Thursday's Rally & Press Conference at State House Big Success.

Speeches, cheering. Jeering of liberal media. Boston Globe article on event gets mysteriously spiked and doesn't appear; we were told that there was "no room" in the newspaper for it.

[BOSTON APRIL 22] Over 300 people jammed into the State House hearing room and overflowed into the corridors, as well as stood outside of the building holding signs and banners. Article 8 coordinator Brian Camenker and State Representative Emile Goguen (D-Fitchburg), sponsor of the bill of address, spoke to the crowd.

The two speakers were interrupted about half a dozen times with cheering. There was also loud criticism of the Boston media as Camenker outlined a list of apparent ethics violations that are serious enough to affect the same-sex marriage ruling, but which none of the local media seems interested in pursuing.

Supporters stayed for nearly an hour afterwards. The message was clear: the people will take back control of their government, despite the powerful special interests.

(A few homosexual activists came to the room, and others were outside holding signs. The crowd, however, was not intimidated.)

The Boston media's distain and dislike of the anti-same-sex marriage movement was certainly evident. Although most of the major Boston media outlets came to the event, the coverage was dismal and (unfortunately) reliably slanted. Although the Boston Globe and Herald sent reporters, neither paper published an article. Upon later questioning, the Globe's reporter, Matt Rodrigues, said that he'd written a story but it didn't appear. He first said that there was "no room" in the paper for his article. Later he said he'd look into it and get back to us.

(By comparison, every homosexual event of any size at the State House is lavishly covered by all the media.)

The three major TV stations that were there all focused their news stories on some phone calls to promote the rally which people across town had received several days before by an independent organization -- and tried to twist it to show Article 8 in a bad light. They didn't cover the actual event in any substantial way.

The state's two major homosexual activist figures, Arlene Isascson (chief lobbyist, also on the payroll of the Mass. Teachers Assn.) and Mary Bonauto, an attorney, came to the event along with several companions and immediately began working the press afterwards.

Outside the State House during the rally.

Camenker waxes while Boston Globe Reporter writes article that was never used.

Lobbyist for homosexual groups gets interviewed, of course.
Interesting message. . .