A post-Memorial Day message
about getting involved
June 3, 2010
by Brian Camenker, MassResistance
I wasn't planning to write a Memorial Day piece this year. Many others did and most were pretty good. But afterwards I realized something a little different ought to be said. I guess what I'm writing here is pretty harsh.
On Memorial Day afternoon I called up my dad. He's a WWII veteran. (His dad was a WWI veteran.) He's very distraught about what our current political leaders are doing to this country with our tax dollars against the will of the people. And they're doing it as fast as they can.
He remembers a time nearly 70 years ago. He recalls the kids in his neighborhood who lined up to join and went off to war to fight. They loved America. They were fearless back then. Many of them didn't come back.
Is this what they fought and died for? Why are people letting it happen? A lot of veterans of that age don't understand it. I'm not sure I understand it.
On many levels, our elected officials are making America the kind of country that our soldiers thought they were fighting against. They are doing to us what the communists, or Nazis and others couldn't do. It's as if they are waging a war against us in our own land. And right now we're losing.
You can look around and see hundreds of examples big and small, national and local. Here in Massachusetts, the legislature is about to give enormous money to push homosexuality in the public schools, while cutting other needed programs. In two weeks, public officials will be marching in a "Gay Pride" parade where the Grand Marshall is a man (who's undergone "sex-change" surgery) who goes into public schools wearing dresses to push the transgender agenda. Congress is about to open the door to open homosexuality in our military, with the acquiescence of the Republicans. The Senate is about to confirm a hardcore pro-homosexual activist as a Supreme Court judge, again with help from the Republicans. Madness is seemingly everywhere.
But that's not the worst part of it.
The worst part is that more and more people are afraid, disheartened, and are giving up. Sure, people are still willing to come to meetings and Tea Party rallies. But it's not like even a year ago. You should hear some of the excuses we're seeing from people -- who passionately agree with us -- for not taking the next step and doing something when asked:
"I don't want to be harassed. I don't want to risk getting my name in the paper. I don't want to risk losing my job. They'll call me horrible names. I'm afraid of the gays. I'm much too busy. I'm going to pray about it instead. I'm not feeling well. I'm too old. I don't think anything will work."
Among the great heroes of WWII were the resistance fighters in Europe. If anybody had a right to give up, it was they. Their struggle really looked impossible. They were basically just ordinary people. The whole continent had been taken over by a powerful, vicious force. By fighting back they were risking being tortured and killed. And many had that happen to them. But they fought on.
Historically, counter-revolutions often start in small steps. When we reverse even one thing, that becomes the start of another, then another. Pretty soon the momentum becomes unstoppable. Remember how the Soviet Union's empire fell?
Before the Mass. Legislature ends its session on July 31 there are some very effective things we can do (that we MUST do) that would change things in a big way. And outside of Massachusetts, there are strategic things regarding Obama's "safe schools czar" Kevin Jennings that can be leveraged positively if people put their minds t it.
We hope that some of you will consider volunteering, even if it's just from home, even for just a few hours a week. Let us know. Or it's possible we may call or email you. But the big problem is if you do nothing.
Things are happening very fast. We don't have a lot of time to sit around and think about it. Unlike the WWII resistance fighters, we aren't being threatened with torture and death -- yet. Let's not wait until that happens.