Martha Coakley's predictable reaction: (1) Get help from the media. (2) Sleazy attack ads. (3) Raise big money quickly from lobbyists.
POSTED: Jan 13, 2010
Martha Coakley's old-school Democratic-machine campaign has reacted to the Brown surge in pretty much the way you'd expect. Among our favorites:
(1) Help from the media
On Sunday, the Boston Globe prominently displayed a front-page headline highlighting the results of a strange poll (commissioned by the Globe) showing that Coakley was winning by 15 points. What a psychological boost! Interestingly, the poll was done by the same company that announced that Obama would win the New Hampshire presidential primary by a landslide. (Hillary Clinton won it.) More on that here. Just about all the other polls show the race a dead heat.
The headline nobody believed (not even liberals). Front page of Sunday's Boston Globe. See article here. A pretty lame tactic, really. |

(2) Sleazy attack ads
Coakley's campaign has started some pretty nasty attacking. At this point, we're not sure it's going to work.
Here's a sample of what we're now seeing on television:
And here's Brown's response
(3) Raising big money quickly from lobbyists
On Tuesday night, where was Martha Coakley? Campaigning in Massachusetts? Nope! As Michele Malkin reports, Coakley was in Washington DC raking in money from Big Pharma lobbyists and health care special interests. Pretty much the same crowd that's been funding a lot of Obama-backed stuff (and getting a free ride from the mainstream media). And this weekend it continues as Bill Clinton and John Kerry are in town for a local deep-pockets fundraiser.