Pro-family activism that makes a difference!

MassResistance featured on major pro-family radio in British Columbia!

Fearless pro-family broadcast that openly defies Canadian censors and "hate speech" tribunals

POSTED: July 17, 2011

Roadkill Radio Interview

Up in Canada the homosexual agenda is, in many ways, accelerating faster than here in the US, particularly in the schools. And since Canada does not have a First Amendment, the government can censor the media for trumped-up "hate" speech.

But in British Columbia longtime pro-family activist Kari Simpson and her team broadcast fearless news and commentary on issues and battles for freedoms and liberties of Canadians on a popular weekly show called RoadKill Radio -- openly defying the Canadian censors and "hate speech" tribunals.

On Tuesday, July 12, Brian Camenker of MassResistance was interviewed on their show. It was a pretty lively!