December 2014
Major corporations funding 'gay' indoctrination in elementary schools. Help us stop it!12/28/2014

South Boston St. Patrick’s Day Parade committee votes to allow “gay” groups to march. Deceitful and dishonest tactics used, says prominent committee member.
Committee resignations and parade cancellations already beginning. 12/19/2014

Homosexual lobby pushes “gay marriage” law through final votes in Finnish Parliament at lightning speed.
Opponents vow to overturn it next year after national elections with new Parliament. 12/17/2014
Finnish Parliament narrowly votes for “gay marriage”. But still more hurdles before final passage. Big push to stop it.
12,000 Finns resign from Luthern Church after pro-gay marriage remarks by Archbishop! 12/8/2014
Reacting to LGBT ‘gala banquet’ in Boston:
Citizens confront corporate America’s funding of national homosexual movement.12/5/2014
November 2014
Finnish Parliament to vote on “gay marriage” Friday, Nov. 28. MassResistance materials being used nationwide.
Pro-family religious coalition fighting hard. Close vote predicted. Scott Lively video being broadcast nationally. 11/26/2014

The Real Story of Thanksgiving
Not the multiculturalism and socialism revisionist history the Left has been pushing in public schools. 11/26/2014
Pressure on corporations funding national LGBT activist group -- after founder arrested for seducing boy.
Had major fundraising banquet in Boston on Saturday. 11/21/2014

Fight back this week against major corporations funding ‘gay’ attacks on children, families, & society.
You can take action now! Also . . . Sign our PETITION to fight back! 11/16/2014
High school students fight back against culture of death. Bold challenge at abortion clinic!
These kids are the real thing - an inspiration to all of us! See their powerful 5 1/2 minute video. 11/10/2014

Mass. general election guide (and RESULTS) for Nov. 4
What the "non-partisan" voter guides didn't tell you. 10/30/2014 and 11/5/2014 Updated
October 2014
Pastor Scott Lively stirs up the Mass. Governor debates with his uncensored pro-family views!
Disliked by the media and political establishment. But conservatives love it! 10/26/2014
Analysis: How activists can stop the “gay marriage” steamroller
The New Movement 10/22/2014
Analysis of the Oct. 6 Supreme Court announcement:
How the pro-family movement helped spread “gay marriage” across America10/10/2014
The must-read book that explains the homosexual movement in America
“Making Gay Okay” by Robert Reilly is well-written, thorough, and does not pull any punches. (It even footnotes MassResistance web pages!) 10/10/2014
September 2014
Major LGBT group "Human Rights Campaign" targeting pro-family leaders with vicious attacks.
Reaction to pro-family successes stopping ‘gay marriage’ and LGBT agenda overseas.
Pastor Scott Lively and Brian Camenker of MassResistance among targets. 9/26/2014
Major US corporations funding vicious attacks on pro-family leaders by "Human Rights Campaign"
National homosexual-transgender group stops at nothing to push agenda in US and overseas 9/26/2014
Homosexual group demands that US State Dept hire special "gay" czar to push LGBT agenda harder around the world!
To combat US pro-family groups helping other countries fight back! 9/26/2014
Sept. 9 GOP primary races fall to the Establishment
Anti-conservative push by party. Stark comparison to Democrat tactics. 9/19/2014
Since "Don't Ask Don't Tell" repealed, male-on-male rape has become epidemic in the U.S. Military.
Bryan Fischer has written a devastating article revealing what the politicians in both parties are afraid to talk about. Very disturbing. 9/19/2014
LGBT movement organizing to mandate “gay history” in schools across America.
In California already. Starting now in Massachusetts. Their goal is to force it into schools nationwide. 9/18/2014

Pastor Scott Lively officially makes ballot for Governor of Mass. Speaking out on pro-family issues other candidates won't touch.
Submits over 12,500 valid signatures from 250 towns across the state! 9/3/2014
August 2014
How the Mass. GOP establishment worked tirelessly to try to destroy the campaign of Mark Fisher, conservative candidate for Governor.
Beyond outrageous. But as Sept. 5 primary nears, Tea Party activists are fighting back! 8/31/2014
How left-wing & anti-family is Charlie Baker, the Mass GOP establishment’s push for Governor?
Answer: Even more than when he ran four years ago! 8/31/2014
At "LGBT" Teachers Conference in Boston
Schools steering kids to outside adult/youth “LGBT clubs” in communities.
A dangerous intro to "gay" sexual behavior. 8/21/2014.
‘Gay marriage’ battle brewing in US Virgin Islands. Pastors fearlessly organizing to stop it. MassResistance called on to help. 8/11/2014
Understanding the left: The Left isn’t pro-gay. It’s pro-power. Part 3 in our series. 8/11/2014
As deadline passes, ALL radical bills stopped in Mass. Legislature! Huge victory for pro-family citizens. 8/1/2014
July 2014
Goal of “gay” programs in schools: Persuade kids to “come out” early as homosexuals. Here’s how they do it. At GLSEN LGBT Teachers Conference in Boston. 7/31/2014
New buffer zone bill passed House by 119 to 33 despite passionate debate from pro-family Reps. Quickly signed into law by Governor. Constitutional issues ignored. Court challenge very likely. 7/30/2014
Public hearing on new Mass. “buffer zone” bill a disgraceful sham. Rushed through Senate. Battle in full House on Wed. 7/23! See our full report: It’s a stunning preview of what we can expect from the iron-fist politics of the Left in the age of Obama. Long-time State House observers we’ve talked to cannot recall anything like this. 7/22/2014
South Africa pro-family activists thank MassResistance for help in fight against limits on pro-family expression! MassResistance was first contacted a year ago by pro-family activists in South Africa. 7/21/2014
Must-read article: “Ten reasons why I am no longer a leftist” We all know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of uncontrollable abuse from liberals. Unfortunately, most of us don’t “get it.” 7/21/2014
Public hearing on new “buffer zone” bill July 16, 10:00 am -- at Mass. State House! Life in the banana republic known as Massachusetts . . . 7/16/2014
Uncomfortable truth: The real violence & harassment outside abortion clinics is against pro-lifers. It's the opposite of what you're being told. 7/16/2014
ANALYSIS: New buffer zone bill is outrageously oppressive and clearly unconstitutional. What you need to know about this terrible legislation, including text of bill. 7/15/2014
Disinformation campaign begins as Mass. Governor and Attorney General announce they’re filing another "buffer zone" bill after Supreme Court 9-0 defeat! Lies and hysteria at State House press conference. 7/14/2014
Head of Operation Rescue Boston sets record straight in powerful Boston Globe opinion article! Bill Cotter's article, "Buffer zone rhetoric belies facts about pro-life demonstrators" confronts the disinformation and hysteria from the Left. 7/14/2014
June 2014
Analysis: US Supreme Court unanimously strikes down Mass. abortion clinic Buffer Zone law Pro-family lawyers bring big defeat to abortion movement. 6/26/2014
"Gay Pride Week" in Boston reveals what the media doesn't tell you about the homosexual movement. Also: MassResistance protest at Gay Pride Parade draws anger & vitriol! 6/24/2014

Justina Pelletier is finally released! Shows the power of citizen outrage against government force. But is this nightmare our future? Can we stop it? 6/18/2014
Answering the lie of “gay marriage and the wrong side of history” Great Boston Globe column by Jeff Jacoby. 6/14/2014
Obscene anti-Catholic group leading 'Gay Pride Parade' in Boston this weekend Despite the group's long history of extreme bigotry, politicians and corporations are marching in it and funding it. 6/11/2014
LGBT Teachers Conference in Boston, Part III
How schools are pushing transgenderism to children. More radical and aggressive than ever. This doesn't happen by accident. 6/6/2014
Bill in Massachusetts to ban counseling on homosexuality for youth -- derailed after MassResistance lobbying push! National effort by homosexual movement to ban counseling. Bills filed in state legislatures across America. Being stopped by pro-family outrage. 6/3/2014
Major homosexual activist in Mass. Legislature resigns to lead AIDS group. Reveals he has HIV. Carl Sciortino disrupted a Catholic Mass in 2003 over Church's marriage stand. 6/3/2014
May 2014
MassResistance and the marriage fight around the world - UPDATE Spain, Finland, Hong Kong, and more. 5/28/2014
The latest push: "Gay" clubs for kids in middle schools! Here's how they get them in -- and what comes with them. 5/23/2014
"GLBT" teachers conference in Boston reveals latest plans to push homosexuality even further into schools. Well organized, fueled with taxpayer dollars. Exclusive report from MassResistance. Coming to your school soon. 5/13/2014

MassResistance helping fight "gay marriage" around the world. Battles in Hong Kong, Finland, and more. Show your solidarity with pro-family forces everywhere . . . 5/6/2014
April 2014
MassResistance confronts City of Boston's proposed sex-change city insurance requirement. A destructive measure to please a radical special interest. 4-17-2014
Bill to free Justina Pelletier making waves in Massachusetts Legislature. Some shameful hostility among GOP Reps. Your help is making a difference! 4-11-2014
March 2014
Candidate Scott Lively upends Mass. LGBT gubernatorial debate. Doesn't flinch from truth about the behaviors! A lesson for the pro-family movement around the country. 3-31-2014
Huge victory in Boston St. Patrick's Day Parade. Organizers stand up to pressure by politicians and media to include hardcore homosexual group. Key politicians, labor unions, others join parade! 3-20-2014
"Gay" lobby pushing radical changes to Mass. school "anti-bullying" laws To silence opposing opinions, force diversity training, and more. Passed House, now in Senate! 3-11-2014
February 2014
Mainstream media in Mass. starts campaign to normalize transgenderism and sex-changes for schoolchildren! MassResistance fights back on national radio. 2-25-2014

MassResistance announces fight to stop the "war against children" in Massachusetts 2-8-2014

January 2014
Homosexual legal group forcing Catholic school to hire man who's "married" to another man Despite school's refusal 1/31/2014
Abortion clinic 'buffer zone' law before US Supreme court; exposing the 'big lie' behind it. National implications. 1/23/2014

Utah fighting federal judge's ruling overturning state's Marriage AmendmentMassResistance working closely with activists. 1/14/2014
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