Houston MassResistance activists have a “Drag Queen Story Hour” victory against huge odds
Up against aggressive pro-LGBT politicians and deranged LGBT activists.
After months of battling: In the City Council chambers, in the streets outside of public library, and beyond.
February 24, 2019
Part 1 of 3: The battle in the city council chambers

The Houston, Texas city government is among the toughest venues in America to take on the LGBT movement. Back in 2015, the city politicians passed a transgender law that was so radical it lost a subsequent city-wide referendum vote — even though Houston is a deep blue city. Since then the politicians and LGBT activists — along with the ultra-liberal media — have become even more radical and aggressive.
But it’s not too tough for our fearless Houston MassResistance group, run by a mother (Tracy) and a grandmother (Linda) who back down to no one! This group is truly amazing.

After a three-month battle by Houston MassResistance, they were a major part of causing the “Drag Queen Story Hour” to move out of the public library!
The “Drag Queen Story Hour” comes to Houston
Starting in 2017, the Houston City Council has supported a series of “Drag Queen Story Hour” (DQSH) events in the Freed-Montrose branch of the Houston Public Library. (The city council oversees the library operations.) As we’ve reported, these programs are organized around the country and feature homosexual men in flamboyant women’s clothes – and often garish makeup – targeting very young children. They say it’s about “self-expression and diversity.” But the stated purpose is to get children to feel comfortable with LGBT behaviors at a very early age.
In Houston these events are worse than in other places. The “Drag Queens” seem to come from the “gay” nightlife scene – more overtly perverted and clearly dysfunctional than other Drag Queen Story Hours around the country. It’s any normal citizen’s nightmare that public facilities are being used to do these things to children.

The fight begins
Local pro-family groups and church organizations got involved last summer – and complained bitterly and very publicly.
Also in July 2018, the Houston-based pro-family group Conservative Republicans of Texas began an aggressive information and media campaign to inform people about the Drag Queen events in Houston and how destructive they are. They also started a city-wide petition. The information campaign went up until election day in November.
It caught the attention of the media. In July, 2018, the pro-LGBT local Fox TV affiliate did a (very biased) report on the controversy, which included a short debate between an LGBT activist and Michael Kubosh, a member of the Houston City Council who publicly opposes the event.
In October, three pro-family activists filed a lawsuit against the Mayor of Houston and the library director to stop the Drag Queen Story Hour events. The lawsuit was thrown out by a biased judge (who reportedly has a "gay" daughter and whose family had donated money to the library), but the activists are appealing that ruling.
The Drag Queen Story Hour controversy continued through the fall of 2018, but the city council and library refused to change anything.
MassResistance jumps in – confronting the Houston City Council
In November 2018, Houston MassResistance jumped in and got involved. They decided to take the fight directly to the city council politicians. Tracy, Linda, and others began coming to the Houston City Council meetings.

They handed out information. They testified during the weekly public comments sessions. They told it like it was and they didn’t hold back!

The pro-LGBT mayor and city councilors also became more than a bit unnerved, and reacted to the comments by the Houston MassResistance people with the usual vitriol, arrogance, and illogical arguments:

The LGBT movement reacts to Houston MassResistance
By coming to the meetings often and hitting hard, the Houston MassResistance group really struck a nerve! The local homosexual newspaper reacted by writing an attack article against Houston MassResistance. As with Conservative Republicans of Texas and others, with MassResistance their main cry was to whine about a “hate group.” (It’s become like a broken record.)

And of course the local LGBT activists themselves were apoplectic that pro-family mothers would come and confront the politicians so boldly. When their attempts to get to children are threatened, they seem to get the angriest. They started coming to the city council meetings to try to intimidate the parents. Some of the men in women’s clothes even went into the female restrooms at the library when the pro-family women went in.

The LGBT activists also attempted to do a series of vile and disgusting social media attacks on the MassResistance mothers. This is not an uncommon tactic for LGBT activists to use; much of it owes to their own psychological issues. But these MassResistance parents are very strong, and didn’t let it stop them!

This was only the first round from the Houston MassResistance group.
Coming up:
Part 2: The parents confront the library - and turn up the heat even higher!
Part 3: How the city council and library finally caved – and what’s next.
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