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You are cordially invited to a banquet in support of MassResistanceSaturday, March 6, 2010 WE HOPE YOU CAN JOIN US! RSVP by February 26 at 781-890-6001 or Amy@MassResistance.org, or mail in this form: +++++++++++++++++++++ CUT HERE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RSVP: MassResistance Banquet ____ Enclosed is my ___check or ___credit card info for ___Dinner(s) @ $40 each, for total $___. Name (print):________________________________________________________ Others in my party:___________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________ Phone:____________________________ Email:___________________________________ Credit Card #______________________________ Exp________Signature________________________ Please make checks payable to MassResistance. | ||||||||||||