MassResistance’s resolution on “gay marriage” fails in North Dakota Senate after death threats directed at Senators.
Had passed the ND House, but angry LGBT activists bombarded the senators. Senate forced to do secret ballot because of threats, but fears still filled the chamber. Haters on the Left increasingly more dangerous.
Michigan State Rep’s hard-hitting press conference supporting MassResistance “gay marriage” resolution upends state’s political landscape.
Governor, Attorney General, Democrat Party, national & local media, and LGBT activists become unhinged. State Rep gets banned from Instagram! But conservatives across Michigan are rallying hard in support.
North Dakota House of Representatives passes MassResistance’s resolution on “gay marriage.”
Calls on US Supreme Court to overturn outrageous 2015 Obergefell ruling. “Gay” State Rep spoke out against it, but normalcy carried the day!
How flawed US Supreme Court rulings over the years damaged our country: Explained in a powerful book by a MassResistance supporter.
Book documents the shocking distortions of our constitution over the past 130 years. Obergefell is just one of the latest of a long line!
In North Dakota Legislature: MassResistance “gay marriage” resolution passed by House Judiciary Committee after public hearing.
Another victory over radical LGBT agenda. Resolution is sponsored by 7 reps and 4 senators! Conservatives dominate hearing testimony. LGBT activists give usual illogical arguments. Full House vote this week!
MassResistance stops “cancel culture” against Kansas nurse who stood up to trans ideology
Angry, deranged transgender activists demanded she lose her license. Nursing Board was ready to comply. MassResistance got involved. Nurse was completely exonerated!
First ever: Idaho House of Representatives passes MassResistance resolution urging SCOTUS to overturn Obergefell “gay marriage” ruling.
During floor debate: Points from opponents fall flat, debunked and deflated by proponents. A few RINOs defect, but resolution passes easily by 46-24. Unhinged LGBT activists lose their minds.
LGBT activists are unhinged at public hearing as Idaho Legislature committee votes to move “gay marriage” resolution forward to House floor
Hysterical protesters fill room, but lawmakers not intimidated and resolution easily passes. Will likely be voted on by full House this week. Media (including New York Times) warns of apocalypse!
Kenya MassResistance anti-LGBT training sessions taking off in high schools across Nairobi.
School administrators and parents are very supportive!
Idaho State Rep introduces MassResistance resolution urging SCOTUS to overturn Obergefell “gay marriage” ruling. Gets positive response in legislature.
Makes headlines across the state. Momentum gaining across the country.
Michigan State Rep announces he will file the MassResistance resolution urging SCOTUS to overturn Obergefell “gay marriage” ruling. Leftists are livid.
Announcement inflames Michigan Governor & Attorney General, national & international media, LGBT activists. State Rep thanks MassResistance for initiating this.
Resolution to overturn Obergefell “gay” marriage Supreme Court ruling now being introduced in 6 state legislatures. More states to come!
MassResistance push across the country. Riding on momentum of historic Roe v. Wade reversal – Obergefell may fall next!
Kenya MassResistance three-day training for youth to “resist the LGBT agenda” a big success!
Held at a church and a high school in Nairobi. Included 163 high school and college students. Powerful information enables youth to fight back against the LGBT assault on Kenya.
MassResistance helping Kenya Christians train young people across the country to resist the LGBT agenda
To counter the swarm of foreign-funded LGBT activist groups descending on Kenya to recruit youth and change the culture. First three-day course for 80 students to take place on Dec. 17-19 in Nairobi.
Idaho MassResistance halts public library’s promotion of toxic LGBT “youth” event
Outrage joined by city’s state senator and conservative groups across the state. Leftist Idaho media become unhinged over the state senator joining his constituents in their fight!
How the Massachusetts Legislature scams its citizens: One State Rep singlehandedly passes $730 million spending bill
A nearly incomprehensible catalogue of spending. Corruption on a scale found nowhere else in America. (See video clip!) MassResistance has organized to permanently derail this!
MassResistance helps elect parent – and bring conservative majority – to School Board in liberal Southern California
Latest victory after removal of toxic “wellbeing center” from the high school. Ready to move forward to change the culture in the schools. She was definitely not the local political establishment’s favorite!
Idaho National Guard officer removed from command – for pro-family comments and alleged "leadership" in MassResistance
Triggered by complaint by "gay" enlisted man. RINO governor trying to avoid the issue. But pressure growing against hostile anti-Christian policies. Liberty Counsel legal group has taken the case!
MassResistance successfully fights corporate “cancel culture”; defends pro-family Christian ministry.
Christian group was suddenly without credit card donations – accused of being a “reputational risk.” But after sharp pro-family activism, company offered to bring them back!
RIP Sally Naumann, one of our greatest – and most fearless – Massachusetts pro-family activists.
If everyone were like Sally, we’d easily win this battle! She was unafraid to tell the truth in the State House, in writing, or on the TV news - an inspiration for all of us!
Why do “blue state” politicians pass such horrible bills? California activists get their far-left state legislator to reveal his “reasons.”
Is it an exaggeration to say they’re evil and stupid? You decide.
“Banned Books Week” reveals the depravity of the American Library Association and its allies.
This annual week-long promotion pushes deviant sex books to children - in libraries across the country. CAUTION: Explicit descriptions.
UK MassResistance activists confronting the aggressive anti-family government agenda in Britain
Three battles being fought in one city. Fearless activists not backing down; braver than many Americans!
At the 2024 Boston Gay Pride – Handouts provide a dark look behind the LGBT propaganda curtain.
Insight into the terrible problems accompanying LGBT behaviors – promiscuity, mental health issues, STDs, and more. The side of the LGBT movement that they don’t want you to see.
MassResistance Canada activists pushing to stop outrageous (and expensive) government “lawfare” against pro-family activist.
Christian activist Bill Whatcott was acquitted of a so-called “hate crime.” But the gov't is bringing him to trial again! (Double-jeopardy is legal in Canada.) Demanding that Ontario Attorney General stop this now!
After radical bills are passed in Massachusetts Legislature, pro-family activists are striking back.
Stepping up pressure over unconstitutional “informal sessions.” MassResistance activists go office to office at the State House! Legislators & staffers don’t want to talk about it – and give lots of absurd responses. But this battle isn’t going to stop!
Massachusetts citizens are preparing to derail their despotic State Legislature – by forcing them to follow the law.
Corrupt state legislature blatantly violates its own constitution to conduct business. Then passes oppressive, radical bills for LGBT lobby & other interests. But that's about to be halted!
Massachusetts Legislature unanimously passes radical LGBT “parentage equality” bill to re-define the family.
Removes the words “mother” and “father” from statutes – and more. Pushed by LGBT movement. Children will be the victims. Republicans all voted for it.
Bold conservative majority on local Idaho Library Board forces leftist staff resignations.
Latest to resign: Pro-LGBT Library Director and Library Board member. Leftists and local media angry – but Board stands tall!
Prominent state-funded “Mass. LGBTQ Youth Commission” calls for legalizing teenage prostitution, lowering the age of sexual consent, and more.
This Commission has a long record of pioneering nationwide changes in law and policy. These are the battles that are coming up!
After a year of activism: CA school district shuts down high school "Wellbeing" Center with Planned Parenthood-trained staff.
Parents were fiercely opposed by leftist media, pro-LGBT activists, and School Board. Not giving up yields big results!