MassResistance Reports: Drag Queen Story Hours

Houston MassResistance exposes "Drag Queen Story Hour" cross-dresser as child sex offender! Library officials forced to apologize to public.
Media coverage of press conference shocks Houston. See explosive video of local TV report!
Here's the 163-page Drag Queen Exposé that Houston MassResistance presented to the City Council. Includes 18 exhibits. CAUTION: several graphic images and descriptions.

How the Houston politicians & library officials caved in to MassResistance parents
Part 3 of 3: This is how real pro-family activism works! Pounding them with the horrors and corruption of the "Drag Queen" event. See powerful VIDEO.

Houston MassResistance parents confront the library - on the way to "Drag Queen Story Hour" victory
Part 2 of 3: Fearlessly turning up the heat -- as rabid LGBT activists, corrupt library officials, and even police try to stop the parents.

Houston MassResistance activists have a "Drag Queen Story Hour" victory against huge odds
Part 1 of 3: Up against aggressive pro-LGBT politicians and deranged LGBT activists. In the City Council chambers, outside of public library, and beyond.
Here's the Colorado MassResistance flyer that was used to alert people in Windsor, CO about the "Drag Queen Story Hour" in their local library.

MassResistance protest causes huge upheaval in Detroit suburb over "Drag Queen Story Hour"
Hundreds of loud LGBT activists converge outside building to support degenerate event targeting children - and intimidate pro-family people.

Detroit suburb to barricade streets over MassResistance’s upcoming Jan. 26 protest of Drag Queen Story Hour at library!
Bringing in police from nearby towns to guard library – from citizens who disagree. Washington Post weighs in on controversy.

Colorado MassResistance helps town confront "Drag Queen Story Hour" in local library
LGBT activists came in to intimidate and harass local parents. Library director attacks MassResistance for helping parents!

MassResistance confronts "Drag Queen Story Hour" in Riverside, California.
See incredible VIDEO of a mother in action! Cross-dressers out to disrupt the minds of a generation of children.

Georgia MassResistance stops "Drag Queen Story Hour" at Atlanta library!
The pressure from activists, parents, and local citizens worked! In a "very pro-gay" part of the city.
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