How would the U.S. have been different in 2018 if MassResistance hadn’t been here?
Around the country the LGBT agenda is being confronted - and stopped.
Here's how we MADE a difference in 2018. Look for even more in 2019!
December 26, 2018
MassResistance is the only pro-family group that is on the ground mobilizing people across the country (and in several foreign countries). A lot of groups do great writing about the “culture war.” But unless it actually confronted, we will keep losing. Here are a few examples of how we changed things in 2018:

1. Without MassResistance, California would now have the most extreme anti-therapy law in the world.
California Bill AB 2943 would have banned anyone – children and adults – from receiving therapy for sexual orientation or gender identity issues. The bill aimed to prohibit all forms of communication on such therapy, including sermons, recordings, and classes.
At first, many pro-family groups came out and fought it. But despite their efforts, Bill AB 2943 easily sailed through the State Assembly and then the State Senate. It just needed to go back to the Assembly for one quick vote, and then the Governor was going to sign it. At that point everyone had given up.
But not MassResistance. Our California chapter came in and for two weeks conducted the most hard-hitting, relentless, lobbying effort in memory. People from across the state pounded their Assembly members. It wasn’t pretty. But on the last day of the session, the bill’s sponsor officially announced he was giving up the fight. The bill was stopped!

2. Without MassResistance, Massachusetts would also have a horrible anti-therapy law targeting children.
In Massachusetts, local groups tried to fight Bill H4664, which would ban therapy for vulnerable children – even those who had been raped or molested – and had sexual orientation or gender identity issues. But the bill still sailed through the State House of Representatives. It then went to the Senate (which is very pro-LGBT) where it was expected to pass easily. That’s when MassResistance went into full gear!
MassResistance got citizens to relentlessly hammer their State Senators with phone calls and emails, and visit their offices with information on the horrors of that bill. The bill got stalled. Then stalled again. On the last day of the session, at a minute to midnight, a procedural push failed. The bill was stopped!
In other states, (such as Texas) MassResistance activists are preparing to get to work if the LGBT movement pushes this there.

3. Without MassResistance, parents across the country would be fighting the “Drag Queen Story Hours” virtually alone.
Also in 2018, the LGBT movement refined its push to target very young children (as young as three or four years old!) with radical “transgender” indoctrination. They are putting on “Drag Queen Story Hours” in public libraries (and some bookstores) across the country. Homosexual men in women’s clothes use psychological techniques to soften children to accept LGBT behaviors, while reading “gay” or “transgender” stories. How does this affect young, developing minds in the long run? The radicals pushing this don’t care about the harm they’re doing.
This year, we helped MassResistance parents across the country fight back! In Alaska, California, Texas, Michigan, Georgia, and New York, they’ve confronted the local library officials involved, as well as their elected public officials. Our team stopped one Drag Queen Story Hour, and others were derailed indefinitely. In fact, the national Drag Queen Story Hour website posted a warning about the “community backlash” that MassResistance was causing.
Parents are thrilled to be empowered to take action in their communities! And we’ve even had local conservative city officials call us and thank us for our activism.

4. Without MassResistance, many parents would continue to feel powerless against local School Boards to stop the extreme sex-ed and LGBT agendas in their schools.
Unfortunately, most pro-family groups are ineffective at dealing with local School Boards. Showing up at meetings with rational, polite testimony does not work. We show parents the techniques that work. This year we expanded that program. We had a School Board in California back down on their sex-ed/LGBT agenda after MassResistance parents confronted them. And we’re working on spreading this model across America.

5. Without MassResistance, parishioners would continue to be confused and frightened about the LGBT agenda coming into their conservative Christian churches
The national LGBT movement is spending millions of dollars to infiltrate conservative Christian churches (particularly in the South) with pro-LGBT ideology. Sadly, it has become surprisingly effective. But there are virtually no other pro-family groups fighting this.
This year MassResistance activists began taking action. We began our “Save Our Churches” video series (with Professor Robert Oscar Lopez) to educate people on this threat. Just exposing this LGBT effort is critically important. In addition, our people pushed strong resolutions at the annual Southern Baptist Convention in Dallas to confront it. And there’s more to come!
But all of this doesn’t happen for free, unfortunately. As I write this, people around the country are asking us to help them take action, too. We are very committed to continuing – and expanding – this revolution.
You can be a part of it – and actually help make a difference – by making a generous year-end donation.
Right now we have unpaid staff who continue to work because of the importance of the cause. We do not get our funding from wealthy businessmen, rich foundations, or corporations. We get it from regular people like you. It’s vitally important that we start 2019 on a strong footing.
If you’re worried about the “culture war” and the LGBT agenda affecting you and your family, what better investment can you make? You don’t have to do any of the dirty work. But you can help us do it.
Thank you very much, and God bless you! We hope you’re having a wonderful Christmas and New Year’s.
Brian Camenker President, MassResistance
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