Had enough? Citizens, take back your government!

Homosexuals begin campaign of terror and violence against churches in California and across US because of Prop 8 election loss.

Mormons singled out for special wrath.

Also see below: The real reason they're so enraged

November 13, 2008

It began with the threats. Almost immediately after Proposition 8 – the anti-gay “marriage” amendment – was overwhelmingly passed by California voters, homosexual activists began threatening to burn down churches and other violence:

'Gay' threats target Christians over same-sex 'marriage' ban
"Burn their f---ing churches, then tax charred timbers"

We didn't realize how quickly it would happen. This is unprecedented.

Over the last several days the homosexual movement in California has begun a vile campaign of terror and violence against churches and religious people. (And they're working to export their rage and violence across the country.)

How would you like to be greeted by several hundred of these people when you showed up at church?

(Photo: Orange County Register)

Here are just a few of the incidents:

  • More than 200 protesters screamed and chanted in front of the Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles during Sunday services. Among other things, they waved large posters of Jesus with "No to Hate" at parishioners.
    Report in homosexual newspaper about incident.

  • In Palm Springs, an enraged crowd of homosexual activists attacked an elderly woman carrying a cross. They assaulted her, grabbed the cross, and stomped on it. The attack was filmed live by a local TV news crew.
    See the outrageous video here. (Notice the condescending comment at the end of the TV by the anchor that there's "a lot of hate by both sides." As far as we could see, the hate was from just one side.)
    Newspaper report

  • Pastor Rick Warren's Saddleback Church was targeted by several hundred angry homosexual activists, with at least one prominent sign displaying a large swastika in order to terrorize parishioners.
    Newspaper report.

  • Parishioners at a Catholic church in Riverside, CA, found Prop. 8-related signs arranged in a swastika on the church's front lawn.

  • As far away as Lansing, Michigan, an Assembly of God church was invaded last Sunday during services by homosexual activists who proceeded to fling propaganda and condoms around the sanctuary, drape a profane banner from the balcony and have two lesbians kiss each other on the pulpit. They beat on buckets and used a megaphone to shout "Jesus is a homo." They also intentionally set off a fire alarm and carried picket signs and an upside-down pink cross outside. According to press reports, the police did not make any arrests and are "investigating" the incident.
    Video: TV video of the incident
    Article: Lesbians, condoms go wild in attack on Christian church
    Article: Gay rights protesters disrupt Sunday service
    Homosexual website bragging about incident

Two lesbians parked this car next to a home of parents and five children that supported Proposition 8.

Mormon Church targeted for vile homosexual attacks

Everyone in America needs to understand: This will happen to your church someday.

Mormon Churches in California and around the country have been targeted by the homosexual movement for particularly harsh treatment. This is because individual Mormons (not necessarily the Church itself) raised money to support Proposition 8 in California. News article: Mormons being singled out.

  • This disgusting anti-Mormon TV ad was broadcast across California, portraying LDS missionaries invading a home of lesbians. This is pure religious hatred and has no place in America.
    Video of anti-Mormon TV ad.

  • Several thousand homosexual activists rioted at a Mormon temple in the Los Angeles of Westwood in a terrorizing protest, screaming, waving signs, and threatening to break through the gates and storm the building. (The police estimated the crowd to be 1000, but the LA times published an estimate of 5000.)
    Los Angeles Times article

  • In Ventura, CA, 50 homosexual activists marched with "Hate" signs to the local Mormon church.
    Newspaper article - NOTE that the article is written from the protesters point of view!

  • Lesbians parked a van with a big sign "Bigots" in front of a Mormon family's house (parents and five kids) near San Francisco, with an arrow pointing to the house.

  • A Mormon church near Sacramento was spray-painted with "No on 8" messages over the weekend.

  • In Salt Lake City, a crowd of about 3,000 angry activists marched outside the headquarters of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Many were waving rainbow flags, holding signs, and shouting "Separate church and state," "I didn't vote on your marriage," and other insults.
    Newspaper article

  • Homosexual activist groups are starting a mass movement to get the Mormon Church's tax-exempt status revoked.
    Homosexual blog describing effort

  • Last Sunday the Boston Globe reported that homosexual activists are organizing a national boycott of the state of Utah, to punish the predominant Mormon population there.
    Boston Globe article

Individuals targeted

This list could go on and on. Here are just a few. We certainly know the homosexual lobby's concept of individual freedom of speech!

  • A Sacramento theater director was forced to resign from his job after it was revealed that he had given a $1000 donation to the Yes on Prop 8 committee.
    Los Angeles Times article

  • Writer Linda Harvey (www.MissionAmerica.com) who has written quite a bit about the recent Prop 8 events and other homosexual issues in California, received an email threat from a Houston lawyer who brazenly identified himself. He told her: "You are very much being watched! All you jeebus-lovin-christers rights will slowly be taken away one by one the more you try to press your beliefs down our throats." The authorities are looking into it.

Is this just the beginning?

We all know very well that if the homosexual movement doesn’t get its way, it will resort to anything they, including violence. They know no boundaries. What you've read above is only a sample of what is happening right now.

And as we've seen, the police are reluctant to take action and the media ranges between indifference and blatant sympathy and support for the criminal acts. 

Commentary: The real reason they're so enraged.

On the surface, it would seem strange that the homosexual movement is so enraged at the passing of Proposition 8.  California already had a domestic partnership statute that gave same-sex couples all of the significant rights and obligations traditionally associated with the institution of marriage. Proposition 8 doesn't change that. Prop 8 only deals with the word "marriage". It simply says, "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."

Like the recent weak Massachusetts marriage amendment, it allows any kind of exact copy of marriage.  So they already have everything they want.

But they don't really have what they want. They're not that interested in technical rights. They want acceptance.  They want acceptance of homosexuality to be forced on a society that would never accept it without coercion.  That's why the word "marriage" is much more important to them than the rights and obligations of marriage.

At a very visceral, emotional level they want all of society's institutions -- the schools, government, business, media, etc. -- to recognize homosexual behavior as a natural equivalent to heterosexuality. That's why the word "equal" is a part of so many of their activities and organizations.

But humanity being what it is, over all these thousands of years, the radicals know that what they want won't ever happen on its own. Ultimately, a human court or legislature can't repeal the laws of nature. That's a big problem for them.