT movement.

This refusal to understand the long-standing alliance between “gay” activists and the trans movement has become a liability in this battle. Not confronting gay activism early on has allowed the transgender nightmares we are now enduring.

As the new Commission report shows, the situation will only get unimaginably worse unless we forthrightly oppose these people and agencies.

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