Pro-family activism that makes a difference!

Police abuse of pro-Life Activist Peter D'Attilio

Law-abiding Massachusetts activist beaten and repeatedly harassed by police

Peter after beating by Franklin, MA police

Franklin, MA incident

Pro-life activist beaten, arrested, and accused of bomb plot by police while handing out pro-life flyers at local town fair
Outrageous acts by police against innocent man.

Thomas More Society Pro-Life Law Center steps up to help pro-life activist Peter D'Attilio

Pro-life activist Peter D'Attilio appears in court.
City appears to be digging in for conviction despite weak case. Case continued until Dec. 7. Photos 10-6-2011

Commentary: What the "mainstream" pro-life groups SHOULD be doing.
He needs to be supported and held as an example, not ignored. 1-24-2012

Peter D'Attilio court case postponed by prosecution until Feb. 9.
Delaying tactic suspected. Photos. 1-24-2012.

Judge throws out criminal charges, berates prosecutor!
Judge berates prosecutor for pursuing false charges! Photos. ALSO: D'Attilio followed through courthouse by apparent government agent -- even listened to his conversations with lawyer. 2-13-2012


OUTRAGEOUS Video: Quincy police harass and intimidate D'Attilio
For holding sign on sidewalk and handing out flyers. This WILL make you angry! 2-12-2012.

VIDEO: D'Attilio in East Boston - How one person can make a difference
Turning back the Planned Parenthood onslaught on kids! 1-24-2012

A day in the life of a pro-life activist: Harassed, handcuffed, and threatened by Somerville police. Yet Peter D'Attilio managed to reach many high school students with message of life! Photos. 12-8-2011