Pro-family activism that makes a difference! | ||||||
MassResistance email update:Update: Marriage battles, assisted suicide, GOP selloutPOSTED: October 26, 20121. Battle against "Assisted Suicide": Ballot question in Mass. goes into high gear. Large bi-partisan support for "NO" vote. Polls still lagging, but catching up.2. In the four "gay marriage vote" states: Gay lobby and pro-gay donors spending millions in final weeks of campaign. But pro-marriage forces continue to fight hard.3. More big money: National homosexual movement teams up with "conservative" GOP groups to elect radical gay activist Republican, Richard Tisei, to Congress in Mass.4. Coming up this week . . .1. Battle against "Assisted Suicide": Ballot question in Mass. goes into high gear. Large bi-partisan support for "NO" vote. Polls still lagging, but catching up.Momentum appears to be moving our way in the battle to defeat the "physician assisted suicide" ballot question in Massachusetts (Question 2) on Nov. 6. Recent polls generally have shown about a 60-40 lead for the "Yes" vote. But a barrage of well-honed "No on 2" television and radio commercials by the Committee Against Physician Assisted Suicide has begun to hit the airwaves, and the sense is that it's making a difference.
VIDEO: The 5-minute speeches pro and con the "assisted suicide" question. |
The audience at the forum watches. |
The liberal media has been surprisingly reluctant to carry the water for this, even though it's part of the traditional progressive agenda. Probably the most aggressive article we've seen was posted yesterday by The Atlantic. It hits this issue right between the eyes:
"Physician-Assisted Suicide is not Progressive" by Ira Byock, The Atlantic
What's also interesting is that the Boston Globe -- arguably the most liberal big-city paper in the country -- has published considerable material opposed to the measure, far more than articles supporting it. Much of it is very well thought out and compelling.
For example, in the Boston Globe:
"Question 2 is deeply flawed" by Liz Walker (former TV anchorwoman)
"What about do no harm?" by Jeff Jacoby, Globe columnist.
"Jack Kevorkian comes to town" by Tom Keane (former Boston City Councilor)
But the battle of the polls still continues in the final stretch. Our sense is that the TV commercials are changing a lot of minds. Let's hope it's enough to make the difference on election day.
ACTION SUGGESTION: We guess that many voters will show up at the polls with no knowledge of Question 2. We think that holding a sign with a clear, brief message would have a big impact. Something like:
NO on Question 2 or Stop Assisted Suicide! or Doctors should NOT kill!
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GOAL: $100,000 Raised: $ 2,025 Donors: 42 Days: 9
On Nov. 6, four states -- Maryland, Maine, Washington, and Minnesota -- will be voting on "gay marriage.'
As expected, it's become a battle against big money even more than in past years. As the final weeks of the election season roll by, the national homosexual group Human Rights Campaign (lavishly funded by corporate America) has been pouring $4.4 million into these races.
And earlier this week New York City's billionaire mayor Michael Bloomberg announced he's writing checks totaling $500,000 for this effort.
And this is just the latest rush of cash. On July 27, the New York Times reported that Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, announced he was donating $2.5 million to push "gay marriage" in Washington's upcoming referendum. The article also mentions that Microsoft executives Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer have already kicked in $100,000 each. And the list of other corporations -- from Adobe Systems to Wells Fargo -- is staggering.
(This also shows the strategic importance of homosexual activists' efforts decades ago to insert non-discrimination clauses into corporate personnel policies. That mindset has taken over the top levels of corporate management.)
On our side, the National Organization for Marriage is spending approximately $2 million. And the Catholic Church, in states like Minnesota, is also raising several hundred thousand dollars. Many individual donors are helping out, as well.
But to our knowledge, Chick-fil-A has not contributed anything substantial to the pro-marriage effort this year, despite the huge outpouring of support from pro-marriage conservatives on the "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day" back in August.
According to press reports, the most recent figures for the four states are (in millions of dollars):
State | MD | ME | MN | WA | |
"Gay marriage" $ | 3.7 | 3.4 | 7.8 | 8.9 | |
Traditional marriage $ | 0.8 | 0.4 | 2.0 | 1.7 |
The pro-family forces in each of the four states are fighting back in their own way. Each state's pro-family groups are struggling with funding, but are finding creative and effective ways to get the word out. In each state, MassResistance material is being used in the fight.
We've been very impressed with Preserve Marriage Washington, which seems to be leading the fight there. In particular, they have posted some campaign ads/videos on the marriage issue that are REALLY good. They are not afraid to "tell it like it is" regarding the effect of homosexuality on society. And they do it in a very well-crafted, compelling way. Several of their videos use material originally from MassResistance, including the David Parker issue. Some of the videos are produced by them, others are done by National Organization for Marriage or Family Research Council.
You can see the Preserve Marriage Washington list of videos HERE. |
We're glad that Preserve Marriage Washington is being bold. We've been generally critical of pro-marriage groups that are afraid to discuss the central issue of the "gay marriage" fight -- homosexual behavior and the homosexual movement -- and instead fall back on peripheral or less effective issues such as "every child needs a mother and a father."
As a result of this and other activity in Washington, they are improving in the polls. As we write this, it is pretty much a statistical dead heat (after previously being pretty far behind). And this is after the huge cash inflow by the pro-gay executives listed above.
Just today, Protect Marriage Maine has produced a state-wide TV commercial featuring David and Tonia Parker and their infamous case here in Massachusetts, which MassResistance first reported on starting back in 2005. This case was used by the Maine people in the previous marriage fight there in 2009, and we're pleased they're bringing it up again.
TV AD: Protect Marriage Maine video of the David Parker case in Masssachusetts |
This week MassResistance did a long interview with the State House bureau reporter representing dozens of Minnesota newspapers across the state, including Minneapolis and St. Paul. The subject was "What same-sex 'marriage' has done to Massachusetts."
We'll keep you informed as election gets closer.
Again, what's happening in Massachusetts may soon be happening across the country.
Last week we reported that the national GOP establishment is pouring over a million dollars to elect Richard Tisei to Congress in Massachusetts. They have named Tisei as one of the select "conservative young guns" they want to focus their energies on to get elected.
We documented Tisei's record: as a radical homosexual activist, dedicated to pushing "gay marriage" across the country; as pro-abortion (rated 100% by Planned Parenthood); as hostile to religious faith; as the only Republican to sponsor the "transgender rights" bill in the Mass. Senate; and the only Republican to vote against the state tax rollback in 2000.
Not exactly what one would consider "conservative."
Well, there's more.
Who would ever imagine that the national homosexual movement would team up with GOP "conservative" stalwarts Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, and Speaker John Boehner? The infamous national PAC Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund has selected Tisei as one of its top candidates in the country for support. In addition, the pro-gay American Unity PAC has already spent over $500,000 for Tisei, according to the Associated Press. Adding to that, it's likely that Tisei will get a good part of the $10 million that billionaire NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg has announced he's spending for pro-gay candidates.
Here in Massachusetts, this been buttressed by the Boston Globe and Boston Herald (both of which support "gay rights) which have both enthusiastically endorsed Tisei in their editorials.
As the Globe gushed in its lead editorial: "There's longstanding evidence of Tisei's willingness to defy his party and even public sentiment at key points; he voted against rolling back the state income tax from 5.3 percent to 5 percent because he didn't think the state could afford to do so. He argues that, because he would be the only openly gay Republican to be elected to Congress, he would have a national profile of sorts. He would, and he should use it to press for tolerance and moderation among his fellow Republicans." |
We'd like to say that there's been an uprising against how Mass. Republicans are being railroaded in the 6th District, particularly among conservatives.
But most of the people -- and certainly all the GOP politicians -- whom we talk to have pretty much abandoned their principles when it comes to the 2012 ballot box. And they basically believe Tisei's slick TV ads saying he'll "be a great representative for the 6th District." The idea that "any Republican" must be elected seems to trump everything else. The voters may be pro-life and support traditional marriage, but they don't actually intend to vote that way. The concept of blanking out a race on principle completely eludes almost all Massachusetts conservatives. It's a sad and disturbing situation.
We even believe that as bad as the Democrat incumbent John Tierney is, Tisei will be worse because of the lasting impact he'll have on the national Republican Party.
Not surprisingly, the homosexual press in Boston is having a conniption over MassResistance's expose' of Tisei. Leading the pack is Edge Boston which also supplies articles to other homosexual publications. Since MassResistance is the only pro-family group willing to confront this issue, we're naturally an easy target for the vitriol of the homosexual lobby.
Last week Edge Boston published an article titled, "Ultra-Right Fights GOP for Helping Mass. Gay House Candidate" which vents their anger at us.
Interestingly, the charges against us are, well, true. For example, among their rants about MassResistance in the article:
MassResistance is trying to spread the word on Tisei's "passionate support" for marriage equality. "He brags that he fought to make it 'legal' in Massachusetts," the group's website proclaims. "He believes it's a civil right that must be granted across America." The site also points out he appeared in a video made by MassEquality to promote gay marriage.
Yup, we're guilty as charged. Of course, like so much in the homosexual press, the article plays the "dangerous religious right" card by labeling MassResistance director Brian Camenker as a "Christian conservative." Well, not quite. Actually, Camenker is Jewish. But hey, it rounds out the article so well!
Help us get to the bottom of this!
Since GOP Majority Leader Eric Cantor (along with Paul Ryan) was the ringleader in setting up and selecting this so-called "conservative young guns" group, we tried calling his office for a clarification on just how Tisei was selected over so many better-qualified candidates around the country. We were finally told that Cantor's "press person" would answer that for us. But despite numerous calls and emails, that "press person" doesn't get back to us.
Maybe some of you will have better luck. If so, please let us know what she says:
Megan Whittemore, PR person for Congressman Eric Cantor
Phone: (202) 225-2815
Good luck!
MONDAY (or Tuesday): Voter Guide for Massachusetts state races. Including the Legislature, Governor's Council, and Congress. We do a voter guide like no one else does (and have for every election since 2002)! Even if you're not from Massachusetts, you will find this interesting, to see the extent that the homosexual / transgender (and socialist) movement has infiltrated government here.
WEDNESDAY: Special update on $1m lawsuit against MassResistance and Brian Camenker -- an important victory -- and big setback for the homosexual activist (and convicted sex offender) who's suing us.
And more!
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