(More being added!)

Bill Whatcott and the free speech crisis in Canada

Dr. Paul Church attacked and forced out of work for telling the medical truth about homosexuality (2015-2017)

Boston Children's Hospital ghoulish "gender change" clinic for children (2007-2011)

The infamous "Fistgate" Report - GLSEN Boston
We broke the story back in 2000!

The "Little Black Book"
Tax-funded booklet leading teen males into dangerous "gay" lifestyle. (2005)

The David Parker Report
Lexington father's arrest and federal lawsuit over objections to homosexuality in son's kindergarten class. (2005-7)

Pastor Scott Lively - Target of radical leftist attacks and lawsuit

Mass. Anti-Bullying law exposed

Mass. Commission on LGBT Youth

The "It Gets Better" fraud

Media Bias

'Gay marriage' battles across America (and abroad) 2011-2013
A prelude to what was to come.

Police abuse of pro-life activist Peter D'Attilio

Convicted sex offender's groundless $1m lawsuit vs MassResistance
From 2012. He was unsuccessful, of course. In the end, we won everything.

Obama radicalizes federal agencies
From 2012

The Chick-fil-A battle in Massachusetts
August 2012

The Kevin Jennings Report
Nationally known homosexual activist's horrific record with schoolchildren. April 2010

The Mitt Romney Report
The definitive report of Mitt Romney's REAL record in Massachusetts before he ran for President. November, 2012.

2012 Elections - Massachusetts - Results, articles, commentary
Legislature, Congress, ballot questions, and more.

"The Laramie Project" Forum
Forum put on by parents in Acton, MA in 2007 exposed this anti-Christian pro-homosexual play being performed at local high schools. Includes materials & handouts.


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