December 2017
Two more powerful Teens4Truth Conference presentations now posted
** Reparative therapy: How healing from homosexuality -- and true change -- really works.
** Former homosexuals and children of LGBTs speak the truth!
First 3 'Teens4Truth' Conference presentations now posted!
Many more to come over the next week. Equipping youth and parents to take on the LGBT agenda. 12/28/2017
Why should you support MassResistance? Being part of the counter-revolution is empowering!
Put your resources to work! 12/19/2017
MassResistance 'Teens4Truth' Conference is a huge success! Equipping youth to counter the LGBT movement in schools.
Equipping youth to take on the culture war. A hard-hitting pro-family conference with powerful presentations. 12/10/2017
November 2017
"Be yourself: Coming out as a homophobe" in the U.K. Fighting back in an oppressive anti-family nation.
VIDEO from MassResistance in the United Kingdom:
'Homophobia' is illegal in the UK and can result in arrest. Here's how our MassResistance-UK chapter deals with it! 11/21/2017
MassResistance speakers expose harsh reality of the "gay" agenda at local Texas pro-family conference.
What you're not being told about the LGBT lies. A teacher tells how "gay" training is getting into your elementary schools. 11/14/2017
Texas parents confront library officials over aggressive LGBT push targeting children
Parents fill Library Board meeting room. Led by local MassResistance Texas activist! 11/10/2017
Swarm of leftist media attacks our Health Hazards of Homosexuality book at conference
Flood of vituperative articles across the USA and as far away as Britain The truth really hurts, apparently. 11/1/2017
October 2017
MassResistance represents the frontline battle at national Values Voter Summit in DC. Made an impression!
Speakers included President Trump. But MassResistance was virtually the only pro-family group there directly dealing with the LGBT agenda! 10/23/2017
Colorado MassResistance continues to expose and confront tax-funded pornography targeting schoolchildren.
MR activists directly confront officials in schools, libraries, and corporations. But officials refuse to stop it! So our pressure on them continues. 10/6/2017
September 2017
Groundbreaking conference on for teenagers and parents "Confronting the LGBT Agenda" in your schools!
In Ft. Worth TX, Nov. 18. By Texas-MassResistance - hosted by the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Finally, a conference that doesn't back down on this critical issue! 9/29/2017
MassResistance book on LGBT health risks is gaining endorsements!
From physicians and conservative activists. Still the only book covering this crucial subject that no one wants to discuss. 9/20/2017
MA pro-life groups demand that Archbishop of Boston stop betraying pro-life principles. Urging all to sign their statement!
Their message to Archbishop: "Stop the Betrayals." Obey your own rules! 9/15/2017
Parents vs LGBT activists at Texas library meeting on LGBT/sex-ed agenda in schools
At public library meeting: MassResistance-Texas parents present shocking facts on LGBT & sex-ed agenda in elementary schools. LGBT activists try to disrupt event. 9/7/2017
August 2017
Leader of Nigeria MassResistance publishes book on LGBT battle in Africa
Prominent Nigerians from church, education, and business communities attend book launch event. Book has already sold out - awaits second printing! 8/25/2017
Hong Kong MassResistance - our newest chapter!
Taking on the "gay marriage" fight in their country. Also part of the battle: how the government defines "transgender". 8/21/2017
MassResistance TX parents holding public meeting in Austinon Aug. 12 - to inform city's parents about radical LGBT agenda in elementary schools
Hundreds of flyers about meeting passed out in local neighborhoods. Local TV station report about upcoming meeting. Hate-filled liberals create 'attack' website against parents - may disrupt event. 8/11/2017
Dr. Paul Church now expelled from four Boston area hospitals over LGBT medical comments
Extraordinary physician stands on principle while under pressure to repudiate facts. The ideological corruption in the medical profession defies belief. 8/7/2017
July 2017
In Texas Senate: MassResistance Texas parents give powerful testimony at hearing in support of bathroom privacy act.
Telling the truth in a sea of lies and compromises. SEE VIDEO. Senate votes the right way afterwards! 7/28/2017
MassResistance Missouri parents stand up to unhinged abortion activists at school board meeting
Confronting campaign to ban successful abstinence program from schools. Collusion by liberal school officials with leftist activists. 7/23/2017
MassResistance launches bold new chapter in United Kingdom!
Uncompromising pro-family battle is spreading overseas! Activists from across the UK attend kickoff meetings. 7/16/2017
June 2017
California MassResistance confronts the LGBT agenda (and unhinged anti-Trumpers) at LA Gay Pride Parade
Not backing down on the truth -- in a sea of insanity. (See PHOTOS and VIDEO.) 6/16/2017
MassResistance Missouri confronting pro-abortion activists over abstinence program in St. Louis area schools
Pro-Abortion activists waging vicious campaign to remove successful abstinence program from St. Louis area schools. MassResistance Missouri helping parents fight back. 6/5/2017
May 2017
How parents got pro-sex-ed School Board Chairman defeated at election time
Had been top vote-getter in last two elections. MassResistance Missouri Chapter makes a difference. 5/28/2017
Taiwanese protesting the anticipated "gay marriage" ruling by Supreme Court
Protests continue in Taiwan as Supreme Court prepares to announce decision on Wednesday. 5/22/2017
Elderly woman ignites liberal town by questioning "gay" flag -- and standing her ground! Reported by NBC-TV in Boston.
Town of Carlisle, MA, goes into hysteria over letter to the editor. 5/15/2017
Victory: Age-of-consent bill STOPPED in Colorado Legislature after pro-family action!
LGBT bill to allow children to "consent" to psychiatric therapy is stopped in Colorado Senate -- after hard-hitting pro-family testimony. 5/9/2017
Anti-Christian hate group Southern Poverty Law Center targeting MassResistance chapters
Working to intimidate and silence parents and citizens. Also targeting hundreds of pro-family groups nationwide. Despicable tactics widely condemned across America. 5/5/2017
April 2017
Now posted: Powerful video presentations from the MassResistance Texas Citizen Action Conference.
What every pro-family activist needs to know. Heavyweight lineup of speakers on vital issues of the pro-family fight. Information you might not hear anywhere else. 4/27/2017
LGBT latest goal: Lower age of consent to 10 yrs old for psychiatric therapy!
Outrageous bill passed House Committee in Colorado Legislature on Tuesday - despite strong testimony by Colorado MassResistance and others. 4/20/2017
MassResistance Colorado helps stop horrible anti-therapy bill in legislature
Telling the truth without fear to overcome a wave of LGBT lies, emotion, and deception. 4/17/2017
MassResistance Texas chapter holds powerful citizen action conference to confront LGBT agenda in schools
Gives pro-family people from across the state the tools they need. 4/7/2017
March 2017
In Texas: LGBT movement sees 'transgender bathrooms' as extension of 'gay marriage' battle
Stepping up campaign of harassment and intimidation to stop bill in legislature! "Transgender bathrooms" used for legitimizing the larger radical transgender agenda. 3/29/2017
Our MassResistance Texas Chapter: Dynamic pro-family activism in the Lone Star State!They're fighting battles in local elementary schools and the State Legislature! Taking on the culture war. 3/24/2017
MassResistance Luncheon on Sunday April 9. Last week to register!Understanding where the "culture war" stands in 2017, and what works in fighting back. Presentations by Dr. Paul Church and Brian Camenker. 3/3/2017
Threats of violence force Boston St. Patrick's Parade to include LGBT groupLGBT protesters would be bussed in from other states to disrupt event. Boston Police would not guarantee safety. 3-17-2017
March 2017
"Comprehensive sex-ed" battle in Omaha explodes in mainstream media!MassResistance affiliate in Nebraska - parents refuse to take "no" for an answer! State's largest newspaper devotes most of front page and several pages inide to controversy. 3/14/2017
MassResistance files strong pro-family bills in Mass. Legislature
To protect children and parents from radical agendas in the public schools. 3/7/2017
MassResistance Luncheon - to be held on Sunday April 9!
Understanding where the "culture war" stands in 2017, and what works in fighting back. Presentations by Dr. Paul Church and Brian Camenker. 3/3/2017
February 2017
How schools & libraries bring pornography to vulnerable children
Commercial databases supply pornography to schools in US, Canada, South America, and even Eastern Europe. Colorado MassResistance mother exposed what's happening. 2/28/2017
Our blockbuster book 'The Health Hazards of Homosexuality' now in paperback. The subject the conservative movement won't touch!
Over 600 pages of indispensable information to confront today's "culture war" challenges. 2/9/2017
CA MassResistance confronts massive left-wing protest at LA Airport!
Stood up against a flood of hate, anger, and vile emotion. SEE VIDEO. 2/5/2017
January 2017
Mother makes shocking video to counter lies by school about x-rated pornography
Colorado middle school officials are lying to parents, the press, and citizens. Claiming it doesn't exist. 1/28/2017
How Colorado parents were threatened, ignored, and deceived by middle school officials after exposing x-rated pornographySchool officials admit that x-rated pornography is there but refuse to remove it. It's been a nightmare for the parents. Here's what they've been going through. 1/19/2017
Colorado district leads middle school kids to depraved pornography. School officials threaten parents who complain.Worse than anything we've ever seen. We've posted the downloads. Parents have formed Colorado MassResistance chapter and are fighting back. 1/12/2016

Day of reckoning for Mass. GOP this Wednesday! Election for Party Chairman. Will MassGOP continue to be pro-abortion, pro-LGBT & weak -- or pro-family and strong?
The entire direction of the Massachusetts Republican Party is at stake this week. 1/23/2017
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