Fighting back:
MassResistance files six strong bills in Legislature to protect parents and citizens!
As 2011-2012 sessions begins . . .
POSTED: Jan 28, 2011
See below:
As the new legislative session begins, MassResistance is fighting back! We have filed six badly needed bills to give back rights to parents and citizens, and to stop the increasingly militant homosexual and transgender movement targeting vulnerable children in the public schools (while parents helplessly watch from the sidelines).
Here are the bills that were filed for MassResistance:
1. Parents' Rights Opt In Bill - "The David Parker Bill"
Official title: An Act Regarding Parental Notification and Consent.
Docket #: HD01944
This bill will effectively counter the homosexual agenda in the schools by giving parents the right to decide what their children are introduced to regarding sexuality, homosexuality, transgenderism, and various sexual perversions which are now being presented to children in schools across the state. The current notification law does not work and makes it difficult, intimidating, and embarrassing for parents and kids in the areas where it applies. This bill is very specific rather than vague, and changes the current "opt out" to "opt-in" -- like every other elective in the schools. (Currently, "sexuality" is the only opt-out subject in school curriculums.)
Another problem for parents has been psychologically intrusive surveys given to kids at achools, which radical groups use to soften kids' perceptions of dangerous activities. And by using leading questions, the surveys also create misleading "statistics" to persuade politicians to give them more taxpayer money.
To our knowledge, this is the most effective bill of its kind ever introduced in the US. Homosexual groups in Boston (mostly adults with no children) have reacted with hysteria when this bill was introduced in the past -- and we're expecting that now!
What it does: This bill amends the current parental notification law, Ch. 71 Sec. 32A, written by Parents' Rights Coalition (now MassResistance), expanding upon it and modernizing it to address current conditions. This includes: (1) expanding the range of subjects covered from merely "human sexuality issues" which is poorly defined, to include specific issues actually introduced to kids in Massachusetts schools; (2) granting parents the "opt-in" option (similar to other curricula in the schools) instead of "opt-out", which has proven unworkable; and (3) removes the Department of Education as the arbiter of disputes. In addition, (4) it covers surveys given in the schools to children, which have become increasingly sexually explicit and psychologically intrusive, but which parents had no control over.
Why it's needed: The current law, passed in 1996, has loopholes, unworkable sections, and limitations that have rendered it ineffective. The vagueness of the current law has been cited in court cases as giving schools the leeway to expose a broad range of sexual, homosexual, and transgender subjects to kids -- even in elementary school -- without parents' consent, or knowledge. This situation has become extremely frustrating to parents. This bill is named after a Lexington parent who made a big financial sacrifice fighting for parents' rights. In 2006 David Parker, father of a kindergartner, brought a federal civil rights case against the Town of Lexington regarding teaching of homosexuality and transgenderism to their 6-year-old son without their knowledge or consent. After nearly three years, the federal judge ruled against them because of the limitations of the current law. Schools have used that ruling to accelerate the homosexual and transgender programs in K-12, free to ignore parents' wishes and religious beliefs. Also in the current law, the Department of Education is the arbiter of disputes; that has proven to be a complete disaster because the bureaucrats in the DOE invariably always side with the schools over parents. Thus, parents across the state have demanded more rights and protections.
Text of bill:
See complete text of the bill HERE
(2005) David Parker was arrested, put in jail overnight, and brought to court the next day in handcuffs when he disagreed with the school's decision to teach his 6-year-old son about homosexuality and transgenderism without his knowledge or consent.
A federal judge later ruled that Parker and other parents have no rights in the matter because of the weaknesses of the current Parental Notification Law. |
2. Eliminate the "Commission for Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth"
Official title: An Act Protecting Children and Parents.
Docket #: HD01939
This Commission includes homosexual and transgender activists from across the state who work unsupervised with public school children K-12 leading homosexual and transgender related programs events in schools and off campus. The horrible things this commission had done with children is almost beyond description.
What it does: It repeals the law which created the "Commission for Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth". That law was passed in a particularly dishonest manner -- as a budget item in 2006, in order to avoid having to hold a public hearing and normal debate -- because of the extremely offensive and controversial nature of this commission.
Why it's needed: Many of these "Commission" activities are extremely graphic, explicit, and dangerous, and often include other homosexual, transgender, and even sadomasochist activists mingling with kids. There is no oversight to this commission, and their activities over the last few years have outraged parents and even public officials. In addition, last summer one adult commission member was arrested for soliciting homosexual sex from a minor. Others connected to the commission have also faced accusations of similar unsavory activities with children. In 2009, the Commission even had "Mr. Boston Leather" (homosexual sadomasochist) greet teens (and hand out his "business card") at the BAGLY prom ending Youth Pride Day. Incredibly, this commission has been given millions of taxpayer dollars thanks to the powerful homosexual lobby and their allies in the Legislature. No other state has such a commission, and Massachusetts shouldn't, either. Other examples of the many events with children by Commission members include this "Youth Pride" parade and the distribution of this dangerous flyer, along with homosexual condoms.
Text of bill:
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
SECTION 1. Chapter 3 of the General Laws is hereby amended by repealing Section 67.
Two girls at an off-campus "Youth Pride" event put on by Commission members. Kids were bussed from their schools to attend.
[MassResistance photo] |
3. Repeal the "Buffer Zone" Law
Official title: An Act restoring free speech and public access.
Docket #: HD02043
What it does: It amends the law which created the "buffer zone" around abortion clinics.
Why it's needed: This outrageous law was passed specifically to stop pro-life speech and dissemination of information to women considering abortions. It restricts people with a pro-life message from using public streets and sidewalks around abortion clinics and provides fines and jail time to violators. Among other problems, the law is widely reviled as an unconstitutional restriction of the First Amendment's free speech protections in public places. And it sets a dangerous precedent for the curtailing of speech related to a specific issue.
Text of bill:
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
SECTION I. Chapter 266 of the General Laws is hereby amended by repealing Section 120E 1 / 2
4. Remove exemption of schools from anti-pornography laws
Official title: An Act Relative to Protecting Children from Harm in Schools.
Docket #: HD01927
What it does: It removes the exemption of public schools from laws regarding obscenity and "materials harmful to minors."
Why it's needed: In recent years public schools across Massachusetts have been distributing (and assigning) materials to children that are graphic, explicit depictions of sexual and homosexual activities which would legally be considered pornography. If a parent gave these to his child he would face arrest and prosecution.
One well-known example is the book The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky which has been assigned in a number of schools across the state. The book contains graphic descriptions of children engaging in, among other things: Sexual acts between teenagers, anal sex between two boys, male masturbation, oral sex, homosexual acts between men and boys, sex between a boy and a dog, female masturbation using an object. This is one of many such books assigned to kids and put into school libraries. Parents have demanded that their children be protected from such material in the public schools.
Text of bill:
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
SECTION 1: Section 28 of chapter 272, as appearing in the 2006 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out, in line 16, the word: - "school,"
5. Remove exemption of Legislature and its committees from open meeting laws
Official title: An Act relative to open meetings.
Docket #: HD02073
The legislature excludes itself and its committees, bodies and commissions from the state's open meeting laws, primarily discussed in Section 11A and Section 11A5 of Chapter 30 of the Mass. General Laws.
What it does: It removes the exemption of the Legislature and its committees, bodies, and commissions from the state's open meeting laws.
Why it's needed: This has been a source of outrage and frustration over the years to citizens who want open and transparent government. There is no logical reason that all local and county government bodies should be held to these standards, but not the state bodies. Thus, state bodies do not have to post notice of their meetings, and they can ban taping of their meetings by the public -- unlike local and county government bodies. In particular, commissions such as the Commission for Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth regularly ban recording of their public meetings, do not sufficiently provide notice, and hold their meetings in places inconvenient to the general public.
Text of bill:
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
SECTION 1. Section 11A of Chapter 30A of the General Laws is hereby amended in the definition of "Governmental Body" by striking the phrase "the general court or the committees or recess committees thereof".
6. Repeal of anti-bullying law passed last year
Official title: An Act Relative to Bullying in Schools
Docket #: HD01909
This same problem has happened in other states, usually shamefully driven by a similar tragic suicide, followed by an emotional media campaign with the usual left-wing special interest groups.
The Massachusetts "anti-bullying law" was passed unanimously by both houses during a period of hysteria, mostly generated by the media, over the unfortunate suicides of two students. Despite the considerable burdens and mandates this brings to schools and students, there was no substantial debate at all in the Legislature because of the emotional frenzy surrounding it. Like similar laws being passed around the country, it was driven early on by homosexual groups (both local and national) and was in a large part written by homosexual activists.
What it does: This repeals the anti-bullying law -- a wide range of changes and additions to various existing state laws - passed last year.
Why it's needed: This law is almost completely ineffective at solving the bullying problems; it's mostly just a "feel-good" solution with many negative aspects. And it is extremely onerous, expensive, and difficult for school systems to implement. The current law is so profoundly misguided that it needs to be completely scrapped.
In particular:
- Experts and researchers in the bullying problem have determined that this law is almost completely ineffective. Since the bill's passage there have been prominent articles in the Boston Globe by recognized experts in the anti-bullying field who have stated that this bill does not properly address the bullying problem in any meaningful way.
- It was written primarily by political activists -- particularly from homosexual groups -- who included their special-interest programs in the bill. Much of it is from the GLSEN website.
- It's been reported in the press that both of the students who committed suicide had other psychological issues and/or family problems that greatly contributed to that unfortunate situation.
- The ACLU has attacked the law (as reported in the Boston Globe) for its vagueness and the onerous punishments it gives kids - including fines and jail time -- for seemingly trivial acts.
- It requires all school employees to be "mandated reporters" of alleged bullying incidents.
- It requires all schools to give anti-bullying training to all employees.
- It requires anti-bullying curriculum in every grade K-12.
- It requires huge, detailed "bullying prevention and intervention plan" an by all schools updated and distributed every two years.
- It requires private schools to comply, in addition to public schools and charter schools.
- Encourages schools to set up special diversity training based on a person's membership in a legally protected category (i.e., sexual orientation).
- It mandates GLSEN's "No Name Calling Day" to be observed in schools throughout Massachusetts. This is basically a propaganda ploy to intimidate kids from using the word "gay."
See MassResistance writeup and analysis on the bill's passage.
If they are serious about addressing bullying in schools, they need to design something that actually is proven to work -- not just a feel-good mish-mash of special-interest
Text of bill:
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
SECTION 1. Chapter 92 of the Acts of 2010 is hereby repealed.
Note that the bills above only have "docket numbers" now. They will be assigned official bill numbers in the coming weeks.
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