December 2018

Michigan MassResistance ignites media firestorm over opposition to "Drag Queen Story Hour" in Detroit suburb
Town forced to move City Commission meeting to gymnasium because of uproar. MassResistance parents make huge statement in a liberal suburb!

How MassResistance made a difference America in 2018
Around the country the LGBT agenda is being confronted - and stopped. Here's how MassResistance MADE a difference in 2018.

California MassResistance activists continue fighting -- to derail re-introduction of horrible anti-therapy bill in Legislature
Bill's sponsor said he's bringing it back in 2019 (after we stopped it in 2018). Activists engage him at 4 local events. He runs away twice! THIS is how pro-family lobbying works!

Our full report of Bill Whatcott's outrageous "hate speech" hearing before the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal
Put on trial passing out flyers (with Bible verses) during election campaign. Is Canada our future? Exclusive on-the-scene report from Vancouver.

MassResistance fight against 'Drag Queen Story Hour' targeting children goes national
Our latest activism in New York, Alaska, & Michigan. And more coming! Public officials and media are taking notice and reacting.

Bill Whatcott takes the reins of new our Canada MassResistance chapter. Headed for "hate speech" trial this week.
For passing out flyers in Vancouver (still legal in the US!). Trial before Human Rights tribunal. See video of Bill's great speech in Calgary

MassResistance confronts "Drag Queen Story Hour" in Riverside, California.
See incredible VIDEO of a mother in action! Cross-dressers out to disrupt the minds of a generation of children.
November 2018

Taiwan rejects same-sex "marriage" in nationwide vote. Huge pro-family victory!
Also votes to ban LGBT agenda in schools. MassResistance started aiding Taiwanese effort in 2016.

Arthur Schaper's outrageous trial, verdict, and sentence.
Part 2: Unbelievably unjust court trial. Judge hands out bizarre punishment -- clearly politically motivated.

Left-wing judge, local public officials target MassResistance activist Arthur Schaper - for demanding that a CA city follow immigration law.
Part 1: Spurious arrest. City had been warned by authorities about their open meeting violations.

ANALYSIS: Massachusetts voters overwhelmingly say "yes" to transgender "bathroom" law. What happened?
Question 3 passes by lopsided 68-32 margin, keeping horrible law in place. Big changes needed

MassResistance activists get the transgender "bathroom" law message out over highways across Massachusetts!
LOTS of positive response by passing cars! As vote nears, many people still confused on this issue.

Mayor of Boston holds rally outside City Hall supporting "transgender law." MassResistance shows up, too!
A message about truth that the "civil rights" and "tolerance" crowd didn't want to hear.

Episode 7 in our 'Save our Churches' series: Lessons learned at 'Politicon' and the MassResistance conference
Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez relates ten insights on Christianity and today's conservatism gleaned from these recent events.
October 2018

Here's how pro-family people should confront 'transgender bathroom' bills
MassResistance debates transgender activist at forum in Massachusetts. We need to tell the truth - no more mush! (See VIDEO.)

Episode 6 in our 'Save our Churches' series: Shocking lessons from El Salvador for Church Warriors
For the past two weeks, Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez has been traveling and doing missionary work in El Salvador. What he saw changed his outlook considerably.

Powerful MassResistance conference in Texas on Oct. 27. Titled "If not now, then when?"
Educating and equipping the family and the church to counter the LGBTQ Agenda. Second annual event in Killeen, TX.

LGBT lobby using "transgender children" in advertisements to push ballot question.
A gruesome picture of medical quackery. LGBT propaganda supporting Massachusetts "bathroom bill" law in Nov. 6 vote.

The Brett Kavanaugh circus vs. Elena Kagan's kid-glove treatment in 2010
Republicans refused to fight when a true radical was elevated to the Supreme Court.

Georgia MassResistance stops "Drag Queen Story Hour" at Atlanta library!
The pressure from activists, parents, and local citizens worked! In a "very pro-gay" part of the city.

MassResistance activists fighting to win transgender "bathroom bill" referendum in Massachusetts
On statewide ballot in Nov. 6 general election. Opportunity to overturn horrible law signed by GOP Governor in 2016.

US Dept of State pushing radical LGBT agenda around the world
Secretary of State Pompeo leading the charge. Is it too late to hope the State Department swamp will be drained of sexual radicalism?
September 2018

MassResistance website taken down by web hosting company after "complaints" by homosexual activist
Two other pro-family sites also taken down --and others threatened. This is the next wave of anti-conservative assault: Get ready for it!

Save our Churches - Episode 5 - Ten more stories on the "culture war" within Christianity
For Episode 5 we continue our look into the breadth and depth of left-wing (and LGBT) subversion in all the major American churches, with a few spots of good news here and there. Your host: Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez.

COMMENTARY: Beyond libel: How the SPLC uses lies, distortions, and disinformation as a political weapon
If there's any barometer that MassResistance is gaining influence, it's the fact that the extremist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) - the centerpiece of left-wing hate in America - is expanding its attacks on us.

Episode 4 in our hard-hitting series: “Save our Churches” featuring Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez
Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez relates more stories from the battlefield of the ongoing culture-war attacks on conservative Christian churches. With a special interview with Rev. Tom Littleton.

Big victory in Colorado over pornography in schools
Colorado MassResistance parents force public school system to stop offering access to pornographic databases - after two-year fight! Threat of lawsuit - organized by MR Chapter - forced school system to surrender.

Episode 3 in our hard-hitting series: 'Save our Churches' featuring Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez
More Top Ten Stories of the the ongoing left-wing and LGBT attack on conservative Christian churches - including subversion from within!

MassResistance's protests in Chile cause delay of transgender bill in Parliament!
Chile MassResistance rally fills the street outside Parliament building. LGBT lobby is livid. Bill can still be stopped. The fight continues!

MassResistance TV - Episode 2 of 'Save our Churches' with Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez
Across denominations and around the world, the infiltration of churches from the LGBT lobby and other leftist groups continues.

Chile MassResistance activists take to the streets in Santiago to protest depraved transgender bill targeting children
Vote in Parliament is this Tuesday Sept. 4. Nationwide outrage as citizens become informed!

Pastor Scott Lively is upending the Massachusetts Governor's race against RINO anti-family incumbent!
GOP primary election this Tuesday, Sept. 4. Gov. Charlie Baker is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to beat Lively.
August 2018

HUGE VICTORY: California MassResistance STOPS horrible anti-family bill AB 2943 in Legislature.
Was considered "impossible" to stop. But bill's sponsor concedes on the last day of the session, after a flood of pressure on legislators from across the state.

Leading the California fight to stop outrageous counseling ban in State Legislature!
As the session deadline nears, we've been taking it directly to the legislators!

Our newest chapter in Chile - fighting to stop youth transgender bill
The LGBT movement is pushing hard in South America. Bill would allow "sex change" for 14-year-olds without consent of parents. And under 14 years old with at just one parent!

MassResistance fighting 'gay marriage' in Costa Rica - now being forced by country's Supreme Court
The worldwide LGBT lobby is a step closer to forcing this on the people of Costa Rica. But MassResistance activists there are fighting back!

Introducing MassResistance TV - another front in the culture war!
Our first hard-hitting series: "Save our Churches" featuring Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez. The infiltration of the major denominations needs to be confronted!

MassResistance-UK has some fun at the London “Gay Pride” Parade
But also quite serious. This year, some MassResistance-UK activists decided to put things in perspective with an "alternative opinion" of their own!

MassResistance defeats LGBT onslaught in extreme California town!
MassResistance leads effort to stop removal of Dixon, CA vice-mayor for suggesting "straight pride" event. The LGBT machine went after him, but we came to his rescue!

MassResistance marks 25 years of activism!
We’ve made a big difference already. Here is some of what we've done. And we’re stepping up the fight even more!

MassResistance activists stop LGBT anti-therapy bill in Massachusetts Legislature!
Two weeks of hard, uncompromising pressure on State Senate paid off. Despite cave-in by "pro-family" state Senators and corruption by Senate leadership.
July 2018

The Destruction of the Boston St. Patrick's Day Parade
The forced transformation of the parade from a celebration of Irish Catholic heritage to an LGBTQ event should be a warning to those who are unwilling to take a stand.

MassResistance Texas activists fighting the LGBT infiltration in the Southern Baptist denomination
Is this the future of the Southern Baptist denomination? Compromising church leaders are now being exposed.

COMMENTARY: It's time to strongly oppose the transgender movement
Targeting young children: Bizarre transgender "story time" sessions are actually being held at public libraries across America.

At Texas State GOP Convention: MassResistance-Texas leads charge to pass 12 strong items in party platform!
Includes items on homosexuality, counseling and therapy for LGBT issues, Planned Parenthood, gender identity, sex-ed, traditional marriage, and more!
June 2018

Canadian activist Bill Whatcott endures abuse in jail for pro-family stand
Denied food for 24 hours. Deprived of needed medicine. Later fired from job after LGBT pressure. And more. All for simply passing out flyers at "gay pride" parade! See interview.

Fiery Christian protest outside Canada police station -- as Bill Whatcott taken into custody on "hate speech" charge.
Two dozen Christianbprotesters outside of the Calgary Police Station as Bill Whatcott comes to turn himself in. Videos. 6/27/18
Pro-family activist in Canada under bizarre nationwide arrest warrant -- for passing out "anti-LGBT" flyers
Will turn himself in to police Friday. Is this what the future of the United States looks like? 6/21/18
How to radical sex-ed forces in your school defeat parents -- and how to stop them (Part 1 of 2)
Here's how Planned Parenthood (and their allies) defeat parents to get "comprehensive sex ed" into schools. 6/18/18
The tactics being against parents – and how to fight back! (Part 2 of 2)
How to counter the tactics by Planned Parenthood and their allies against parents who oppose the introduction of “sex-ed” and LGBT programs in their schools. 6/15/18

TX MassResistance submits powerful resolution on LGBT issues for Southern Baptist Convention this month
To clarify so-called "gay identity" and the right to reparative therapy, and more .6/6/18

MassResistance-UK activist confronts the limits on freedom of speech in Britain!
LGBT agenda in the schools becoming a forbidden subject for discussion. Banned from a "free speech" conference for inquiring about the wrong topics!
May 2018
"BDSM" the next LGBT push on society
Depraved, dangerous behaviors are now taking place at major hotels across America. Another bizarre LGBT sub-culture is invading the public square. 5/25/18

What Has Sexual-Orientation Non-Discrimination Wrought?
Three upscale hotels in downtown Cleveland host depraved BDSM event. 5/18/18

Georgia MR activist ready for court - facing phony charges for protesting LGBT agenda
Outrageous: Turned down by every "pro-family" legal group we contacted - so we've hired a lawyer for her!
Big successes in Nebraska Legislature by MassResistance affiliate
Major LGBT bill defeated, Planned Parenthood defunded. All bad bills stopped, two of three pro-family bills passed! Here's how they did it. 5/10/18
Scott Lively upends Mass. State GOP Convention -- gets 28% of convention vote for Governor!
Forces primary race against incumbent (RINO) Republican Charlie Baker! Overcame massive campaign by establishment to stop him. See photos and video. 5/2/18

April 2018
Texas parents have victory over LGBT library display!
Follows months of outrage by local citizens at Board meetings. Organized by MassResistance Texas activist. 4/21/18
March 2018
Arrest and jailing of Georgia MR activist for LEGALLY protesting LGBT agend
Absurd, contrived charges filed against her. Humiliating treatment by police and jail authorities. But she is still not backing down. Part 3 of 3. 3/29/18
How our Georgia MR activist confronted governmentt, churches, and more on LGBT agenda
Demanding ACTION to stop LGBT push for men in women's restrooms in Georgia. This is real activism! Part 2 of 3. Video. 3/19/18
Georgia MassResistance activist arrested and jailed for LEGALLY protesting against LGBT agenda!
Men being allowed in women's restrooms after Georgia Governor vetoed protection bill. 3/9/18
February 2018
Outrage against CPAC from across the conservative network:
Read the articles, videos, interviews, blog posts, and more supporting MassResistance 2/22/18
CPAC vilifies and slanders MassResistance to the public!
Callers to CPAC office are told that we "lack common decency" - and worse! Huge outrage across the pro-family conservative network! 2/22/18
MassResistance table BANNED from CPAC - after having been accepted!
Because of our 2015 comments about the "culture war".
But LGBT group "Log Cabin Republicans" is allowed! 2/13/18
Parents take on LGBT agenda at local Library Board meeting in Texas
Parents are relentless! Strongly tell Board (and LGBT activists): No displays targeting children! 2/6/18
January 2018
Library battle in Texas over LGBT children's display re-ignites as parents organize and gather signatures to demand action
Local citizens group taking on public officials - and LGBT movement that's out to stop them. Led by Texas MassResistance activist pastor. 1/29/18
Understanding gender ideology -- the propaganda of the sexual revolution
Gender ideology has been a foundation of the propaganda that has fueled the sexual revolution. From the Teens4Truth conference! 1/22/18
The terrible fraud of 'transgender medicine' in America.
As told by a pediatrician who was at the hospital where it started. An incredible speech from the Teens4Truth conference! 1/15/18
More videos: Protecting your kids from the radical agendas
From the Teens4Truth Conference:
** Sex-proofing your kids: Preparing them for the minefields of today's society.
** Understanding the "gender vs gender identity" agenda targeting young children. 1/9/18
Please help us continue to do our uncompromising work!
Your support will make the difference!