Mass. General Election 2010
Pre-election Guide & Results
POSTED: Oct 21, 2010
UPDATED: Nov 5, 2010 2:10 pm |
This is the pre-election guide to the 2010 Massachusetts general election published by MassResistance and the election results. The comments included are the pre-election comments. Also, links to related MassResistance postings regarding this election cycle are at the bottom of this page.
Need to find your district and your candidates? Find out HERE.
* Asterisk before candidate's name indicates incumbent.
Candidate ratings (by color):
• Definitely vote for
• Pretty good
• Fairly bad
• Terrible
• Not enough information
NOTE: Candidates with "Definitely Vote For" rating are, to the best of our knowledge, pro-life and pro-traditional marriage, as well as good on general pro-family issues. And consider voting for "Fairly Bad" candidates if the others are "Terrible".
Special thanks to Lonnie Brennan and the research done on his website when we needed more info on a candidate.
Endorsements and votes, etc:
We've included key endorsements, votes, and other information.
= Endorsed by Democratic Socialists of America (more)
= Endorsed by Mass. Citizens for Life
= Endorsed by Planned Parenthood
= Endorsed by NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts
= Endorsed by MassEquality homosexual lobby group
= Endorsed by Mass. Gay & Lesbian Political Causus
= Voted for sales tax increase
= Co-sponsor of Transgender Bill
= Voted for Casino Gambling Bill H5000
= Received at least $500 from Tim Gill (see below) since 2004
= Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Victory Fund
MCFL occasionally endorses anti-family candidates (such as Sen. Richard Ross) who are pro-gay marriage and/or march in the Gay Pride Parade, or who aren't 100% pro-life. But although their endorsements aren't completely dependable, they're still useful.
MassEquality endorsements do not include several strongly pro-gay legislators, presumably because they are in "safe" seats.
Gambling - A disturbing number of politicians have bought into the fantasy that establishing gambling casinos is the answer to bringing in jobs and revenue. That approach has had limited success in other states, and introduces many other problems. Instead, they should make Massachusetts a business-friendly (rather than business-unfriendly) state.
Tim Gill is is a multi-millionaire hardcore homosexual activist in Colorado who funds pro-homosexual candidates in legislative races in order to push pro-gay and sexual-radical causes across America. These are direct donations from Gill; according to reports he also funnels money to candidates through others. If you don't know about Tim Gill, you need to find out. Read more here.
Political Parties:
Interestingly, there are a total of 10 different political parties or affiliations. They are assigned to candidates by the Secretary of State's office.
= Democrat
= Republican
= Independent
= Unenrolled
= Green-Rainbow
= Citizen Legislator
= Bring Home Troops
= Non-Party
= Liberty
= Tax Revolt Independent |
Straightforward approach. This yard sign was in hundreds of yards in Framingham before the Sept. 14 primary. In that election incumbent State Rep Pam Richardson (D-Framingham) was defeated --despite the fact that she had been endorsed by Planned Parenthood and MassEquality, and the rest of the liberal machinery! This is the kind of sentiment we're looking to see across the state on Nov. 2. |
RELATED postings:
- Republican AG candidate Jim McKenna tells MassResistance: I didn't talk to Bay Windows!
Says allegations that he'll strike down DOMA are not true. We say: Vote for him!
- Republican Lt. Gov. candidate Richard Tisei promises homosexual newspaper he'll push homosexual agenda on several fronts
Says he'll "work very closely" with Mass. GLBT Youth Commission
- "Conservative" Boston Herald endorses pro-gay, anti-family liberals over pro-family candidates for Nov. 2 election
Reveals paper's true liberal ideology
- Brian Camenker of MassResistance speaks at pre-election Peabody Square Tea Party!See PHOTOS. Cultural and fiscal issue battles face common ideological enemy
- Liberal Mass. State Sen. Eldridge working with & raising money from Muslim coalition tied to pro-terrorism, jihad, anti-Semitism
Group brags about meeting with Senator on Internet posts
- Key Mass. senators & reps get endorsement from Marxist-oriented socialist group
For pushing socialist agenda in Legislature
- Republican AG candidate Jim McKenna promises homosexual community he'll help strike down Defense of Marriage Act!
Shock to pro-family supporters [SEE followup posting above.]
- Mass. Governor, Senate President, legislators, getting money from millionaire homosexual political activist Tim Gill
For pushing homosexual agenda
Keith Davis and Scott Lively statewide Republican Primary write-in totals released
Some undercounting already revealed
85 primaries affecting 215 candidates -- from Congress to State House--including statewide write-in races for Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General
- "Conservative" Mississippi governor steering millions of dollars to elect pro-homosexual pro-abortion RINO governor in Massachusetts
Funding huge flood of advertising on TV, radio, Internet
- Gay lobby endorses key Romney aide for state rep!
Mass. homosexual lobby endorses Dan Winslow -- Gov. Mitt Romney's chief legal counsel -- for state representative (against a liberal Democrat)!
- Charlie Baker & Richard Tisei: a pro-family nightmare
Mass. Republican candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor would be liberal Democrats anywhere else
- Keith Davis and Scott Lively statewide Republican Primary write-in totals released
Some undercounting already revealed
- Pro-family write-in against anti-family Charlie Baker for Governor in Mass Republican primary
Send a strong message to Massachusetts RINO establishment!
- Pro-family candidate to challenge Richard Tisei in Lt. Gov. Primary as write-in to send message to Republican Party establishment!
Finally, "the rest of us" have someone to vote for Lt. Governor.