Homosexual activists terrorize Boston church
during ex-Gay
conference while police watch.
Demonstrators had no permit, but Boston police
stand by and do nothing
Sound truck, coffins placed at church door. Police allow near-riot
outside, but tell people inside they can't leave.
Ignored by Boston media. (Why aren't we surprised?)
. . . Coming to
churches across America?

View from inside church looking out. Boston police barricaded
church doors and would not allow people in church to leave, as
homosexual activist demonstrators block street, scream, intimidate, and threaten.
Sound truck blaring "Shut it down" was parked in front of church
(truck's loudspeakers visible just to left of 'Homophobia Kills' sign). Police made no effort to disperse crowd
or stop sound truck, even though city has confirmed that they had no
permit. The police department told us later that no arrests were made.

Another view from church steps. Coffin facing church, police look on as
demonstrators srceam and terrorize conference participants.

From inside the lobby. Police barracaded the church doors, would not let anyone
inside leave.
See report below, also:
Page 2: MORE PICTURES: Demonstration
throughout the day.
Page 3: MORE PICTURES: Signs, etc. they brought to intimidate.
Some of what was screamed at the attendees at the church
throughout the day:
What do you want? Bigots out!
When do we want it? Now!
1-2-3-4 Open up the closet door!
5-6-7-8 Don't assume your kids are straight!
This hatred thing is getting old.
This hatred thing has gotta go.
Ex-Gay, Anti-Gay!
Not in Boston, Not in America!
Shut it down! Shut it down!

Police officials in the church were even rude to
conference participants, ordering them to stay inside
until demonstrators decided to leave.
From Sunday morning's Boston Globe (10/30/05):
...[S]ome demonstrators stopped outside a conference at the Tremont Street Baptist
Church that sought to encourage gays and lesbians to become heterosexuals. Some
protesters chanted "Shut it down," and one waved a sign that read, "Thank God
we're gay."
This was the entirety of the Boston Globe's coverage of
this near-riot: two sentences on page B6, at the end of an article about an
anti-war demonstration that happened the same day. The Boston Herald had no
coverage at all on this, nor, to our knowledge, did any of the other Boston
Why are we not surprised?
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS (OCTOBER 29, 2005) As hundreds of people
from across Massachusetts and other states came to the Tremont Temple Baptist
Church to attend a widely acclaimed conference on recovering from
homosexuality through a relationship with God, angry and enraged
homosexual activists converged outside to intimidate and terrorize
The all-day conference, titled "Love Won Out" featured renowned
lecturers, many of whom had left the homosexual lifestyle and are now
married or in heterosexual relationships. Major themes included
theology and relationships with God, as well as practical
information for those struggling with homosexuality or who know
people who are in that situation.
But outside, homosexual activists gathered before 8 am and
stayed until that evening when the conference ended. They were
joined by more activists as the day went on, including many who
apparently came from an anti-war rally on the Boston Common.
They did whatever they could to harass and intimidate the
attendees, including waving signs, yelling and screaming, and later
they even brought a sound truck. Some of the activists went up to
individual attendees and took close up photos at them,
taunting them personally.
The homosexual demonstrators also set up two coffins right in front of the
church, with frightening messages accusing the conference of causing death and
Pastor Dallas Henry, who came from Maine to attend the conference, said the
raging crowd and the threats were "bone chilling." He described how the
protesters were using PA systems, shouted obscenities and yelled “Shut it down!
Shut it down!” for almost 45 minutes.
According to City of Boston officials, they did not have a
permit to demonstrate outside the church, use sound equipment or
props, or block traffic for that purpose. Nevertheless, Boston police stood
aside and allowed the
demonstrators to do pretty much whatever they wanted. At times
they even cooperated with the activists, chatting with them,
directing traffic for them, and finally allowing them to completely
block the street. The police department later informed us that there were
no arrests, despite the near-riot behavior and the apparent
breaking of laws regarding demonstrating without a permit and
disrupting a religious event.
On the other hand, police were abrupt and unfriendly toward attendees. As one
woman told us, about when she asked the police about the sound truck that was
disturbing the conference inside:
"I asked a very curt, unfriendly policewoman why they weren't getting the
truck to move on the road, why they were letting it just sit there, and she
snarled there was nothing they could do. It must have gone on for at least 10 or
15 minutes, maybe more."
When the police were asked if the demonstrators had a permit,
they refused to answer. It appeared to people we talked to that
the demonstrators were given special consideration, to say the
least. They did nothing to stop or even control what was going on.
During the day, attendees were told by the conference managers
not to leave the building to get lunch or interact in any way with
the demonstrators. Instead, they arranged to have bag lunches
brought in at the last minute.
But the most frightening situation came in the afternoon. Activists jammed the entire width of the street
outside and stepped up their agitation. In response, rather than
attempt to disperse the crowd, the police barricaded the church
doors and told people inside they could not leave for any reason.
When one woman asked why she couldn't go outside, the officer
snarled "Because I told you so."
The demonstrators definitely affected the conference. As one
attendee related:
"Joe Dallas (LoveWonOut speaker, former gay activist, former head
of Exodus Intl) wrapped up the day w a statement about wanting the
demonstrators to have their freedom of speech about their feelings
and beliefs. But he said ONE THING FRIGHTENED HIM, & that was when
they started yelling SHUT IT DOWN! He did send out the alarm that
our freedom of speech and religion are seriously at risk. He
recounted stories of ministers shut down in other countries..."
Ignored by media. In the Boston media over the following days, the
only reference to this horrific incident we could find were two sentences buried
at the end of another article, on page B6 (see sidebar).
MassResistance commentary:
Could you imagine if this were an abortion clinic, and pro-life
people did such a thing outside? The riot police would be swinging
their billy clubs and using pepper spray. They would do whatever
it took to disperse the crowd. And it would be on the front page
of both the Boston Globe and Boston Herald, as well as all the
Boston electronic media.
On a number of occasions, Article 8 Alliance has demonstrated in
Boston. Here's how WE'RE treated: First, if you have more than a few people you absolutely
need a permit. And you need a special permit if you're using a
sound device. The police have the option to place you wherever
they think it's "safe." For example, when we demonstrated at the
SJC building earlier this year, we were placed across the street,
in a specific area of the sidewalk, well away from any building
entrance. And believe me, the police became quite nasty if we
ventured outside of our designated area.
Another interesting tidbit. . . We telephoned the office of
Boston City Councilor Felix Arroyo, who is an active member of the
city's "Human Rights Board." When we outlined what had happened at
the church, the person at his office curtly told us "I'm not
terribly sympathetic." (Why are we not shocked? Councilor Arroyo
proudly marches in the annual "Gay Pride" parade in Boston, and is
endorsed by the homosexual newspaper.)
Are you going to wait until this happens to YOUR church? Unfortunately, unless and until people around America begin to
stand up to this kind of horrific outrage, our message is: Get used
to this, and worse. And it will spread across the country unless
it's stopped now!