Pictures from Boston's 2005 Gay Pride Parade: More than just perversion!

Besides men in skirts and high heels and near-naked women embracing each other, there are other things worth noticing.

by Alex J. Mann, Jr.

For a week every June in Boston homosexuals feed their need to act out in public, flaunt their peculiar behaviors, and attempt to create that elusive aura of "acceptance" in the eyes of local citizens.

Boston's gay "pride" parade is the final, big, thrust in the faces of everyone. On a Saturday (this year, June 11) they take to the streets in a debauched celebration of sexual dysfunction. It's really become a big parade, with corporate sponsors and politicians actually paying $150 each for the privilege of marching (we're told that the Mayor, however, is not charged out of courtesy to his immense support).

In the past various brave souls have captured on film the depravity, from "Dykes on Bikes" to the condom tossing, lesbians contorting on beds, men in women's' clothing, and stuff we can't even mention here.

This year it was a hot day, and most of our volunteers said to themselves, "Do we really want to suffer through another one of these?" Can you blame them?

But it turns out someone else did venture down and took some snapshots, and later sent them to us. He happened to be downtown with his family. Frankly, he didn't want pictures of disgusting stuff on his camera, so he passed on a lot of it. But what he got is still interesting.

Imagine one of these guys pulling you over on a dark night.

What a surprise! The ACLU has a table -- to protect us!

Giving out condoms is passé. This year it's crystal meth safety kits!  Sign says, "Created by current & former crystal meth users."

Not exactly the D.A.R.E. program, is it?

And, of course, the pro "marriage" signs were all over.

Queer unions. The sign says: "Out & organizing. Pride at Work, AFL-CIO.  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Labor."  The new frontier.

How appropriate. GLSEN paraded with a school bus, to highlight their obsession with schoolchildren.

A few of the parade sponsors. . .

Banner outside of Shreve Crump & Low.  "It's been legal for a year. Make your move already."  Yuck!  Stay away from them!

Delta Air Lines, a frequent financial supporter of the gay movement.

Tufts Health Plan. Why would a health plan promote a disease-ridden behavior that takes 20 years off your life?

Kia cars.

Wainwright Bank.  No surprise here - they're ultra pro-gay.

Some of the parade we (thankfully) missed. . .


The picture below appeared in Bay Windows, a Boston-based homosexual newspaper. This is from the previous day's Gay Pride parade - the "Boston Dyke March" which went through the Back Bay, featuring the female "Tranny Bois" marching down the street.  Look very carefully.  These are women who have had their breasts surgically removed, and are parading as "boys" with their chests bared.

Oh, yes - the politicians.  We've got a lot of pictures of politicians who (presumably) paid $150 to march in this parade: Maura Hennigan, Alice Wolf, Jarrett Barrios (running for District Attorney!), Deval Patrick, Felix Arroyo, and a ton of others.  But why bother posting them? We've already made you sick enough!