At the 2024 Boston Gay Pride – Handouts provide a dark look behind the LGBT propaganda curtain.
Insight into the terrible problems accompanying LGBT behaviors – promiscuity, mental health issues, STDs, and more. The side of the LGBT movement that they don’t want you to see.
MassResistance Canada activists pushing to stop outrageous (and expensive) government “lawfare” against pro-family activist.
Christian activist Bill Whatcott was acquitted of a so-called “hate crime.” But the gov't is bringing him to trial again! (Double-jeopardy is legal in Canada.) Demanding that Ontario Attorney General stop this now!
After radical bills are passed in Massachusetts Legislature, pro-family activists are striking back.
Stepping up pressure over unconstitutional “informal sessions.” MassResistance activists go office to office at the State House! Legislators & staffers don’t want to talk about it – and give lots of absurd responses. But this battle isn’t going to stop!
Massachusetts citizens are preparing to derail their despotic State Legislature – by forcing them to follow the law.
Corrupt state legislature blatantly violates its own constitution to conduct business. Then passes oppressive, radical bills for LGBT lobby & other interests. But that's about to be halted!
Massachusetts Legislature unanimously passes radical LGBT “parentage equality” bill to re-define the family.
Removes the words “mother” and “father” from statutes – and more. Pushed by LGBT movement. Children will be the victims. Republicans all voted for it.
Bold conservative majority on local Idaho Library Board forces leftist staff resignations.
Latest to resign: Pro-LGBT Library Director and Library Board member. Leftists and local media angry – but Board stands tall!
Prominent state-funded “Mass. LGBTQ Youth Commission” calls for legalizing teenage prostitution, lowering the age of sexual consent, and more.
This Commission has a long record of pioneering nationwide changes in law and policy. These are the battles that are coming up!
After a year of activism: CA school district shuts down high school "Wellbeing" Center with Planned Parenthood-trained staff.
Parents were fiercely opposed by leftist media, pro-LGBT activists, and School Board. Not giving up yields big results!
East Idaho "Pride" event was subdued and diminished - after organizers feared a MassResistance protest like last year's.
Fewer attendees; many vendors stayed away. But Idaho MassResistance activists took a different approach this time!
Idaho citizens protest outside "Pride" event. Unhinged LGBT crazies try to harass and attack them, but they stand their ground.
A bizarre display of dysfunctional people and their weird, angry behavior. A view beneath the façade of "normalcy" that the media and LGBT movement tries to portray.
MassResistance Texas leader keeps anti-LGBT-agenda plank in state GOP Party Platform
"Abnormal lifestyle choice" - stays in the 2024 platform! LGBT Log Cabin Republicans tried to get it taken out, but MassResistance prevailed.
Newspapers, TV, politicians, LGBT groups attack MassResistance for stopping "pride flag" requirement in California city.
Leftist attacks come from across Southern California - even Florida and the U.K. We must be doing something right!
MassResistance citizen outcry stops June "Pride Flag" requirement for public buildings in Los Angeles suburb.
Statewide LGBT group & prominent politicians tried to keep the order alive. "Gay" mayor goes on rant blaming MassResistance.
Wyoming MassResistance forces County Commission to threaten Library Board chairman: Clean up your act or face removal!
Fighting back against depraved library officials and RINO politicians in conservative state. RINO County Commissioner drops out of upcoming election over the pressure.
Boston Children's Hospital's infamous "Gender Clinic" reorganizes its website to hide what it's really doing to children.
Apparently reacting to public outrage. MassResistance led the effort to expose the gruesome details. Public pressure needs to continue!
If you live in Massachusetts:
What you've been waiting for: Here's how to effectively fight back against the out-of-control Massachusetts State Legislature that is taking away our rights.
We need to end "informal sessions." This will completely derail the train! (A lesson for everyone around the country!)
In Sri Lanka: Effort to repeal anti-sodomy statutes derailed, thanks to local MassResistance pro-family activists.
Overcame intense pressure from UN and western nations to turn country pro-LGBT. But now a new LGBT fight in Parliament over broad "gender" bills.
Father sues CA high school over rainbow flag in son's classroom.
Years earlier, the father was victim of homosexual rape. MassResistance helped him deal with school officials after they ridiculed him and refused to change the flag policy.
What people have forgotten about the "transgender" battle: How the big push began in Massachusetts in 2007 - and how MassResistance held it off for years.
A history lesson: The "T" in LGBT is nothing new. It was just held back until the time was ripe.
Canadian government continues to pummel pro-family activist Bill Whatcott for “anti-gay” flyer he passed out in 2016! Facing trial again for the same “hate speech” charge - after aquittal.
“Double jeopardy” is legal in Canada. Whatcott continues to stand strong – an inspiration for all of us.
Leftist library managers & staff quitting - after new Library Board in Idaho is elected & takes bold action.
Board votes to leave the ALA, is now crafting strong new book collections policy. Ousted Board members and local leftists fighting back, but can't stop this train!
In Australia: MassResistance helps bold activist take on nation's library system over graphic books.
Despite growing LGBT tyranny across Australia, local police get involved on pro-family side. Victories come, but still pressing for larger wins
Wyoming MassResistance publicly rebukes RINO State House establishment's leftist talking points against pro-family legislation.
Former Wyoming GOP House Speaker pushes the compromised mentality in newspaper column. But Wyoming MassResistance parents lash back with common sense!
In Ghana: MassResistance helping pro-family group set up anti-LGBT clubs in every secondary school!
To counter the spread of LGBT propaganda from Western countries to African youth.
Wisconsin MassResistance team stops "cancel culture" attempt by local school officials against activist's job
Not only did he keep his job, but company president apologized to him! Pro-family people aren't standing for this anymore!
Christian UPS driver takes on the corporation over extreme LGBT and anti-Christian work environment
Confronted pro-LGBT Teamsters Union that wouldn't help him. Filed grievances with UPS, union, and federal agencies. We need more like him across America!
Wyoming family targeted by fired library director's lawsuit answers with powerful motion to dismiss.
Family sued for exposing obscene books in library and complaining. Lawsuit revealed as completely frivolous and meant to intimidate community. MassResistance working to file anti-SLAPP legislation to protect citizens
Exclusive MassResistance Interview: Top pro-freedom attorney in Canada tells what it's like fighting for truth in that hostile environment.
Fascinating interview on what's happening in Canada's corrupted legal system. Attorney is now representing Rob Hoogland, father of a "transgender" daughter, who's banned from even talking about it.
California MassResistance parents defy School Board attempts to stop them from testifying on critical topics.
School Board's attorney gives flawed interpretation of state law to silence parents. But MassResistance corrects him - and the parents speak out!
MassResistance chapter leaders earning recognition around the country.
Our conservative activists get things done!
Victorious turnabout at Wyoming library: After leftist Director is fired, leftist staffers quit when new Director agrees to follow "no-porn" policy.
The library had been promoting books like this to kids. But not anymore! Result of local MassResistance activism. This should happen everywhere!