"BDSM" the next LGBT push on society. Depraved, dangerous behaviors are now taking place at major hotels across America.
Another bizarre LGBT sub-culture is invading the public square.
Fueled by "sexual orientation gender identity" non-discrimination laws.
Worse than anything so far.
May 25, 2018
WARNING: Very disturbing descriptions and photos below.
What you are about to read about in this series of articles is so horrible, so sickening, that it’s taken us several weeks to figure out how to present it.
The report that follows will focus on a homosexual sadomasochist orgy event held during the last weekend in April 2018, at three upscale hotels in downtown Cleveland (Westin, Hampton Inn, DoubleTree). This annual event is dubbed CLAW (Cleveland Leather Awareness Weekend).
But this is happening across the country, and the behavior is even being introduced to schoolchildren in LGBT programs.
BDSM: the lesser-known LGBT behavior
BDSM loosely stands for these deviant erotic practices: Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism, and Masochism. Among other things, this involves deriving sexual stimulation from inflicting and receiving pain and humiliation, often extreme and bloody. It often involves feces and urine.
These practices are so repulsive we were reluctant to even describe them. The usual “gay” practices of anal intercourse, fisting, and rimming are expanded to include flogging, whipping, rope bondage, electric shock, saline injections, penis catheters, nipple and testicle torture, and even strangulation.

One recent conference (CLAW 2017) even included a ghoulish workshop-demonstration called “authentic crucifixion” – which even many attendees were warned they may have trouble watching.

Role playing is very common: master and slave, trainer and “puppy,” or military scenes. Men will degrade themselves in master-slave “games” and behave as puppies licking each other’s genitals. Leather attire is almost universal in the homosexual BDSM world.

As our recent book The Health Hazards of Homosexuality points out, BDSM is commonly intertwined with other dangerous LGBT behaviors. The health risks are overwhelming.
An unmistakable part of the mainstream LGBT movement
Virtually every “gay pride” parade has one or more BDSM contingents marching. It’s regularly a part of LGBT websites, literature, and medical advice columns. A leading homosexual advocacy organization, the National LGBTQ Task Force, has included a “Leather Leadership Award” at its conventions since 2006.
To many parents’ horror, BDSM is now being promoted in schools as a part of LGBT activity. MassResistance documented a “leather” activist (in photo below) greeting teens at a state-sponsored “Youth Pride” event a decade ago! Not surprisingly, this man was involved with CLAW, and his death (in 2013) was noted in CLAW's 2014 Yearbook memorial page.

BDSM is as addictive and destructive as other LGBT behaviors, with huge added health risks. As with other unnatural behaviors, when given the opportunity it can expand into horrific proportions.
The undercurrent is becoming a deluge – thanks to SOGI laws
Until recently, BDSM behavior was relatively constrained to “gay” or “kink” club venues. But the recent proliferation of “sexual orientation and gender identity” non-discrimination (SOGI) laws has opened up the doors for BDSM to “come out of the closet” in force.
Since BDSM could be considered a “sexual orientation,” those groups can threaten the hammer of law for acceptance and even protection. Rather than challenge that, corporations, pro-LGBT schools, and others are using it as cover to welcome and promote this abhorrent and dangerous behavior. Hotels in particular are often dominated by “gays” in management.

BDSM Orgies in Upscale Hotels
As a result, in the last decade or so, there’s been an explosion of increasingly bizarre and repulsive BDSM events hosted by upscale big-city hotels across the country. Supposedly “family friendly” hotels keep this hidden from the general public who unwittingly later stay in the same rooms where vile and filthy events took place.
In many cases an entire hotel is taken over by attendees. Many of the activities listed above (such as flogging, fisting, feces play, rimming, urine play, rope binding, electric shock, saline injections, strangulation, anal intercourse, etc.) take place in hotel conference rooms and private rooms. Bizarre “special equipment” designed for these activities is made available for rent. Local “dungeon” clubs sign on as event partners.

Naked parties are held in lounges, suites, hotel pools, and private rooms. Vendors take over the hotel ballroom selling “toys” and equipment for BDSM use.
Some hotels only rent a block of rooms for the BDSM attendees, forcing the other guests in the hotel to mingle with “leather men” in various levels of kinky dress (or undress).

The result is contamination of walls, carpeting, furniture, bedding, towels, bathroom surfaces, and even swimming pools with blood, feces, ejaculate, and urine. Is the hotel staff able to ensure the rooms are cleaned (much less disinfected) after these events? Are swimming pools safe after a naked orgy? (One hotel staffer admitted that maids often refuse to attempt to clean those rooms.)

How is this not a public health hazard – both for the general public and the participants? We have not seen a single local or national health agency step in to stop it, or even “regulate” it – even after being alerted by pro-family activists.
Detail from a recent BDSM conference
Our multipart report on the 2018 CLAW conference will expose the depravity welcomed by downtown Cleveland hotels.
The Marriott (Westin) and Hilton (Hampton & Doubletree) chains have long publicly supported “LGBT rights” (as have many other hotel chains).
Also complicit was the Great Lakes Science Center museum on the Lake Erie waterfront, which hosted CLAW’s gala “leather dinner.”
Even more disturbing, the Mayor of Cleveland officially welcomed CLAW to the city, calling their depraved event a "festival"!

Some other things to think about
These events have no trouble attracting participants. Approximately 2,500 attendees showed for the CLAW 2018 event. And that’s just one of many around the country. (“Leather” and “kink” clubs often meet in private spaces or LGBT resorts, or unnamed hotels, in addition to the publicized hotel events.)
CLAW has already booked the Cleveland Westin for the last weekend in April 2019, and the hotel reportedly has committed to hosting the event through 2022.
These BDSM events include a disturbing mix of older men and young men. Where did these young men come from? Let’s be honest: When school-based LGBT programs, books, and “gay” clubs persuade confused and vulnerable young boys that if they don’t fit in they’re actually “gay” (and were “born that way”), they become immersed in the LGBT culture and behaviors. This is where many of them will likely end up.

Finally, it’s shameful that the well-funded, “establishment” pro-family groups back away from writing about these events. Of course, it’s disgusting material, but we also suspect they’re afraid of being called “bigots.” Only MassResistance and a few other groups – Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, Mission America, and Pass the Salt – are willing to discuss this horrible but immensely important subject.
ALSO: Warning the conservative movement: Full version of our article that appeared on American Thinker.
The CLAW 2018 Workshops
Portrait of a CLAW Instructor
Photos & Videos from CLAW
NO-GO Hotels
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