At Tea Party attack: Boston police mostly stand and watch, allowed disruption to continue.
Were hostile to Tea Party and let rioters have their way!
POSTED: May 4, 2012
The Boston police were disingenuous and deceitful from the very beginning.
Several days before the event, Tea Party leaders came to Boston and met with Boston Police officials. They showed them the permit. They explained that families with young children would be coming. They showed the police the Internet postings from the "Occupy" people and homosexual activists about their plans to disrupt the event.
The police officials promised the Tea Party leaders that the police would not allow anyone attempting to disrupt the event to be closer than the Tremont Street sidewalk, a few hundred yards away, and that they would protect the event and the attendees.
But in fact, the exact opposite happened. They allowed the rioters to come right into the crowd and make as much noise and disruption as they wanted. Only when some of them began to get violent did they make a few arrests (we're told that three were arrested) but otherwise did almost nothing.
The police spent most of the time doing this. |
The homosexual activists who disrupted the event certainly agreed. Don Gorton, a vicious homosexual activist who also once helped organize an attack on a church, told the Boston Globe, "What I did observe was a spirited presence by the counter-protesters that the police respected and did not suppress."
The police appeared to be quite sympathetic and friendly to the screaming thugs and seemed to look upon the Tea Party people with disdain and suspicion.
On several occasions, Tea Party people approached the police and pleaded with them to stop the disruption. They reacted with indifference or hostility, or just ignored us.
Imploring the police to take action. Clockwise from above: A Tea Party leader, Rich Howell, and Brian Camenker all asked the police to stop the rioters. Each time the cops had an excuse for doing nothing. |
This sergeant was particularly angry and hostile to the Tea Party people. When one lady told him she felt intimidated by the screams, and he told her, "If you don't like it, then leave." He told a Tea Party leader who asked him to intervene, "They can come right up to your podium. It's free speech. I don't care what they say." When another person tried to show him a copy of the state law, he got angry and said "I don't have to look at anything from you." |
Why no charges of disorderly conduct? Disturbing the peace? Or more?
There are numerous state statutes and Boston municipal ordinances that should have applied here. For example, the state civil rights statute protects people exercising their constitutional rights. And Boston requires that people must be allowed "quiet enjoyment" of their events at the Boston Common "without harassment." Most of these laws involve fines and jail time for offenders. It's ironic that charges of "disorderly conduct" and "disturbing the peace" are often used frivolously by police against pro-family people who are peacefully (and legally) carrying signs, but here — when it is clearly warranted — it is ignored. All of these rioters were clearly in violation of numerous laws that day.
It was like they couldn't wait to leave. |

Boston Police have history of protecting politically correct radical lawbreakers
The support of politically radical lawbreakers by the Boston Police is not new. There are documented incidents going back over 20 years of the Boston Police allowing homosexual activists to publicly break laws and damage property. This past year, the "Occupy Boston" hooligans were allowed seize public property, relieve themselves in public, march through the streets without any permit, and generally harass local people and businesses with impunity, while the police protected them.
This woman in a Planned Parenthood shirt ran up in front of one of the speakers, shouted, and danced around. The police officer just stood and watched. |
