Homosexual "Youth Pride Day" May 12, 2007
Here is some of the background on the main figures that day . . .
Mass. Governor Deval Patrick had been scheduled to receive "award" from drag queen at hardcore homosexual "youth pride" event. But he backed down at last minute after a flood of outrage form parents and citizens.
At the 2007 Youth Pride Day "celebration" on the Boston Common, Governor Deval Patrick had been set to receive an award from a drag queen, and then briefly speak, during the opening ceremonies of "Youth Pride Day" in Boston. The event included a lesbian with a beard and (it appears) her breasts surgically removed, a parade, and other homosexual oriented festivities. Later there was a "transgender prom" where kids and adults dance together.
This appeared to be part of a series of political paybacks to the homosexual lobby for their fundraising help during the Governor's campaign last year.

Deval Patrick (r) at a "transgender forum" at Harvard University last September, during his campaign for Governor.
Past years: a history of depravity
In 2006, the MassResistance reports from Youth Pride Day were so disturbing that then-Gov. Mitt Romney threatened to shut down the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, which organized it. Romney relented, however, after homosexual activists in the Legislature confronted his staff.
Here are photos from 2006 Youth Pride Day.
Main report from the 2005 Youth Pride Day.
More pictures from 2005 Youth Pride Day.
(Note the boy parading in high heels and fishnet stockings.)
More "highlights" of this 2007 event:
Here's the schedule of events for this year, from the official "MassYouthPride" website.
(Also check out our extended report on the MassResistance Blog.)
Below is some background on some of the main participants. Please note that this is specifically billed as a "Youth Pride" event.
Background from this year's event:
12:00 Noon: Drag queen - man who calls himself "Raquel Blake" - served as Master of Ceremonies
Who chose this person?

"Raquel Blake" (wearing pink dress) was recently the Master of Ceremonies of this event in Maine.
The four photos below are from the "Raquel Blake" MySpace page:
MySpace Profile - Raquel Blake , 26 years old, Male, Lowell, Ma, MASSACHUSETTS, US, This is Ms. Raquel Blake.

Men dressed as nuns. One at left appears to be "Raquel Blake"

Also from the Raquel Blake MySpace site. We're not sure what this is for, and we probably don't want to know.
12:45 PM: Parade with kids through streets of Boston, featuring LAMBDA Antique Car Club.
Here's the the LAMBDA Car Club's logo. How much more do you need to know?
This group has been invited back, from their 2005 participation. LCC stands for Lambda Car Club. The guys seem to like giving kids rides in their antique cars during the parade.
4:00 PM: "Open Mic" event hosted by Gunner of "Gender Crash"

Note that Gunner is a woman growing a beard, thanks (we presume) to the magic of massive hormone treatments. By the way, this person is also an official member of the Massachusetts Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, created last year by our valiant Legislature, and also a leader of the Mass. Transgender Political Coalition.
Apparently, Gender Crash does these "Open Mic" events a lot. Here's from the Gender Crash Website describing what "Open Mic" is all about:
Gender Crash Open Mic
For poets/spoken wordsters/literary geeks/journal writers/queers/transgender/gender queers . . .
7 years and celebrating!
Yes... it's true we are the longest running open mic for queer/transgender/gender queer folks in Boston as well as the
country's first spoken word event to be hosted by a transgender person and to feature transgender poets/spoken word performers. An open mic that is famous for being a welcoming place for people to try out material, and is a favorite venue of first-time performers. Gender Crash is open to all, and is queer postive, dyke positive, bi-positive, and trans-positive.
Come read with go-go gender queers with words of action, erotic writing lesbian soccer moms, sweet trans boys with agendas, bears who bake and write about it, poet inspiring truck driving gay boys, devilish dykes, awe inducing poetic transwomen, princess riot grrls with diaries, transmen with type written essays, queer Daddies with bedtime stories, Beautiful bisexuals speaking sonnets, butches whispering love poems to femmes and yes you!!! Be a Rock Star.... for at least 3 minutes!