Pro-family activism that makes a difference!

100 by D-Day? The changing economics of fighting the good fight.

POSTED: May 28, 2014

This past Memorial Day weekend, our recent emails on the GLSEN conference and their plans for an even bigger homosexual / transgender agenda in the schools, have really energized people to get involved.

Just one of the things that MassResistance is uncovering. The homosexual movement is pushing this in high schools and middle schools across America.

Helping kids be "safe" at school is the Orwellian term for aggressively enforcing pro-"LGBT" sexual ideology -- and suppressing all dissent.

Will groups like us be able to continue exposing this?

And that's just a fraction of what we have in the hopper. It's really worse than most people can imagine.

But with limited finances, it's taking us longer to publish all the shocking information we have uncovered.

A supporter of ours in the Midwest, a 90-year-old proud World War II veteran, gave us a challenge. Between May 25 (Memorial Day) and June 6 (D-Day), he how many people can we persuade to donate to MassResistance: 50 people? 100? More? He said it makes him sad to see what we're reporting, and he wishes more of his buddies were around to help us. Most of the older "greatest generation" gets it. But now it's up to the current generations.

We hope this challenge will be heard.

The changing economics of cutting-edge pro-family activism

The economics of fighting this fight have changed drastically in just the last few years. That's why regular people like you are so vitally important.

Here's a prominent example of what we're talking about. As most of you know by now, the president of Chick-fil-A, Dan Cathy, recently announced that his company would no longer donate to pro-family groups opposing "gay marriage" or the homosexual agenda in the schools. Such donations were a "bad business decision," he said. Instead, he has instituted an outlandish sexual-orientation and "gender identity" non-discrimination policy in all his restaurants. And he started meeting with college homosexual activists to find "common ground."

The president of Chick-fil-A is now the rule, not the exception. We personally know many wealthy conservative businessmen who tell us privately that they really love what we're doing, but they can no longer risk being caught supporting this cause. It would be "bad for business." So they cave in.

They saw what happened to big donors to Proposition 8, to Brendan Eich, CEO of Mozilla, and to dozens of smaller businesses across the country that crossed the "gay" lobby. They're willing to let the homosexual movement have its way as long as they're safe (for now).

We hear this confirmed by front-line pro-family activists across America. Thus, the burden of support of this struggle now falls to the average person, not the millionaire businessman or high-ranking corporate executive. (As one activist said, it's a good thing these businessmen weren't funding the Revolutionary War!)

This takes its toll in many ways. We have a friend on the West Coast who was one of the most knowledgeable and effective pro-family activists in America on the homosexual issue. But he realized that fundraising was now going to take most of his time. That wasn't his strength. He finally just gave it up and took a normal job. If that trend continues, this movement is in big trouble. The skills people like him have can't easily be taught.

On the other hand, the list of major US corporations giving money to the radical homosexual movement is staggering. And then there are the wealthy individuals who regularly dole out five- and six-figure grants to push that agenda deeper into society. That's why the homosexual movement is so successful right now. In our observation, it's the biggest reason.

As a result, not only are the homosexual organizations flush with cash, but frontline homosexual activists in every state are funded by so many sources that most of them wouldn't even know how to fundraise from individuals.

On top of that, the front-line pro-family groups have never gotten the multi-million dollar seed money to build a huge infrastructure, like the homosexual groups,, and the national Tea Party organizations. Of course, the big national Tea Parties have a positive function, but their libertarian big funders are certainly staying away from this issue.

Can we reach 100 or more donations by June 6?

So in that spirit we're taking up our friend's plea. Between NOW and midnight JUNE 6 -- Memorial Day to D-Day -- we'll show him how many people are willing to help MassResistance fight on. Just $5 or more. Can we reach 100? Here's the current total.

Donations can also be mailed to:
MassResistance, PO Box 1612, Waltham, MA 02454
ALL donations are confidential.
MassResistance does not sell or lend any of its lists.

Let's help show our World War II veteran that the fight isn't over, but is just beginning!

BONUS: Everyone who donates during this period will get one of our brand new MassResistance bumper stickers!
(Size:9" x 3")