Victories (and a defeat) in New Hampshire, Maine, and Connecticut on same-sex 'marriage', transgender bill
Homosexual lobby stopped (for now) by flood of citizen outrage
April 27, 2009
Last week saw a whirlwind of activity on the culture war front across New England. On Thursday there were 2 victories in New Hampshire and a tough loss in Connecticut, plus a huge public hearing in Maine with David Parker.
NEW HAMPSHIRE: 2 Victories!
On Thursday the NH Senate Judiciary Committee to "not recommend" both the same-sex "marriage" bill and the transgender bill! Thanks to all the work that the NH activists did for both of these!
After digesting everything from last week's contentious public hearing, the committee voted 3-2 to "not recommend" this bill!
MassResistance article "What Same-Sex Marriage did to Massachusetts," submitted as testimony at NH hearing last week.
The public hearing on the transgender "rights" bill took place Thursday afternoon. But it only lasted from 1:00 to 3:30 pm -- even though there were more people waiting to speak. And as one observer told us, "Only the normal looking trannies showed up today." A letter to the committee from MassResistance on the transgender agenda in Massachusetts was submitted as testimony. The word around the Capitol is that the governor told the Senate to kill it. The committee voted 5-0 not to recommend the bill!
Letter to NH Senate from MassResistance on transgender agenda, submitted as testimony at yesterday's hearing.
Both of these bills will still face a Senate vote, but a "not recommend" has a strong influence, we are told.
MAINE: Enormous public hearing on same-sex "marriage"
In the largest public hearing in Maine's history, held Wednesday in the Augusta Civic Center, over 3,000 people came for testimony that started at 9:30 am and lasted into the night.
A major figure that day was David Parker, who gave hard-hitting testimony about how officially sanctioning same-sex "marriage" has led to forced homosexual indoctrination in the schools, as early as Kindergarten. Parker effectively countered the emotional rants of homosexual activists as they tried to marginalize any opposition. The MassResistance article was also used for testimony.
Shamelessly using children. As one observer told us, the gay activists employed their particularly distasteful tactic of using children as young as 8 or 9 to testify. Some of them were frightened, very upset, and even crying. It was extremely inappropriate, to say the least, many people felt. The homosexual supporters also used intimidation tactics such as turning their backs en masse to certain pro-marriage speakers.
Maine Public Broadcasting Network article:
High Turnout In Augusta For Marriage Equality Bill
(featuring David Parker)
Video: TV coverage of hearing: WMTW Channel 8
David Parker testifies before the Maine Judiciary Committee and thousands of others on Wednesday. |
The Judiciary Committee will probably make a decision sometime this week whether to kill the bill or send it to the full legislature, starting with the Senate.
The Connecticut Legislature passed the same-sex "marriage" bill on Wednesday, and on Thursday the governor signed it into law. The law removes any male-female references to the state's marriage statutes and also transforms all current civil unions into legal marriages over a period of time. Last fall the Connecticut supreme court ruled that not to allow same-sex "marriage" was unconstitutional.
An odd type of pro-family "victory." Strangely, pro-family groups in Connecticut claimed a victory because they were able to get religious exemptions against prosecution for discrimination written into the new law. They had been lobbying furiously for those amendments, according a major pro-family website involved with the issue. Somehow, to us, this seems like a bit of a retreat.
Hartford Courant: Amendment Gives Religious Organizations Exemption To Same-Sex Ruling
Family Institute of Connecticut website