More state (and city) taxpayer money at work:
Mayor of Boston gives Boston City Hall to homosexual activists
for "gay prom"
for kids (ages 13-22)
From the Boston Area
Gay and Lesbian Yough (BAGLY) web site, advertising the event:

"An extravagent event for the young LGBT community."

"It's like a huge queer club."
A girl ("Debbie") dressed as a boy.
And various photos:

The Mayor of Boston, with his gay pals.
(Source: AIDS Action Committee

About to begin:
Entering City Hall for the Gay Prom.
 Inside City Hall.
Yes, this is a boy in women's clothes.
"Transgenderism" is a big BAGLY theme for kids.
 Inside City Hall -
the dancing. Anything goes, from ages 13 to 22.
How weird was it? In true "transgender" form, the organizers covered the
"men" and
"women" labels on the rest room doors inside City Hall. Unisex bathrooms
the gay prom.