Mayor of Boston holds rally outside City Hall supporting “transgender law.” MassResistance shows up, too!
A message about truth that the “civil rights” and “tolerance” crowd didn’t want to hear
November 3, 2018

On Sunday, October 28, hundreds of pro-LGBT activists and supporters filled City Hall Plaza outside Boston City Hall for a rally supporting the “transgender bathroom” law – and transgender behavior in general – in Massachusetts.
Labeled a “Rally for Transgender Rights,” it was called by Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, a longtime advocate of the homosexual agenda, to promote “Yes on Question 3” in the upcoming statewide referendum. A “yes” vote would keep in place the current “transgender bathroom” law in Massachusetts which covers all public accommodations. A “no” vote would repeal it.

Also helping organize the transgender rally were about a dozen far-left groups such as the Democratic Socialists of America, National Center for Transgender Equality, BAGLY (an LGBT group targeting kids), Stonewall Democrats, and others.
The bizarre themes included calls for “basic civil rights” for cross-dressers, chants of “We will not be erased!”, and demands for “tolerance for all.”

Tolerance for all? Well, not quite …
MassResistance activists showed up with our own theme: the truth. It was probably the first time many LGBT activists had seen any push-back to their lunacy, and they didn’t exactly embrace us. But we didn’t care. Free speech is free speech, we say!

The Mayor of Boston himself didn’t show up, unfortunately. (He was probably busy stumping for Elizabeth Warren.) But it appeared that lots of City of Boston employees were there to represent him.

In the end, they didn't like MassResistance's message, but there was nothing they could do about it. There were dozens of police around, and we weren't afraid of them, anyway. They always like to come and "protest" at pro-family rallies; we figured it was time they got a taste of their own medicine! Plus, it was good for them to hear a different message for a change.
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