MassResistance inflames national media furor over Kevin Jennings, 'safe schools' czar
Hard-hitting coverage & commentary in Washington Times, Fox News, other media & blogs
POSTED: Dec 13 2009
MassResistance's work is payng off -- fueling another heated national controversy that will likely lead to action.
The outrage over Kevin Jennings, the hard-core homosexual activist who is Obama's "safe schools" czar, has erupted again as more MassResistance material is suddenly being used by the national media and major blogs. Earlier this year, when Jennings was appointed, it bubbled up but then simmered down.
It was jump-started late a little over a week ago as Breitbart and Gateway Pundit posted a new study of R- and X-rated books on the GLSEN reading list - for children. Suddenly there was new interest in Kevin Jennings' 2000 "Fistgate" Over the past week, we've shared much of our research and reporting with Gateway Pundit. Our other frontline research and reporting has been picked up by national blogs and news organizations, including the Little Black Book (from another GLSEN school event in 2005). And there have been daily new hard-hitting expose postings on the MassResistance blog which, along with MassResistance reports from other GLSEN school events, are also now popping up all over the Internet.
MassResistance page on Kevin Jennings and GLSEN postings!
(With even more to come!)
On Tuesday, Dec. 8, when the Washington Times editorial department telephoned the MassResistance office for more information on our Jennings postings, we knew things were cooking. And we were right.
TAKE A LOOK - Here are just some of the national media articles this past week using MassResistance research:
Washington Times Blog: "Kevin Jennings's longtime
foe, 'Mass Resistance'
(A must read!)
Washington Times Editorial: "Obama's risky sex czar"
(Uses MassResistance Comes with warning about graphic content!)
WorldNetDaily "Fistgate: Obama chief 'knew' of 'disgusting' sex subjects"
(Uses extensive quotes from MassResistance)
Washington Times Editorial: "Obama's buggery czar"
(Also uses valuable Linda Harvey research on schoolbooks.)
Michelle Malkin - Explosive: The not-safe-for-school reading list of the safe schools czar; Plus: GLSEN sponsors gay Santa play; and a "Fistgate" flashback and also Who’s funding GLSEN? Pt. 2: Corporate phone/e-mail contact list; Update: GLSEN gay bar guides for teens
VIDEO - Fox News: Hannity featuring Michelle Malkin on Jennings & GLSEN
Breitbart Fistgate III, Little Black Book, F-sting (and more)
Gateway Pundit - LOTS of stuff from MassResistance
And Congress is taking notice!
This is also causing a firestorm in Congress. To date, after seeing all of this come out, 53 Congressmen have signed a letter demanding that Jennings be fired.
VIDEO: ON FLOOR OF US HOUSE THIS WEEK: Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) Calls for removal of Jennings (Refers to Washington Times Editorial above)
53 Congressmen who demand Jennings be fired.
And we're continuing to bring this to people across the country! This week we've been on several national radio shows. And there are more scheduled next week.
And we have even MORE information that we'll be posting on this. Stay tuned.
The GLSEN "Fistgate" Conference program. |

Kevin Jennings at the "Fistgate" conference (where he gave the keynote address) holding the conference program. Massachusetts News photo. |
