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At conference where "Little Black Book" distributed. . .

Kids (and teachers) given workshops on homosexuality, radicalism, how to organize & infiltrate schools.

Brookline High School day-long conference April 30 - included hundreds of kids as young as middle school. 

Your tax dollars at work -- with additional funding from businesses & others.

The "Little Black Book" was by no means the only horror story at Brookline High School, Brookline, MA on April 30 -- where hundreds of kids, from middle school through high school, attended the homosexual conference organized by the "Gay and Lesbian and Straight Education Network" (GLSEN).  When your Legislature overrode the governor's veto, this is what they're paying for...

Below are samples of the actual workshops listed in the program for that day -- scanned from the conference program -- which children (and teachers) attended. The homosexual movement tells you that their interest with kids is only about "tolerance."  As you can see, that's a complete lie. It's about propaganda, recruitment, strategies for normalizing homosexuality and transsexuality in the minds of the youngest of children, hatred of traditional religious values, and extremely radical ideas.

Funding: Where did extra funding for this conference come from (besides your tax dollars)? You'll be outraged! Click here to see.

Yes, you're reading this correctly.  This is about people who have operations to have their bodies mutilated to "become" a person of the opposite sex.  The latest thing in the homosexual movement is to normalize this in the minds of young people.  Notice that it's run by a Planned Parenthood employee.

This was a truly bizarre workshop -- we had someone who was there discuss it with us (more about this in upcoming postings).  There were actual "transgender youth" telling kids about this lifestyle.  Note the moderator, Grace Sterling Stowell.  Grace, leader of a homosexual "youth" group that gets government support, started out life as a man.

How do you think that the "Day of Silence" and other such events just "happen" to get into schools?  Or how kids just "happen" to get involved with the homosexual marriage movement?  You're helping pay for it.

Lexington High School seems to be well represented here.  Here's a student leader working with GLSEN to organize "queer activists" and "straight allies."

Extremely offensive!!  This is the latest homosexual propaganda effort against traditional religion.  Kids are told that religious sanctions against homosexual behavior constitute "spiritual violence."  And that the "rightful place on a spiritual path" is to embrace homosexuality as normal and healthy.

Do you wonder how teachers find ways to work in homosexual themes to the youngest of children?  This is unbelievable -- introducing "gay/lesbian/bi issues" and introducing "age-appropriate language" to vulnerable children.

More of the infamous Lexington High School and GLSEN.  Eva Rosenberg, a Lexington High student, has been quite vocal in the press as a concerned student (not a GLSEN organizer) and uses harsh language to describe local parents who don't agree with the homosexual agenda, and participated in helping intimidate a protester on Lexington's "Day of Silence".  It looks like she's spreading the knowledge. 

More radical "queer politics."  Notice that it's a "youth-only" session. 

GLSEN's in the schools big time, now training teachers with effective "anti-homophobia" and "anti-transphobia" (??) sessions, and who knows what else. As we say, homosexual programs don't just "happen."  They're very well planned.

This is another big push by the homosexual movement -- incorporating "gay" issues into academic classes.

How you can change the culture of your school.  Again, this doesn't just "happen" -- it's well planned.

More training to be an agent of change in your school.