Pro-family activism that makes a difference!
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July 27, 2018

Dear Friend of MassResistance,

We know that you are bombarded with solicitations for funding … but hardly ever from MassResistance. Why is that? Because our small but dedicated staff is too busy producing reports and providing guidance for activists. So we have little time for fundraising! But we are in need of your help now.

Just look at our recent cutting-edge reports below, and ask yourself:  What other group informs you so thoroughly on such a broad range pro-family issues? What other group has the courage to speak the truth so directly? What other group has published the unpleasant facts about the Health Hazards of Homosexuality?

     PLEASE donate HERE to help us continue our fearless work!

MassResistance Texas activists fighting the LGBT infiltration in the Southern Baptist denomination

It's time to strongly oppose the transgender movement

At Texas State GOP Convention: MassResistance-Texas leads charge to pass 12 strong items in party platform!

Canadian activist Bill Whatcott endures abuse in jail for pro-family stand
–  His exclusive interview with MassResistance 

Fiery Christian protest outside Canada police station – as Bill Whatcott taken into custody on "hate speech" charge – MassResistance exclusive video and report

How to radical sex-ed forces in your school defeat parents – and how to stop them!

"BDSM" the next LGBT push on society

What Has Sexual-Orientation Non-Discrimination Wrought?

Big successes in Nebraska Legislature by MassResistance affiliate

MassResistance table BANNED from CPAC – after having been accepted!

Parents take on LGBT agenda at local Library Board meeting in Texas

The terrible fraud of 'transgender medicine' in America

MassResistance represents the frontline battle at national Values Voter Summit in DC

Colorado MassResistance continues to expose and confront tax-funded pornography targeting schoolchildren

We hope you will donate today. Any amount will be put to very good use! And we LOVE monthly donors. (Call our office at 781-890-6001 to arrange that.)

With sincere thanks,
Brian Camenker, Staff, and Activists


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