Wyoming parents file criminal complaint against library officials over pornographic children’s books. County prosecutors investigating and considering filing charges.
Special prosecutor assigned to case.
Statewide LGBT group comes to library’s defense – supporting the books.
Reported by national (liberal) media.
October 26, 2021

County prosecutors in Wyoming have announced that they may be filing charges against local library officials after Wyoming MassResistance parents brought a criminal complaint regarding the obscene and sexually charged books in the children’s and teen’s sections.
As we’ve reported, Wyoming MassResistance parents in Gillette have been attempting for months to work with the Campbell County Library staff, the Library Board, and the County Commission, to have the books removed and resolve this. But four of the five Commissioners refused to cooperate with the parents.

Parents file a criminal complaint
On September 29, two local Wyoming MassResistance parents in Gillette, Hugh and Susan Bennett, brought five of the library books to the Campbell County Sheriff’s office and filed a criminal complaint.
The books are:
- This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson
This book promotes an array of homosexual and lesbian sex acts and instructs children how to engage in them. - How Do You Make a Baby by Anna Fiske
This bizarre book for 4-10 year-olds includes pornographic drawings of sexual activity. - Doing It: Let’s Talk About Sex by Hannah Witton
As the cover (below) describes, this book promotes for children the idea of seeking “sexual pleasure” through sex, homosexuality, and masturbation. - Sex is a Funny Word by Corey Silverberg
This book coaches 8-11 year-olds to be comfortable getting naked and being touched. And in particular, to feel okay having their anus touched. - Dating and Sex: A Guide for the 21st Century Teen Boy by Andrew P. Smiler
This includes a how-to guide to masturbation and enjoying pornography.

Similar to other states, Wyoming law exempts schools and libraries from prosecution for displaying obscene material. However, the law does not exempt them from encouraging children to engage in sexual relations – which is a crime in Wyoming and other states.
Thus, the Bennetts filed a complaint under Wyoming statute 6-2-31: Soliciting to engage in illicit sexual relations. It states that an adult who “solicits, procures or knowingly encourages anyone less than the age of fourteen” to engage in sexual acts, including oral or anal sex, or masturbation, is guilty of a felony with a prison term of up to five years.
These books clearly and unambiguously encourage and instruct children to engage in sexual and homosexual sex acts, and masturbation.
County attorney outraged, seeks special prosecutor
The Sheriff’s office referred the complaint to the County Attorney Mitchell Damsky’s office. When Damsky examined the library books, he was outraged. “Personally, as a parent, I find the material to be just inappropriate for children and disgusting,” he told a reporter. He said the books are like giving “hard pornography to children.”
Within a week, the case was referred to the neighboring Weston County prosecutor's office, where a special prosecutor for this case is being assigned. Since the county attorney for Campbell County must defend county employees and staff in criminal accusations, the investigation and possible prosecution of the case was moved to another county prosecutor because of conflict of interest issues.
Story makes national media
Almost immediately, the Associated Press found out about it (likely from left-wing activists connected with the local library) and within a day the story went across the country. The AP, of course, is very left-wing and pro-LGBT. They dishonestly referred to the books as simply being “about sex, LGBTQ issues, and how to have a baby.” A few of the news reports are:
ABC News: Wyoming librarians under fire for books about sex, LGBTQ
US News & World Report: Prosecutors in Wyoming Weigh Charging Librarians Over Books
Reason Magazine: Are These Wyoming Library Books Obscene?
Casper Star-Tribune: Prosecutors in Campbell County weigh charging librarians over books
State LGBT group comes to the library’s support
The most prominent statewide homosexual and transgender organization, Wyoming Equality, also weighed in. As expected, they support books that encourage children to engage in homosexual behaviors, particularly when the parents disagree. The LGBT movement’s obsession with recruiting children is why they help push these books into schools and libraries across the country.
They are using a well-worn tactic to deflect the issue: The false and absurd claim that parents are “threatening” public officials and library staff over the books.
Wyoming Equality’s executive director told the Associated Press that she felt the need to talk with local officials about “the threats” and offer support to the library staff. “They’re being treated so poorly and with such violence and lack of goodwill,” she said. “They’ve had threats. Folks have showed up and said menacing things about the library and librarians.”
This is purposefully misleading. The parents have complained quite firmly about the books. They have criticized the library and the librarians. But they have certainly not threatened anyone, nor would they ever do so. There had been no “violence.” The LGBT activists are simply making that up.

… And the ACLU
What would a controversy on pornography and children be without the ACLU supporting the pervs? Stephanie Amiotte, legal director of the ACLU of South Dakota, North Dakota and Wyoming, told a left-wing blog that her group “stands firmly” behind the Campbell County Public Library staff.
Regarding the pornographic books, she said that children must have “free access to information.” She said that libraries cannot allow “private pressure groups, or politicians, who seek to impose their own political, moral, or religious beliefs by censoring books chosen by professional librarians for library shelves.” The staff of supposed experts, not the community and taxpayers, must be the judge of what children are given, according to that repulsive (but extremely well-funded) organization.
Final reflection
The fact that the library staff, the Library Board, and nearly all of the County Commission in this conservative part of Wyoming publicly support this stomach-turning sexual seduction of children is certainly a wake-up call. There’s clearly a lot of work to do to restore normalcy.
This criminal complaint is a very important start. These books are in libraries across the country. It’s time to take action with MassResistance!

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