Major transgender clinic for children in Dallas closes — after months of activism from Texas MassResistance
Included pressure on Texas Legislature to pass a law protecting children
GOP leaders were subverting effort – until MassResistance exposed huge donations from transgender lobby!
December 3, 2021

Regular people can accomplish great things!
The most notorious “transgender clinic” for children in the southwest United States, the GENECIS (GENder Education and Care, Interdisciplinary Support) Clinic at Dallas Children’s Hospital in Dallas announced it is closing and that the hospital will stop giving “transgender” treatments to children. The hospital has taken down the clinic’s web page. (You can see it as it appeared in April 2020 here.)
The hospital announced last month that it will continue to offer “diagnosis, including evaluation of gender dysphoria” for children, but will no longer provide puberty suppression and cross-sex hormone treatments to children.
This a big victory for the pro-family movement. It follows months of intense activism and pressure by Texas MassResistance, and others, on the hospital, the Texas Legislature, and the Governor.
Here are some of the highlights of what happened leading up to the closing:
November 2020: The GENECIS clinic becomes known to pro-family groups due to the infamous James Younger case. A court was allowing the mother of 8-year-old James to begin “transitioning” to a girl against his father’s strong objections. The father was informed that this was to begin at the GENECIS clinic in Dallas, Texas. MassResistance began planning a series of protests. (See our report.)
March 19, 2021: Texas MassResistance activists began protesting at GENECIS clinic. At times, several police cars came to disperse the protesters, but our people refused to leave and the police ultimately backed down and allowed them to stay until they were finished. (See our report.)

Getting the Texas Legislature involved
Texas MassResistance wanted the “conservative” GOP-controlled Texas Legislature to write into law that child mutilation is illegal and medical malpractice.
Late March 2021: Texas MassResistance activists began lobbying the Legislature to pass a variety of strong pro-family legislation, including a ban on “gender transition” procedures on children. The RINO GOP establishment, which controls the Legislature, was pushing back. But several good bills were filed, nevertheless, including three bills that would protect children from “gender transition” medical treatments. (See our report.)

April 2021: Public hearing on the “gender transition” bans on children. On April 12 and April 14 the Senate and House committees held public hearings on the bills that would protect children from “transgender” mutilation. MassResistance activists and supporters came and gave strong testimony. Not surprisingly, the LGBT lobby and left-wing doctors, aided by large corporations, came in force to lobby in favor of harming children. (See our report.)
At one of the hearings the current president of the Texas Psychological Association (TPA) claimed that these treatments were for “suicide prevention.” But a former president of the TPA testified in support of the bills and debunked that claim.

April 26, 2021: MassResistance activists protest at the local offices of so-called “conservative” Republican legislators who were following the orders from the GOP establishment and opposing the proposed protections for children. (See our report.)

May 2021: Texas MassResistance activists step up the pressure at Texas State House to pass a bill protecting children. The focus was on Bill HB 1399, which would prohibit professional liability insurance from covering medical procedures and hormone treatments for gender transitioning or gender reassignment for children.

Late May 2021: GOP establishment kills the bills. Even with all this pressure, Republican Governor Abbott and the GOP legislative leaders worked tirelessly behind the scenes to keep those bills from getting a floor vote. On May 31, the session ended without any of them being passed.
Outrage erupts as Texas MassResistance reveals huge GOP donations from transgender lobby
June 2021: MassResistance reveals that GOP leaders had received enormous donations from the transgender lobby. A week before the session ended, the National File website revealed that the GENECIS political action committee had donated tens of thousands of dollars to top GOP state politicians. But that was only the tip of the iceberg. The following week Texas MassResistance’s Tracy Shannon did more research and revealed that since 2015, another Texas transgender political action committee had given $800,000 to Gov. Abbott, $825,000 to Lt. Gov. Patrick, $105,000 to Republican Speaker Phelan, and $200,000 to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. (See our report.)
Parents across the state were livid, and there were loud calls to run primary candidates against all of these GOP sell-outs in the upcoming elections.
August 2021: Governor reacts to outrage. In reaction to the outrage, on Aug. 6 Gov. Abbott sent a request to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services asking for an official opinion on “whether genital mutilation of a child for the purposes of gender transitioning through reassignment surgery constitutes child abuse pursuant to state law.” That is, does the law already cover genital mutilation of children?
Five days later, the department replied to the Governor in a letter stating:
Genital mutilation of a child through reassignment surgery is child abuse, subject to all rules and procedures pertaining to child abuse. Such mutilation may cause a “genuine threat of substantial harm from physical injury to the child.” TEX. FAM. CODE § 261.001(1)(C).
(We have not researched that statute ourselves, but we will take their word for it!)
The GENECIS clinic said it only provides “puberty suppression and hormone replacement treatments” to children and not actual genital mutilation surgery. But they could see where this was leading. This certainly would appear to put the doctors in the GENECIS clinic at legal risk at some point.
October 2021: The outrage spread. According to reports, another Texas parents’ group contacted board members and donors of Dallas Children’s Hospital (and even protested at one board member’s home) demanding that the clinic be shut down.
November 2021: The official announcement was made that the GENECIS clinic is being shut down.
Final thoughts
This is what relentless pro-family activism can accomplish! Even arrogant high-ranking state politicians can be forced to do the right thing.
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