Had enough? Citizens, take back your government!

Pro-homosexual activists hold counter-demonstration to intimidate David Parker rally participants, and support his ban from all school property.

Elected officials and local clergy take part.

It's utterly amazing how obsessed these people are, and how possessed by their intolerance. 

Getting started. First, they gathered in front of the Visitors' Center across the street. It appears a podium was set up for speakers.

Igniting the crowd. On podium, Meg Soens (well-known lesbian activist and GLSEN workshop coordinator) exhorts the crowd against David Parker. Next to her is Rev. Bill Clark (bald head) of the Unitarian Church.

In our faces. After that, they lined up along Bedford Street, right across from the Parker gathering, to hold signs, intimidate, etc.

Outpouring of public anger and intolerance.  The line stretched over a block long.  It included very young kids, adolescents, and adults. 

Raising kids to hate others.  Rev. Bill Clark again, along the street. The kids' signs have particularly insidious messages: "Support ALL Our Children, Families, Schools" and "Anyone Can Go to School."  Note that these imply that David Parker does not support all children, and that he believes that not everyone can go to school. This is the angry mindset these people have, and they're transmitting it to young children.

Top elected school official.  Lexington School Committee Chairman Helen Cohen was not pleased to get her picture taken by us as she demonstrated against David Parker, and she turned her sign aside so we couldn't see it.

Having fun bashing parents.  School Committee member (former chairman) Tom Griffiths (wearing coat and tie) enjoys the counter-demonstration, with kids.  Note the message again: "Support ALL Our Children" -- implying that David Parker doesn't, and the sign "Welcome Everyone", with a similar thought.