Suppression of speech in Canada: Bill Whatcott’s trial for “willful promotion of hatred” to begin in Toronto June 1
Facing prison time for passing out flyers warning about LGBT medical issues, with Bible verses
Is this coming to America?
New crowd-funding page to help Bill pay living expenses during expected 6-week trial (see below)
January 29, 2019

Bill Whatcott continues to be a prime target of Canada’s powerful and venomous LGBT movement. His upcoming June trial – and his supposed “crime” that drew charges of “willful promotion of hatred” – has already made Canadian national news and involved top figures in the Canadian government.
It also has attracted Canada’s foremost criminal defense lawyer to Bill’s case.
Why is this Canadian story so important? Whatcott’s ordeal brings to the forefront the frightening future that the international LGBT movement has planned for all of us. So far, Canada appears to be the first country to severely criminalize any speech critical of homosexual or transgender behavior or "gender" ideology – or even factual medical information. But forced silence is clearly the goal the LGBT movement is working to put in place around the world.
And, to be honest, the way Bill incorporates a sense of humor into his activism has obviously exacerbated the hatred directed at him by the arrogant and completely humorless Left.
Whatcott’s infamous “crime”
Just what did Bill Whatcott do to ignite all this fury?
In 2016, Whatcott used an assumed name to successfully register to march in the Toronto Gay Pride Parade. He and a group of friends called themselves “The Gay Zombies Cannabis Consumers Association.” They marched in the July 3 parade wearing skin-tight green body suits that disguised their faces. (This “Pride” parade was particularly obscene. Bill’s group was marching right behind a group of completely naked men – considered “normal” among the LGBT crowd.)

While they were marching, the “Gay Zombies” handed out approximately 3,000 “zombie safe sex” packets. But they were not at all like the usual “safe sex” packets that contain a condom and instructions on how to use it.

Inside each packet was a folded up two-sided flyer with very explicit medical-related information about the dangers of LGBT behavior. It also included graphic images of anal warts, genital warts, and a blotched corpse labeled an “AIDS fatality.” (Bear in mind that Bill has worked as a nurse and cared for many homosexual men, including AIDS patients. He knows what health dangers “gay” behavior entails. He is motivated by compassion.)
The flyer called on people to give up their sins and come to Christ. It also criticized the Prime Minister and other Canadian political figures for their homosexual activism, and how they have led Canada “on a destructive journey toward sexual anarchy and homosexual inspired oppression.” It included Bill’s personal email and phone number.
When word got back to the “LGBT community” in Toronto what the “Gay Zombies” had done, they were livid. But Bill Whatcott was the only member of the group they could identify, since his name was on packet information and the whole group was disguised.
Bill publicly admitted he was part of the “Gay Zombies,” but he refused to name any of the others who were with him. However, he was not initially charged with any crime.
The $104 million lawsuit
Instead, a month after the parade, several prominent homosexual activists filed a civil lawsuit charging Whatcott and his supporters with defamation and “hate speech.” In the lawsuit, they demanded an absurd $104 million in damages to various LGBT groups.
The lawsuit claimed that the defamed parties included all the marchers of the Toronto Gay Pride Parade, all the spectators who had received the packets, the Liberal Party of Canada, and the politicians named in the flyer. Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne (an “out” lesbian) agreed to be included in the lawsuit.
To make their point on a national level, the plaintiffs held a grand press conference announcing the lawsuit in the Press Gallery of the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa. Their absurd hysteria over this was stunning. Watch the video of it here.

In the lawsuit, the plaintiffs demanded not only that Whatcott and the other marchers in the group (who have still never been identified) be held liable, but also anyone who supported the effort financially or through any other means.
According to the homosexual activists, the main purpose of the $104 million claim was to “smoke out” and extract monetary damages from all the wealthy financial backers of Whatcott and his group. They simply assumed that Bill was being bankrolled by a cabal of big right-wing donors – because that’s how the Left does things. (They also wanted to put fear into anyone who might help Whatcott in the future.) But in fact, there were no wealthy donors. The “Gay Zombies” accomplished their mission on a shoestring budget, funded by the participants themselves.
The lawsuit would also ban Whatcott and his group from leafletting or even posting their information on a website. It would also ban them from marching in any “gay pride” parade in Canada.
But in 2019, after three years of effort, the homosexual activists gave up and dropped the $104 million lawsuit. It became very clear that there were no “wealthy right-wing donors” to go after. And Whatcott continued to refuse to disclose the names of the other “zombies” who marched with him.
So Bill was free from their vindictive legal stunts. Well, not exactly.
In June 2018, as the $104 million lawsuit was losing steam, the second LGBT shoe finally dropped.
Two years after the fact – Bill is charged with a “hate crime”
Suddenly, almost two years after the “crime,” the Toronto Police decided to formally charge Bill Whatcott with the crime of “inciting hatred” under Canada’s Criminal Code. According to published reports, the Attorney General of Ontario personally authorized the charge against Whatcott.
Why did they wait so long to charge him? According to news reports, the police claimed that they had conducted “a two-year investigation” and also had to “liaise” with the prosecution. The more obvious reason is that the LGBT movement realized they had run out of other options to punish Bill, and the government was happy to cooperate by concocting a criminal charge.
Nationwide warrant for Bill’s arrest!
But that wasn’t enough. Immediately after charging him, the Canadian government took the unnecessary but dramatic step of issuing a nation-wide arrest warrant for Bill. In Canada, that kind of warrant is almost always reserved for very serious crimes like murder – not a minor incident that happened three years ago. They could have just called him, or contacted his lawyer instead.
Bill immediately turns himself in to authorities
As soon as Bill heard about the nation-wide warrant for his arrest, he publicly announced he would be traveling to nearby Calgary, Alberta to turn himself in at the local police station.
By then, pro-family people across the region had also heard about the over-zealous actions the government was taking against Bill. As MassResistance reported that day from Calgary, about two dozen Christian protesters, including several local pastors, loudly protested outside the police station as Bill came to turn himself in.

As we also reported, after turning himself in Bill was treated harshly in the Calgary jail and even denied food for 24 hours before being flown to Toronto for his preliminary court hearing.
Initial court hearing in Toronto
The initial court procedure in Toronto was a bail hearing. Bill was there with a local Christian lawyer. The judge granted bail, but imposed several severe restrictions: Bill had to surrender his passport and not leave the country. He could not post or distribute the pamphlet (but MassResistance still posts it). And for the “protection” of the LGBT community, Bill must stay away from all gay pride parades in Canada and not enter the “Gay Village” district of Toronto.
This was clearly no ordinary bail hearing. Bill’s hearing made the Toronto TV news:
Almost immediately afterwards, Bill was suddenly fired from his truck-driving job (the company refused to give a reason) and was “banned for life” from using GoFundMe to raise money. We suspect the usual forces of “tolerance” were behind that. But Bill is not deterred!
If Bill loses this case, he could be sent to prison two years, and possibly also fined. (Meanwhile, he is already facing a $55,000 fine in British Columbia he can’t afford – for his “hate speech” of calling a transgender candidate for Parliament a “man” – which that person is.)
Bill gains a prominent defense attorney!
As the government began building up its criminal case against Bill, his local Christian lawyer realized he had too many other commitments to continue with his case. Then a miraculous thing happened.
Around September 2019, Canadian attorney John Rosen agreed to take Bill’s case if he could get a government subsidy (because of Bill’s lack of funds). Rosen is universally considered the best criminal defense attorney in Canada.
Apparently, although Rosen does not necessarily agree with Bill’s opinions, he believes strongly in free speech and finds this case an interesting test of that. Surprisingly, Rosen was granted the subsidy. He's officially Bill's lawyer on this case! Now, Bill has the best chance of winning this that we can imagine!
Each side lines up an “expert witness”
Each side has lined up a prominent “expert witness” for the upcoming trial.
To help try to “prove” that Bill’s actions constitute “hate,” the government has hired Dr. Nick J. Mulé, an Associate Professor of Social Work at York University in Toronto. According to reports, Mulé is also an LGBT activist. He has already submitted a 16-page paper that basically medical and moral criticism of homosexually is simply a method for promoting hate and discrimination against individuals, and Whatcott is particularly guilty of that. All of Mulé’s expenses are being paid for by the government.
Bill has brought on for his expert witness Dr. Michael Brown, a well-known and highly regarded writer and speaker in the United States on moral and religious issues. Dr. Brown is author of the landmark book, A Queer Thing Happened to America: And What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been. Dr. Brown’s appearance is not being paid for by the government – he is paying for all his own travel and lodging expenses!
BILL NEEDS HELP for this trial!!
Can the LGBT anti-free speech juggernaut be stopped – and beaten back? This will surely be an epic trial for all of Canada – and beyond!
And, as we’ve been reporting, Bill Whatcott has been fearlessly telling the truth across Canada for a while (while most people are afraid to). This is really where the rubber meets the road. Bill and his lawyer are basically up against the top politicians in the country.
Bill Whatcott is standing up for all the rest of us!
The trial starts in Toronto on June 1. It is slated to last four weeks. Bill’s lawyer wants him there two weeks early to prepare for it.
Bill needs financial help. During his six weeks in Toronto for his trial, he will not be able to work. He needs money to pay for food and lodging while in Toronto. Also during that time, he needs to pay for his household expenses back home.
MassResistance hopes to raise $3,000 for Bill’s expenses. We have started a GoGetFunding page for that purpose. (It’s a conservative alternative to GoFundMe.) We would be grateful for any help you can give him:
Bill Whatcott’s GoGetFunding page
MassResistance will keep you fully informed on the developments in this trial!
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