Timeline of Events & email correspondence Leading up to April 17 final meeting &
Below is the list of events, including the emails that went back and forth
between the Parkers and the Principal, regarding their 5-year old son (who turned 6 in March)
being taught about homosexual families without their permission or notification.
During this time, the Parkers also attended meetings of the Estabrook Elementary
School's Anti-Bias Committee, which are noted below.
September, 2004 - Back to School Night at Estabrook Elementary School:
Tonia Parker attends "Back to School" night for 5-year-old son in
Kindergarten. Parents had received a vague notice about a "Diversity Book Bag"
to be used during the year. Bag and books were (apparently) displayed on a table
inside the school, but Tonia was never aware of them, or saw them.
January 14, 2005 - Book comes home with son:
Anti-bias diversity book bag (containing Who's in a
Family by Robert Skutch which attempts to normalize gay/lesbian families)
was put in the hands of the Parkers' kindergarten son and brought home.
January 17 - Parkers to Principal:
Date: Monday, January 17, 2005
Subject: Estabrook Diversity Book Bag
Ms Jay,
Today our son, [child's name], in Ms Johnson's kindergarten class
at Estabrook, brought home a Diversity Book bag. It was filled with
various books deemed appropriate by the anti-bias group, and funded
by the Lexington Education Foundation and the PTA. In response to
the request to fill in a Family Feedback Form found in the Diversity
Book bag we have constructed the following letter. We wish to make
our feedback known publicly.
In the feedback form given to us, it explicitly states that one
of the goals of this program is to acknowledge and celebrate the
diverse backgrounds and families in our school community.
There is a
book included entitled, Who's in a Family (with pictures) that
include lesbian and homosexual couples with children ---- implicitly
equating this family structure as a morally equal alternative to
other family constructs. We stand firmly against this book or any
other subject matter pertaining to homosexuality ever being
indoctrinated to our child, discussed in school, or sent home. We
don't believe gay parents constitute a spiritually healthy family
and should not be celebrated.
It is one thing to endorse to not persecute/harm
homosexuals/lesbians, it is another to teach young children
implicitly that these values are acceptable. Some may maintain that
if they can not present homosexual situations in school--- this is a
form of persecution and harm. To us- this is a very contrived
argument. The real question is-do parents have the right to
exclude/shield their children from these contrary values being
pushed upon young children in elementary school. Furthermore, we
believe--just because it is legal in this one state does not give
the school the right to teach that it is correct- even implicitly.
After all, it was once legal that women and blacks could not vote,
and slavery was once legal by law---and that did not make it
correct. Estabrook elementary school (or any elementary school for
that matter ) is not supposed to teach my child values and morals.
That is the parents' sacred responsibility- whether the parents are
heterosexual or homosexual. The public school system is there to
teach reading, writing, arithmetic, science, music, art, and other
school subjects. We acknowledge that there are rights that need to
be protected for the gay community,however; the "out of the closet"
into the kindergarten classroom mentality will not do justice to
this cause and frankly- it just isn't necessary at this
impressionable age. We believe this is a promotion of homosexuality
to young impressionable children whom are told to listen and obey
their teachers and principle, who knowingly or unwittingly will
indeed become the purveyors of these values.
We want to state for the record that [son's name] shall be
removed from any and all classroom or school functions which discuss
or display homosexuality. We anticipate that you will respect our
We believe we have the right to answers from you to the following
series of questions:
1) Is it the intention of Estabrook to include homosexual/lesbian
family dynamics as part of the school curriculum?
2) Is your position in this matter that parents don't have the
right to intervene in teaching homosexual family values because of
state law?
3) Is equal emphasis and sensitivity being given to
Judeo/Christian/Islamic and secular communities and their
respective family values--- many of which do not endorse gay family
4) Do you commit to us that [son's name] will not be subjected to
homosexual family values at Estabrook?
5) Who else has viewed these materials and deemed it appropriate
for the children in the
school system to take home and view/read?
It is not necessarily you, solely, whom we wish to focus our
concerns on, however; we feel as the principal- we need answers from
your perspective. We will be posing these same question to other
We are also requesting from you the e-mail addresses for key
Anti-bias group representatives.
To all people whom we have sent this e-mail--- we encourage your
feedback, both to the school and to us, concerning this letter. We
also encourage anyone to forward this note to other Estabrook
parents, since; we were completely caught off guard when our 5 year
old son brought this material home.
Sincerely and with genuine love to all,
David and Tonia Parker
January 18 - Principal's reply to Parkers:
Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2005
I want to make sure we have a chance to discuss all of your
concerns, so I think the best thing would be if we could meet
together. I could meet with the two of you on Thursday, January 20
at 8 or 9:30 or Friday at 8 or 4. Would any of these times work for
you? If not, if you could mention some days and times and I'll see
what I can find on my calendar.
Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Joni Jay
Januray 18 - Parkers to Principal (and Superintendent):
Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Ms Jay and Mr. Hurley,
Thank you very much for taking our concerns seriously and getting
back to us promptly. You can be sure that we have already
communicated all of our concerns in the e-mail that you have
received. We agree that we should meet together as soon as possible
however, reiterating the concerns in our letter will not make for a
productive meeting. Rather you should be ready to begin to address
the school's position on those concerns with answers to the
questions we put forth. If you are ready-- then we want to meet
with you as soon as possible.
At the very least, even before this meeting- we would like a
commitment from you that [my son] will not be subjected to
homosexual family values/materials at Estabrook from
teachers/staff/and school visitors/guests.
Dave and Tonia Parker
January 18 - Principal to Parkers:
Date: Wednesday, January 18, 2005
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Parker,
Of course it is my intent to answer your questions when we meet.
I can tell you that we do not have any part of the Kindergarten
curriculum that teaches students about gay values. What I can't
control is what students may say to one another, as we do have
children in our school who have parents who are same sex partners.
These issues may come up in talk on the playground, during show and
tell, when a student shares a picture about what the family did over
the weekend, or when their parents come in to the classroom to
volunteer or for a party. In some cases, teachers will need to
respond, and they do their best to do it in a way that is factual
and respectful of all families, referring children to their parents
if they have more detailed questions. Also, the school libraries in
Lexington all contain, as part of our collections on families, a
couple of books that depict a variety of family configurations (as
in the one you
saw in the bookbag). [Your son] might choose such a book to look at and
bring home, though he certainly wouldn't be guided to one.
That said, would you be able to make any of the times that I
indicated? If not, please propose some others.
Joni Jay
Principal, Estabrook School
January 21 - Parkers meet with Principal
Tonia Parker's notes: Discussed anti-bias diversity book bags.
[Principal] stated
we were the first ones to ever complain about the diversity book bag. This
is the third year. She communicated to us that
she had checked with
administrators and that no parental
notification is required to discuss
homosexual families/issues. Principal also added, "Faculty can discuss
homosexual families and homosexual issues with your son." We firmly stated that is not acceptable and
we object. [A8A Comment: Telling parents that they're the "first ones" to
complain is a common, and often dishonest, tactic. We once had three parents
told that by a principal in the same day!]
January 28 - Impromptu meeting with Principal
David was displeased that the diversity book bag had gotten into his family's
'hands' again, also against parents' will. Two days earlier, Tonia was driving home her son and another child
-- the Montalvo's son -- from school. The other boy had been given the book bag
for the weekend, and had it in the car with him. But the boy's parents had already stated
that they objected to the diversity bag, and did not want it coming home with
their son. The school sent it home anyway!
The Montalvos left Lexington soon afterwards because of this and similar
February 8 - Parkers attend Anti-Bias Committee Meeting.
Subject of meeting, sponsored by Estabrook Anti-Bias Committee, was "How and Why to talk to your Kids about Diversity,"
featuring Jon Pfeifer, who was described as
"award winning guest speaker and
GLSEN representative." The entire talk was about homosexuality.
Summary of
actions he felt needed to be taken in the public schools: many homosexual family
books in each elementary classroom, gay/lesbian family posters on the walls of
every elementary classroom, and teacher initiated discussions about homosexual
February 15 - Parkers attend second Anti-Bias Committee Meeting
Committee discussed anti-bias committee mission statement.
Late February - Montalvo family removes children from
Estabrook Elementary School over homosexual agenda.
See statement read at Parker rally. Montalvos had
similar experiences to Parkers with their children in the lower grades of the
Estabrook Elementary School. Father has also attended Estabrook Anti-Bias
meeting with David Parker. Their solution, unfortunately, was to remove their
children from the Lexington school system.
March 4 - Parkers to Principal:
Date: Friday, March 4, 2005
Ms Jay,
We find it necessary to write to you and the Lexington Public
School to inform you of the following:
We do not authorize any teacher or adult within the Lexington
Public School system to expose our sons, [older son] and [younger
son] (begins school in 2006) to any sexual orientation/homoseexual
material/same sex unions between parents.
We shall be notified in advance of any such activity in the
Estabrook School.
Dave and Tonia Parker
March 4 - Principal to Parkers:
Date: Friday, March 4, 2005
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Parker,
The Lexington Public School Policy is that any discussion of sex
requires parental notification. We have a unit that deals with
Human Growth and Development in 5th grade and parents are notified
about that. I have confirmed with our Assistant Superintendent and
our Director of Health Education that discussion of differing
families, including gay-headed families, is not included in the
parental notification policy. If you wish to clarify the policy
with me or Mr. Ravenelle, please feel free to contact us.
Joni Jay
Principal, Estabrook School
March 4 - Parkers to Principal:
Date: Friday, March 4, 2005
Subject: David and Tonia Parker's Parental Rights Assertion
We would like to clarify that our previous e-mail which states:
"we do not give the Lexington Public School system permission to
discuss homosexuality issues (i.e. - trans gender/bisexual/gay
headed households) to our son [son's name]" - is a parental
assertion; not a matter open to legal interpretation or
administrative policy. Let us, David and Tonia Parker, parents of
[son's name], be clear in purpose and prose on this matter:
Discussions concerning homosexuality issues will not take place
in front of our son, [son's name] (5 yrs old), at Estabrook. This
includes material given to [our son] to covertly transport into our
household (i.e.- diversity book bag). Such doctrine is against our
Christian family beliefs. We will be notified when there are plans
to have homosexual material discussed with the students - when [our
son] is present - so that we can take action to ensure his spiritual
safety. You are not permitted to infringe upon our religious beliefs
and parental rights or obviate our freedom of choice, to exclude our
son from material that would expose him to beliefs contrary to the
Word of God in our Christian faith. Our parental rights and
Christian belief system will be respected in this diversity-
oriented, anti-biased school community. We know other parents, of
various faiths and values, that endorse this position. This is not
solely a Christian assertion of rights.
May God bless everyone who reads this to be shown his Love and
truth of his Word.
In Christ,
Dave and Tonia Parker
PS- It is requisite that our assertion of rights be documented to
teacher/staff; since, there were previous examples of less than
adequate communication within the Lexington School system.
March 6 - David Parker to Principal & both chairs of the
Anti-Bias Committee
(This email was never answered.)
Date: Sunday, March 6, 2005
Subject: Respecting Beliefs Counter to the Gay Agenda
From David Parker: You may remember that I am a new member of
the Estabrook anti-bias group and have a child in Kindergarten.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the next Anti-bias
meeting on March 14th, however; I want to insure that my
sentiments/suggestions are not lost for this meeting. I am new to
this group and have some critical questions/comments?
1) Is it the intention of the anti-bias group to inform or
expose the children in elementary school to any homosexual or
sexual orientation initiatives or principles? I assumed this
information is to inform adults- however, the diversity bookbag
initiative proves otherwise. I want to make sure that we are not
creating a foundation to expose students to this. I want to insure
that "safety" in our mission statement implies "spiritual safety"
of my children. We were saddened by the departure of the Montalvos
(2nd grade and kindergarten) from Estabrook - the fact is - they
did not feel safe at Estabrook because their children have been
exposed to gay issues without parental consent. And I do not want
our recommendations that "set direction for schools" and "the
school improvement plan" to suggest in anyway to include
initiatives that compromise the spiritual safety of (my) any
2) I have witnessed, at these anti-bias meetings, that the other
side of the homosexual issue and other belief systems/parental
values that oppose sexual orientation/homosexuality are not being
taken into account (or at the least are not given equal
consideration with respect to time and emphasis. In fact, this
"anti-bias" group seems extremely bias in this regard. To provide a
balance, I am putting forth several speakers to the anti-bias
group. The first is John R. Diggs, Jr., MD- Clinician, Educator,
Speaker to talk about marriage, Religion, and homosexuality. The
second is Stephen Bennett or other Ex-gay individuals - to speak on
changing From Gay to straight. I am seeking others.
There is a very strong under current of conflicting belief
systems/values at the anti-bias meetings. Specifically, those that
believe homosexuality should be accepted as normal and those that
don't. All though I am stating the obvious, we must not be afraid
to seek to understand all sides of the gay/straight/ heteros-exual
and same sex marriage issues. Let us truly seek to be anti-biased
and respect the diversity of other points of view.
Also- may I have the list of all E-mail addresses to the anti-
bias group.
Thank you in advance for your consideration,
David Parker
March 28 - Principal's reply to Parkers:
(Answering March 4 email on Parental Rights Assertion)
Date: Monday, March 28, 2005
Subject: Re: David and Tonia Parker's Parental Rights Assertion
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Parker,
I just wanted to let you know that I did receive this email.
Joni Jay
Principal, Estabrook School
April 11 - Parkers attend third Anti-Bias Committee Meeting
It was announced at this meeting that homosexual books are coming to all elementary classrooms
from K-5. Didn't specify 'just Estabrook.' Dave objected. Anti-bias members
(teachers/parents) went on to say that our parental rights assertion (which was
sent via email to all staff and administrators at Estabrook) would not be
honored or respected at Estabrook.
April 12 - Parkers to Principal requesting (final) meeting:
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Ms Jay,
Dave and I would like to schedule a meeting with you at your
convenience. Dave attended the anti-bias meeting on 4/11/05. They
informed Dave that books with homosexual issues/families will be
placed in every classroom in our school.
Were you aware of this? Who approved this?
Various members of
the anti-bias group also told Dave that our parental rights
assertion would not be honored or respected at Estabrook. By what
authority does the anti-bias group deny us of our rights? Who is
responsible for the official response to our parental rights
assertion pertaining to our son, [son's name]?
We thank you in advance for addressing these questions and also
scheduling a time we can meet with you.
Sincerely In Christ,
Dave and Tonia Parker
April 22 - Principal to Parkers, scheduling final meeting:
Date: Friday, April 22, 2005
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Parker,
My apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I've been
trying to arrange a time that Mr. Ravenelle, the Director of
Education, could join us to meet. We could both meet with you on
Wednesday, April 27 at 2:30 or 3. Would that work for you? If not,
please indicate some possible times, and I'll see what we can do.
Joni Jay
April 24 - Parkers to Principal & Director of Education,
restating their specific reason for requesting meeting:
Date: Sunday, April 24, 2005
Ms Jay and Mr Ravenelle,
We were not certain that a previously sent E-mail concerning the
confirmation of our meeting on April 27th, 2005 from 3:00-4:00 pm
was properly transmitted- so we have re-sent another version.
Dave needs to make arrangements to leave work for Wednesday's
meeting concerning additional materials regarding gay-headed
households to be infused into Estabrook Elementary without parental
notification. We would like to confirm an appointment to meet with
you on April 27th from 3:00-4:00 pm. Please also inform us where the
meeting will be taking place at and ensure that both of you will be
in attendance.
Please be prepared to address the
following questions as per our
last E-mail:
Dave attended the anti-bias meeting
on 4/11/05. They informed Dave
that books with homosexual issues/families will be placed in every
classroom in our school. Were you aware of this? Who approved this?
Various members of the anti-bias group also told Dave that our
parental rights assertion would not be honored or respected at
Estabrook. By what authority does the anti-bias group deny us of
our rights? Who is responsible for the official response to our
parental/religious rights assertion pertaining to our son, [son's
We will insist that notification
be given to us, as parents of
[son's name] (6yrsold), concerning the exposure of gay-headed
households/transgender issues at Estabrook to him, since such, is
contrary to our religious and secular family beliefs/values-- as you
have already been informed on numerous occasions.
We very much look forward to meeting with you.
God Bless in Jesus Christ's name,
David and Tonia Parker
April 25 - Parkers to Principal, to clarify meeting time and
Date: Monday, April 25, 2005
We received a phone message, from Mrs. Bello, today (4/25/2005)
confirming our meeting on Wednesday (4/27/2005) from 3:00 to 4:00pm
in Ms Jay's office at Estabrook. However, there seems to be some
ambiguity on who will be attending-- Mr. Hurley or Mr. Ravenelle or
both? Please confirm by E-mail to clarify the situation and the
meeting time before Wednesday.
David and Tonia Parker
April 26 - Principal to Parkers, clarifications for final meeting:
Date: Tuesday, April 26 2005
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Parker,
I'm sorry the message wasn't clear. Mr. Ravenelle and I will be
attending the meeting. We'll see you at 3 tomorrow here at
Joni Jay
Principal, Estabrook School
117 Grove Street, Lexington, MA 02420
April 26 - (Evening) David Parker at Lexington School
Committee Meeting
David addressed the Lexington School Committee with concerns about homosexuality
being presented to his son, and the school not accomodating his parental rights in
the matter. School Committee refused to respond.
At the April 27 meeting at Estabrook (referenced in April 26
email), David
Parker was arrested and taken to jail.