Caution: Obscene material
Sample pages from Gender Queer - available in teen section of Campbell County Public Library, Gillette WY.
It's likely in a public library (or school library) near you!
October 13, 2021
Gender Queer is a revolting graphic biography of a young female who wants to be male, but has to figure out how to incorporate her female body into that fantasy. It has depictions of her masturbating while pretending to be male and imagining she has a penis that's receiving oral sex. It includes images of male homosexual behavior, which this young female wants to be a part of.
CLASSIFICATION: Young Adult Nonfiction – in Teen room

Daydreams of being a homosexual male and masturbating ...

Here, the girl is drawn to look convincingly like a teen boy while her sister persuades her to taste her vaginal fluid.

The mental illness in the LGBT "community" is understandable after seeing all this - clearly written by an "insider" to that sordid lifestyle.

More daydreams that these authors would like your kids to have ...

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