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"Who's in a family?" - in the Diversity Book Bag

This is the book that came home in the "Diversity Book Bag" with the Parkers' 5-year-old son in January. The Parkers were shocked and outraged.

As the elementary school's web site described this book:

"Shows the various combinations of individuals that can make up a family, emphasizing the positive aspects of different family structures, including grand-parent headed, single-parent, adopted, gay-headed, and mother-father families. Uses examples from the animal kingdom to illustrate how family groupings can differ."

In the author's own words:

"The whole purpose of the book was to get the subject [of same-sex parent households] out into the minds and the awareness of children before they are old enough to have been convinced that there's another way of looking at life.

. . . It would be really nice if children were not subjected to the -- I don't want to use the word 'bigotry,' but that's what I want to say anyway -- of their parents and older people.

. . .The book was written because my neice and her partner [two lesbians] decided to have a family."

Author Robert Skutch, National Public Radio interview, "Here and Now", May 3, 2005

Some sample pages:

Text: "A family can be made up in many different ways."  (Note how they place the same-sex partners among the regular families, interracial family, to reinforce in the child's mind that homosexual relationships are no different.)

Text: "Laura and Kyle live with their two moms, Joyce and Emily, and a poodle named Daisy. It takes all four of them to give Daisy her bath."  The book uses subtle but powerful emotions to normalize homosexual relationships in the minds of the young children.

Text: "Robin's family is made up of her dad, Clifford, her dad's partner, Henry, and Robin's cat, Sassy. Clifford and Henry take turns making dinner for their family."



More homosexual books for children
in that same school. . .

From the Estabrook Elementary School website, description of two other books sent home in "diversity bookbags".  (Note: since the Parker incident, many pages and links have mysteriously disappeared from that website. We found these two.)

FIRST GRADE: Best, Best Colors by Eric Hoffman

Description: Nate has trouble deciding what his favorite color is, but his two lesbian mamas help him realize that he does not have to have a best, best color.

FIFTH GRADE: My Two Uncles, by Judith Vigna

Description: Elly's grandfather has trouble accepting the fact his son is gay. Shows the different feelings that exist within a family regarding a gay family member from a child's point of view.

Suggested activities for families:

  • Pretend you were the niece or nephew of Uncle Ned. Write a response to Uncle Ned's letter.

  • At the party, Elly's grandfather made a speech and Elly's parents cried. Why do you think they cried?

  • Do you think Elly's two uncles will be invited to the next family gathering? Why or why not?

  • Do you think Elly's two uncles should be invited to the next family function? Why or why not?