San Diego MassResistance launches full-court press to stop local Drag Queen Story Hour!
Local residents hold powerful press conference—causing local media firestorm!
Local City Council members reach out to MassResistance to seek a solution. City moves venue but so far hasn’t stopped it.
MassResistance speaks plain truth about LGBT agenda, overcoming aggressive LGBT activists. (See VIDEO below!)
September 8, 2019

Our San Diego, California, MassResistance chapter, which is now growing into hundreds of members, has ignited a media firestorm and rocked the political establishment in the suburb of Chula Vista over an upcoming “Drag Queen Story Hour” scheduled for Sept. 10 in the city’s public library. It has also shocked local LGBT activists who have never before seen this kind of rebellion from conservatives and pro-family activists.

Many people are not aware how prominent the LGBT lobby has become in San Diego County. The California State Senate President, Toni Atkins – who is openly “gay” – represents San Diego. One of the most aggressive pro-LGBT activists in the State Assembly, Todd Gloria, also represents part of San Diego. The LGBT lobby has been targeting the region for a long time and hopes to turn San Diego into “San Francisco South.”
For years, conservative parents who have complained about the LGBT agenda in the schools and other venues targeting children have been shut down. But not now!
Confronting the upcoming "Drag Queen Story Hour"
In early August, parents in the area began contacting MassResistance about the city of Chula Vista (on the south side of San Diego), specifically the Chula Vista Library, which decided to host its own Drag Queen Story Hour program.
Our people got right to work. San Diego MassResistance activists began leafleting outside of the three library branches in Chula Vista, to raise awareness and alert the community. They also called and emailed library officials – particularly at the Otay Ranch branch, where the event was scheduled – as well as Chula Vista City officials.

As people in the community became aware, many of them decided to get involved and joined the MassResistance group of parents! In fact, people from as far away as Orange County and Los Angeles County said they would drive down to be a part of the protest.
Local churches also began to get on board. Tony, the leader of San Diego MassResistance, is a leading member in the Knights of Columbus and reached out to fellow Catholic parishioners. Other members connected with different ministry groups in the area. Individual pastors started informing their congregations to alert the public.
Local TV stations report on the Drag Queen outrage
Soon, local TV stations began reporting on the efforts to shut down this depraved program. In the last week of August, pastors spoke with two major networks about the inappropriate nature of the whole program. Both of the TV reports referenced MassResistance as the force behind the outrage.

Confronting library officials
On August 27, San Diego MassResistance activists directly confronted the staff at the Otay Ranch library in Chula Vista. They asked why any library staffer would allow adult entertainers around children. But they were given no answers. The staff would not tell them if any background checks are done, nor would they reveal the names of the Drag Queens that would be performing in the library.

In fact, the parents were told they could not even congregate outside of the library since the Otay Ranch facility is in a privately owned strip mall. So the parents passed out their flyers along the nearby public sidewalk.

True hate from one elected official
On Aug. 28, Council member Steve Padilla – who is very publicly (and aggressively) “gay” – published a hate-filled rant on Facebook against San Diego MassResistance. He simply fabricated vile charges against them. For pro-family groups it’s par for the course from the unhinged LGBT “community.” But it didn’t stop any of our people and only reflected on Padilla’s own dysfunction.
The MassResistance press conference takes the city by storm!
San Diego MassResistance decided that a hard-hitting press conference would be the way to really shake up the establishment on the Drag Queen issue. So they scheduled one for Thursday, Aug. 29, outside of the main Chula Vista library branch. The purpose was to tell the community – in very direct terms – what was about to happen there, how it relates to the larger LGBT agenda targeting children, and demand that the event be stopped!
And what a press conference it was! Our national Organization Director, Arthur Schaper came. Some activists wore MassResistance T-shirts. In addition to Tony and Arthur, the speakers included two local pastors, several parents, two former San Diego schoolteachers, and even a woman who was just passing by but was so incensed at the Drag Queen program that she wanted to say something!

Here is a video clip from the local CBS-TV affiliate in San Diego. It shows Arthur Schaper taking on the attacks from the Left on pro-family activism:
(ALSO: This 26-minute Facebook Live video also shows speeches and Arthur's interactions with the LGBT would-be protesters.)
A fairly large contingent of the local press, including all the local TV stations, came and covered it.

Not surprisingly, a group of rabid LGBT activists came to try to intimidate people and disrupt the event. But that backfired on them! Our MassResistance people confronted the LGBT crowd and they lost their steam pretty quickly! (Five plainclothes and four undercover police officers arrived on scene to keep the peace. They were there in case they had to hold back the aggressive, possibly violent LGBT activists from disrupting the press conference or harming MassResistance activists.)

This was one of the most successful pro-family press conferences we’ve ever seen! It was also probably the most unabashedly aggressive on the issues. Something like this is rarely done – and the Left didn’t know quite how to react.
The fallout from the press conference
Virtually every San Diego area newspaper and TV station covered this. Of course, some of the coverage from the liberal media was fairly hostile toward the pro-family position and MassResistance. The liberal establishment was clearly pretty livid. But the word certainly got out in the community. We’ve been hearing from people ever since who want to help!
Here are a few of the local media reports. (Most refer to MassResistance.)
- Aug. 27 – ABC TV Ch. 10 - Drag Queen Story Time ignites controversy in the South Bay
- Aug. 29 – San Diego Union-Tribune - Opposition to drag queen library event in Chula Vista met by counterprotesters
- Aug. 29 – KPBS TV - People Protesting Drag Queen Story Hour Met By Counter-Protesters
- Aug. 29 - ABC TV Ch. 10 - Protesters clash over Chula Vista library's Drag Queen Story Time
- Aug. 29 – Epoc Times Newspaper (Chinese) on Chula Vista and MassResistance
- Aug 31 – (LGBT) Instinct mag - Chula Vista Library Being Protested for Drag Queen Storytime
The City Council reacts
The day after the press conference, the City of Chula Vista announced that it was moving the Sept. 10 Drag Queen event from the Otay Ranch branch, which is in the strip mall, to the main library branch. Their purported reason was “to accommodate the expected attendance.” That “expected attendance” likely also includes pro-family protesters from San Diego MassResistance. The police station is across the street from the library, and the need for more security was also likely a factor.

From the moment that the drag queen program was announced in August until the scheduled day of the event, the Chula Vista City Council and the Chula Vista Library Commission have canceled all public meetings! So people were not able to engage with them as they normally would.
But after the press conference, two of the Chula Vista city council members contacted MassResistance, to see if something can be worked out.
On Tuesday, Sept. 3, San Diego MassResistance members along with Arthur Schaper met with one of the council members, Mike Diaz, at City Hall. It was a bit of a stalemate, unfortunately. Diaz said that nothing could be done without a majority approving of it, and we demanded that he do more to make that happen.

Pastors hold their own press conference
On Sept. 4, a group of local pastors, including one of the pastors who spoke at MassResistance’s press conference, held their own press conference to “ask that the Drag Queen event be canceled.” They said that they supported our goals, but wanted to present a “more peaceful” approach. Interestingly, despite widespread publicity of the press conference, very few LGBT activists bothered to show up, and those who did were pretty quiet. Apparently they didn’t feel very threatened by the pastors’ conciliatory approach.

Moving forward
On Friday, Sept. 6, a third Chula Vista City Council member contacted MassResistance seeking to find a solution. Three members represent a majority of the City Council. We told him he needed to quickly work with the other two and get this canceled.
On Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 4:00 pm the Drag Queen event is still scheduled to take place at the main Chula Vista library – unless the city takes reasonable action. Otherwise: Will there be an enormous protest outside the library on Tuesday from local residents who have had it with the LGBT movement propagandizing small children to accept their perversions? We’ll let you know what happens!

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