May 12, 2007 homosexual "Youth Pride" event in downtown Boston mixes kids with homosexual activists.
Schoolchildren were bussed in from across the state for a day of state-sponsored homosexual-related events. Adults (many apparently disturbed in some way) were free to mingle with them. "A sex offender's candy store," said one observer. Kids encouraged to act out their 'gayness'.

Man dressed in skirt at the event.
CLICK TO SEE what took place that day :
1. Speeches on the Boston Common.
Master of Ceremonies was a drag queen.
2. Parade past the State House.
With adults, both marching and watching.
3. Transgender Prom at Boston City Hall.
"Chaperoned".by a cross-dresser.
4. Background info on Youth Pride day participants. Caution: pretty disturbing.
The annual "Youth Pride" event is a kind of "meet and greet" for the homosexual "Gay Straight Alliance" clubs in high schools (and middle schools) across Massachusetts. No other place in America (or the world) does this. Certainly not a government.
Does all this make you angry? A depraved event children run by a state "Commission" that's officially answerable to no one? There's one man responsible who should hear from you:
The Massachusetts Speaker of the House, Rep. Salvatore DiMasi, personally twisted arms in the Legislature for the votes to create the Commission and provide the flood of money to run it.
DiMasi can be reached at 617-722-2500
or emailed at
And also call Gov. Deval Patrick at 617-725-4005. Our Governor presented an official proclaimation supporting this event!
It's where the adult activists bring all the kids to one place for an entire day each year. They mingle with all kinds of very weird adults, many apparently quite disturbed. As in past years, it started with speeches and a carnival of sorts at noon. Then a parade of the kids and adults through the streets of Boston. Later, they all went to the "transgender prom" in the main interior of Boston City Hall, compliments of Mayor Menino.
It's pretty ghastly to look at. To say this was a sex offender's candy store is not an exaggeration. This year there were more weird adults mingling everywhere -- lots of them official guests of the organizers. The "transgender" element was everywhere -- cross-dressing men and women trying to become men. And you could tell that many of the kids were very confused and vulnerable.
Kids were encouraged to act out their "gayness" and feel "safe" doing it.
Gov. Deval Patrick, a public supporter of the homosexual movement in Massachusetts, declined to attend this event because of its reputation for depraved activity with children. That turned out to be a good choice for him (tho not for the kids).
But official state support was everywhere. The Governor released an official state proclamation, which was read over the loudspeakers. The new head of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (a man "married" to another man) gave a speech. The police were there for "security" and cleared the streets for the parade. And it was organized by the new super-charged "Massachusetts Commission on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth" created by the Legislature last year.
It's a way of bringing kids into the homosexual community and its various bizarre permutations. It's the kids' entrée into the downtown homosexual community.
There is a huge dose of psychological assault. Words like "welcoming" and tolerance and safety and love, all the while demonizing traditional values and the people who hold them, as bigoted and backwards.
It's organized by the Massachusetts Commission on GLBT Youth, an official body with some of the most depraved and aggressive homosexual groups which target kids.
Even worse, this assault on vulnerable schoolchildren is done with the full cooperation with the highest levels of government. This is a testament to the power of the homosexual lobby - and the moral shallowness of our elected officials.