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Bisexuality Resource Packet for teenagers. Lesson for kids: Embrace your bisexuality!
Targeting teens during vulnerable years
Posted: April 14, 2008

Almost all kids go through a period confusion about sex and sexuality when they're teenagers. Homosexual activists have learned that they can take advantage of this vulnerability. If they get kids to become comfortable with the concept of bisexuality, and then acting on it, that's the first step. It breaks down their emotional barriers. Before long many of them move on to embracing a full homosexual identity.
This "Bisexuality Resource Packet" from the GLSEN Conference is given to teenagers as part of the homosexual movement's full-court press to normalize bisexuality in the minds of young people. Teenagers are the target.
The national homosexual organization PFLAG(Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) assembled and distributes this packet. PFLAG is a member of the tax-supported Massachusetts Commission on GLBT Youth and works in hundreds of schools across the state (and across the country).
Here are the handouts that are in the "Bisexual Resource Packet":
Bisexual Resource Packet - cover pages
"This resource packet is designed in two sections: Bisexuality 101 and Embracing Your Bisexuality in order to meet the needs of PFLAG's diverse audience." [3 pages]
Bisexuality 101
Bisexuality "information", with topics such as "What's your Bi-Q" and "Bisexual Identity". [9 pages]
Bisexual Activism
A 1994 article describing how bisexual activists forced their way into PFLAG, which had previously just focused on homosexuality. [3 pages]
Bisexuality -- Psychology: Facing Ourselves
A pseudo-scientific article attempting to normalize bisexuality behavior in a clinical manner. [10 pages]
Bisexuality is the wild card of our erotic life
Newsweek article from July 17, 1995. Pretty comprehensive, with tidbits such as "When Rolling Stone publisher Jan Wenner left his wife for another man this spring, bisexuality was the possibility missing from most accounts." [6 pages]
Bisexuality's appeal is freedom of choice
Just the kind of madness kids DON'T need to get from their schools. From San Jose Mercury, Oct. 8, 1995.
[1 page]
Bi Understanding
More propaganda, written in the first person, meant to normalize bisexual behavior in the mind of the reader. [6 pages]
PFLAG Information
PFLAG publications; PFLAG vision; PFLAG mission. Basically, using well-crafted language to get into the schools and get to kids, particularly vulnerable and confused ones. [2 pages]
This is what your tax money is bringing into your schools!
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