MassResistance ramping up to meet the "culture war" challenges on the horizon. But we need your help!
After the election -- the battle continues
POSTED: October 19, 2012
Whatever happens in this upcoming election, you know one thing for sure. The "culture war" is going to continue to gain ground against us all -- unless we proactively expose what's happening and fight back. Here at MassResistance we're preparing to meet that challenge. But we need your help, too!
Many of you have seen some of the things that we've exposed and documented recently:
The newest US Department of Justice logo! |
We also covered the "Occupy" Boston campout, the Chick-fil-A homosexual kiss-in, and the upcoming "Death with Dignity" referendum in ways you won't see anywhere else.
The mainstream media didn't show you this when they reported on the "Occupy" movement. (The "pamphlet" table at their Boston encampment.)
[MassResistance photo] |

We go where the media -- and most other pro-family groups -- aren't willing to go so you can be informed. And we help give people like you the real ammunition to fight back, not simply milquetoast "talking points."
We're in the media around the country.
Recently, MassResistance has been featured on radio shows across America discussing our recent reports. Below is an interview with MassResistance's Brian Camenker this week, on the 130-station American Family Association Network's Sandy Rios Show -- describing the "gay" FBI, the upcoming marriage votes, our philosophy, and more.

HEAR: Brian Camenker of MassResistance on the
Sandy Rios Show 10/15/2012
Coming up soon: We'll be exposing much more!
But all that is just the beginning. We have much more in the pipeline! In the upcoming weeks you will see:
- The 2012 homosexual Youth Pride weekend in Boston. You won't believe what the homosexual movement is doing with children.
This is more benign part of what we have to show you from "Youth Pride."
[MassResistance photo] |
- The 2012 Gay Pride Week in Boston. Including the profane "Dyke March," the "Gay Pride Parade," and the homosexual "Festival" at City Hall. It's hard to describe! Businesses, politicians, and others promote this debased and perverted behavior.
From the hideous "Dyke March" Parade through downtown Boston during Gay Pride Week.
[MassResistance photo] |
- The new Transgender Rights law in Massachusetts. Signed into law late last year, it took effect July 1. The effect on the public schools has already been shocking. And that's just the beginning. Those beyond Massachusetts need to be on the alert!
- The 2012 GLSEN-Boston conference: what's in store for your kids in school (all over the country). The radicals' newest plans for pushing homosexuality, transgenderism, and more in your schools -- into all grades (as early as kindergarten) were revealed here.
- The latest on pro-life hero Peter D'Attilio. Since our last report, he has endured even more abuse and subsequent arrests for his completely legal pro-life activism. Including more shocking video.
- The homosexual agenda in the US Military. They said that repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell" would not cause any problems. The reports coming back are worse than you would have imagined. Including one US Marine's observations.
- The latest on the $1 million homosexual lawsuit against MassResistance's Brian Camenker -- and the subsequent attacks on others. There have been some surprising victories, though. We'll have an update for you soon.
- Our MassResistance 2012 election guide for Massachusetts. In keeping with our longstanding tradition, we've got the lowdown on the candidates for the Legislature, Congress, and Governor's Council for the November election -- the way no one else would report it.
- And much, much more.
MassResistance: A leader in pro-family activism!
There are fewer and fewer groups willing to stand up and confront the homosexual and transgender agenda, the abortion agenda, the death agenda, and the rest of the culture of death the way we do. We've made a difference in states from Hawaii to Maine (and even Puerto Rico), and as far away as Australia and Singapore.
Our big success last year in lobbying Congress to oust Obama's "safe schools" czar Kevin Jennings needs to be replicated over and over.
We have big plans to expand our activism. We get many calls for help from across the country and even overseas. (Activists in several states have asked us to form MassResistance groups there to leverage our track record of success.) And we want to meet that challenge!
Help us continue!
Your support is what keeps us going. Especially if you're a first-time donor -- come on board and join the battle!

EVEN BETTER: consider becoming a monthly donor. Become part of the "first team." That is the fuel that keeps us going. Call us at 781-890-6001 or email us if you can commit $10, $25, $50, $100, or more a month.
(Donations to MassResistance are not tax-deductible. Tax-deductible donations can be made to Parents Education Foundation, which helps our research, at PO Box 1612, Waltham, MA 02454.)